
137 lines
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## About
bsdcapsicum.rb provides Ruby bindings for
## Examples
__Capability mode__
A process can enter into capability mode by calling
After entering capability mode, the process has limited
abilities. File descriptors acquired before entering into
capability mode remain accessible and unrestricted, but
their capabilites can be reduced. See the
manual page for more details:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "bsd/capsicum"
print "In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n"
print "Enter capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.enter! ? "ok" : "error", "\n"
print "In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n"
rescue Errno::ECAPMODE => ex
print "Error: #{ex.message} (#{ex.class})", "\n"
# In capability mode: no
# Enter capability mode: ok
# In capability mode: yes
# Error: Not permitted in capability mode @ rb_sysopen - /dev/null (Errno::ECAPMODE)
By spawning a child process and then entering capability mode, restrictions can be
limited to a child process (and its child processes, if any). This can be helpful in
an architecture where a parent process can spawn one or more child processes to handle
certain tasks but with restrictions in place:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "bsd/capsicum"
print "[parent] In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n"
fork do
print "[subprocess] Enter capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.enter! ? "ok" : "error", "\n"
print "[subprocess] In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n"
print "[subprocess] Exit", "\n"
exit 42
print "[parent] In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n"
# [parent] In capability mode: no
# [subprocess] Enter capability mode: ok
# [subprocess] In capability mode: yes
# [subprocess] Exit
# [parent] In capability mode: no
method can reduce the capabilities of a file descriptor. The following
example obtains a file descriptor in a parent process (with both read and
write permissions), then limits the capabilities of the file descriptor
in a child process to allow only read operations. See the
man page for a full list of capabilities:
``` ruby
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "bsd/capsicum"
path = File.join(Dir.home, "bsdcapsicum.txt")
file =, File::CREAT | File::TRUNC | File::RDWR)
file.sync = true
print "[parent] obtain file descriptor (with read+write permissions)", "\n"
fork do
BSD::Capsicum.set_rights!(file, %i[CAP_READ])
print "[subprocess] reduce rights to read-only", "\n"
print "[subprocess] read successful", "\n"
file.write "foo"
rescue Errno::ENOTCAPABLE => ex
print "[subprocess] Error: #{ex.message} (#{ex.class})", "\n"
file.write "[parent] Hello from #{}", "\n"
print "[parent] write successful", "\n"
# [parent] obtain file descriptor (with read+write permissions)
# [subprocess] reduce rights to read-only
# [subprocess] read successful
# [subprocess] Error: Capabilities insufficient @ io_write - /home/user/bsdcapsicum.txt (Errno::ENOTCAPABLE)
# [parent] write successful
## Documentation
A complete API reference is available at [](
## Install
bsdcapsicum.rb is available via
gem install bsdcapsicum.rb
## Sources
* [GitHub](
* [](
## See also
* [Freaky/ruby-capsicum]( <br>
bsdcapsicum.rb is a fork of this project. It was a huge help both
in terms of code and documentation.
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](