crc 53dc840260 add f:sin, f:tan, f:cos
FossilOrigin-Name: 613582429fb75cee604f8a4e8402286a3cf76b561782a3dbb2156e0a19a3d0ff
2017-11-19 01:04:22 +00:00

41 KiB

1*nn-n--Multiply `n1` by `n2` and return the result.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
2+nn-n--Add `n1` to `n2` and return the result.class:primitive #1 #2 + {n/a}globalall
3,n---Store the specified value into the memory at `here` and increment `Heap` by 1.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
4-nn-n--Subtract `n1` from `n2` and return the difference.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
5---reveal------Switch to the exposed (public) portion of a lexical namespace.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
6-eq?nn-f--Compare two values for inequality. Returns `TRUE` if they are not equal or `FALSE` otherwise.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
7-iffq---Execute the quotation if the flag is `FALSE`.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
8/mn-o--Divide `m` by `n` and return the result.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
9/modnm-op--Divide `n` by `m` and return the result and remainder.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
100;n-n || n---If `n` is zero, drop `n` and exit the current word. If non-zero, leave `n` alone and allow execution to continue.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
11;---End the current definition.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
12?dupn-nn || n-n--Duplicate top value on stack if not zero. If zero, do nothing.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
13ASCII:ACK-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
14ASCII:BEL-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
15ASCII:BS-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
16ASCII:CAN-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
17ASCII:CR-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
18ASCII:DC1-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
19ASCII:DC2-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
20ASCII:DC3-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
21ASCII:DC4-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
22ASCII:DEL-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
23ASCII:DLE-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
24ASCII:EM-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
25ASCII:ENQ-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
26ASCII:EOT-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
27ASCII:ESC-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
28ASCII:ETB-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
29ASCII:ETX-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
30ASCII:FF-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
31ASCII:FS-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
32ASCII:GS-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
33ASCII:HT-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
34ASCII:LF-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
35ASCII:NAK-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
36ASCII:NUL-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
37ASCII:RS-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
38ASCII:SI-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
39ASCII:SO-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
40ASCII:SOH-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
41ASCII:SPACE-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
42ASCII:STX-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
43ASCII:SUB-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
44ASCII:SYN-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
45ASCII:US-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
46ASCII:VT-n--Constant. Refers to specific ASCII code.class:data{n/a}{n/a}ASCIIall
47Compiler-a--Variable. Holds the compiler state. If TRUE, the compiler is active. If FALSE, it is not.class:data{n/a}{n/a}globalall
48Dictionary-a--Variable. Holds a pointer to the most recent dictionary header.class:data{n/a}{n/a}globalall
49EOM-n--Constant. Returns the last addressable memory address.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
50FALSE-n--Returns `0`, the value used to indicate a FALSE result.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
51FREE-n--Returns the number of cells available to your application. This is the amount of memory, less the already consumed portion and buffers mapped for RETRO's internal use.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
52Heap-a--Variable. Holds the address of the next available cell.class:data{n/a}{n/a}globalall
53RewriteUnderscores-a--Variable. When set to `TRUE`, RETRO will replace underscores in strings with spaces. When `FALSE`, RETRO does not.class:data{n/a}{n/a}globalall
54STRINGS-a--Return the address of the start of the temporary string pool.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
55ScopeList-a--Variable. This holds some information used by `{{` and `}}`.class:data{n/a}{n/a}globalall
56TRUE-n--Returns `-1`, the value used to indicate a TRUE result.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
57TempStringMax-a--Variable. Holds the maximum length of a temporary string.class:data{n/a}{n/a}globalall
58TempStrings-a--Variable. Holds the number of temporary strings.class:data{n/a}{n/a}globalall
59Version-a--Variable. This stores the version number.class:data{n/a}{n/a}globalall
60[---Begin a quotation.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
61]---End a quotation.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
62again---Close an unconditional loop. Branches back to the prior `repeat`.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
63allotn---Allocate the specified number of cells from the `Heap`.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
64andnm-o--Perform a bitwise AND operation between the two provided values.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
65as{-f--Begin an assembly section.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
66bixqq-?--Execute q1 against x, then execute q2 against a copy of x.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
67bi*xyqq-?--Execute q1 against x and q2 against y.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
68bi@xyq-?--Execute q against x, then execute q against y.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
69buffer:addn---Append a value to the current buffer.class:word{n/a}{n/a}bufferall
70buffer:empty---Reset the current buffer to an empty state.class:word{n/a}{n/a}bufferall
71buffer:end-a--Return a pointer to the current end of the active buffer.class:word{n/a}{n/a}bufferall
72buffer:get-n--Remove the last value from the current buffer.class:word{n/a}{n/a}bufferall
73buffer:preserveq---Save and restore the current buffer before and after executing the specified quote.class:word{n/a}{n/a}bufferall
74buffer:seta---Assign a new buffer as the current one.class:word{n/a}{n/a}bufferall
75buffer:size-n--Return the number of cells in the buffer.class:word{n/a}{n/a}bufferall
76buffer:start-a--Return the start address of the current buffer.class:word{n/a}{n/a}bufferall
77bye---Exit RETRO.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalrre
78c:-consonant?c-f--Return TRUE if character is a not consonant or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
79c:-digit?c-f--Return TRUE if character is a not numeric digit or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
80c:-lowercase?c-f--Return TRUE if character is not lowercase or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
81c:-uppercase?c-f--Return TRUE if character is not uppercase or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
82c:-visible?c-f--Return TRUE if character is not printable or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
83c:-vowel?c-f--Return TRUE if character is not a vowel or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
84c:-whitespace?c-f--Return TRUE if character is not whitespace, or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
85c:consonant?c-f--Return TRUE if character is a consonant or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
86c:digit?c-f--Return TRUE if character is a numeric digit or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
87c:letter?c-f--Return TRUE if character is an ASCII letter or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
88c:lowercase?c-f--Return TRUE if character is lowercase or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
89c:to-lowerc-c--Convert character to lowercase equivalent.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
90c:to-stringc-s--Convert character into a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
91c:to-upperc-c--Convert character to uppercase equivalent.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
92c:toggle-casec-c--Convert an ASCII character to the opposite case.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
93c:uppercase?c-f--Return TRUE if character is uppercase or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
94c:visible?c-f--Return TRUE if character is printable or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
95c:vowel?c-f--Return TRUE if character is a vowel or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
96c:whitespace?c-f--Return TRUE if character is whitespace, or FALSE otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}call
97calla---Call a function.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
98casenmq- || nmq-n--If `n` is equal to `m`, drop both and execute the specified quote before exiting the calling word. If not equal, leave `n` on the stack and let execution continue.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
99choosefqq---Execute q1 if the flag is `TRUE` or q2 if it is not.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
100class:datan- || n-n--Class handler for data structures.Keep the address or value on the stack.Compile the value or address as a literal into the current definition.class:word{n/a}{n/a}classall
101class:macroa---Class handler for compiler macros (immediate words)Execute the function at the provided address.Execute the function at the provided address.class:word{n/a}{n/a}classall
102class:primitivea---Class handler for primitive words (words which map to Nga instructions)Execute the function.Compile the machine code in the definiton into the current definition.class:word{n/a}{n/a}classall
103class:worda---Class handler for normal words.Execute the function at the provided address.Compile a call to the specified address into the current definition.class:word{n/a}{n/a}classall
104compile:calla---Compile a call to the specified address into the current definition.class:word{n/a}{n/a}compileall
105compile:jumpa---Compile a jump to the specified address into the current definition.class:word{n/a}{n/a}compileall
106compile:litn---Compile the code to push a number to the stack into the current definition.class:word{n/a}{n/a}compileall
107compile:ret---Compile a return instruction into the current definition.class:word{n/a}{n/a}compileall
108compiling?-f--Return `TRUE` if compiler is on or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
109constns---Create a constant returning the specified value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
110copysdl---Copy `l` cells from memory at `s` to the memory at `d`. These should not overlap.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
111currynq-q--Bind a value to a function and return a new quote that calls the bound action.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
112dn---Inline a numeric value to the current assembly segment.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
113d:add-headersaa---Create a header. Provide a string (s) for the name, a pointer to the class handler (a1) and a pointer to the word definition (a2) Generally this won't be used directly.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
114d:classd-a--Given a dictionary header, return the class field.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
115d:creates---Create a new dictionary header named the specified string. The new header will point to `here` and have a class of `class:data`.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
116d:for-eachq---Execute the specified quote once for each header in the dictionary. Before running the quote, this also pushes a pointer to the header onto the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
117d:last-d--Return the most recent dictionary header.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
118d:last<class>-a--Return a pointer to the class field of the most recent dictionary header.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
119d:last<name>-s--Return a pointer to the name field of the most recent dictionary header.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
120d:last<xt>-a--Return a pointer to the xt field of the most recent dictionary header.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
121d:linkd-a--Given a dictionary header, return the link field.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
122d:lookups-d--Lookup the specified name in the dictionary and return a pointer to its dictionary header. This returns zero if the word is not found.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
123d:lookup-xta-d--Lookup the specified address in the dictionary and return a pointer to its dictionary header. This returns zero if the word is not found.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
124d:named-s--Given a dictionary header, return the name field.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
125d:xtd-a--Given a dictionary header, return the xt field.class:word{n/a}{n/a}dall
126data---Change the class of the most recently defined word to `class:data`.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
127depth-n--Return the number of items on the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
128dipnq-n--Temporarily remove n from the stack, execute the quotation, and then restore n to the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
129doesq---Attach an action to the most recently created word. This is used in a manner similar to CREATE/DOES> in traditional Forth.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
130dropn---Discard the top value on the stack.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
131drop-pairnn---Remove top two items on the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
132dump-stack---Display the items on the data stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
133dupn-nn--Duplicate the top item on the stack.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
134dup-pairnm-nmnm--Duplicate the top two items on the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
135eq?nn-f--Compare two values for equality. Returns `TRUE` if they are equal or `FALSE` otherwise.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
136err:notfound---Error handler. Called when a word is not found by `interpret`.class:word{n/a}{n/a}errall
137f:*--FF-FMultiply two floating point numbers, returning the result.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
138f:+--FF-FAdd two floating point numbers, returning the result.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
139f:---FF-FSubtract F2 from F1 returing the result.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
140f:-eq?-f-FF-Compare two floating point values for inequality. Returns `TRUE` if they are not equal or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
141f:/--FF-FDivide floating point value F1 by F2.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
142f:abs--F-FReturn the absolute value for a floating point value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
143f:cos--f-fReturn the cosine of a floating point number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
144f:depth-n--Return the number of items on the floating point stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
145f:drop--F-Discard the top item on the floating point stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
146f:dup--F-FFDuplicate the top item on the floating point stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
147f:eq?-f-FF-Compare two floating point values for equality. Returns `TRUE` if they are equal or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
148f:floor--F-FPerform a mathmatical floor operation on the floating point value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
149f:gt?-f-FF-Compare two floating point values for greater than.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
150f:log--FF-FReturn log(F1) for base F2 for floating point values.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
151f:lt?-f-FF-Compare two floating point values for less than.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
152f:negate--F-FInvert the sign of the floating point value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
153f:negative?-f-F-Return `TRUE` if floating point value is negative or `FALSE` if not.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
154f:over--FG-FGFPut a copy of the second floating point value over the top one.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
155f:positive?-f-F-Return `TRUE` if floating point value is positive or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
156f:power--FF-FReturn F1^F2 for floating point values.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
157f:sin--f-fReturn the sine of a floating point number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
158f:swap--FG-GFExchange the top and second items on the floating point stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
159f:tan--f-fReturn the tangent of a floating point number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
160f:to-number-n-F-Convert a floating point value into a number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
161f:to-string-s-F-Convert a floating point value into a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
162f:tuck--FG-GFGTuck a copy of the top floating point value under the second one.class:word{n/a}{n/a}frre
163fetcha-n--Fetch the value stored at the specified address.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
164fetch-nexta-an--Fetch the value stored at the specified address. Returns the next address and the value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
165file:A-n--Constant for opening a file in APPEND mode.class:data{n/a}{n/a}filerre
166file:R-n--Constant for opening a file in READ mode.class:data{n/a}{n/a}filerre
167file:R+-n--Constant for opening a file in READ & WRITE mode.class:data{n/a}{n/a}filerre
168file:W-n--Constant for opening a file in WRITE mode.class:data{n/a}{n/a}filerre
169file:closeh---Given a file handle, close the file.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
170file:deletes---Delete the named file.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
171file:exists?s-f--Given a file name, return `TRUE` if it exists or `FALSE` if it does not.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
172file:flushh---Given a file handle, flush any pending writes to disk.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
173file:for-each-linesq---Given a file name, open it and run the quote once for each line in the file.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
174file:opensm-h--Open a named file (s) with the given mode (m). Returns a handle identifying the file.class:word '/etc/motd file:R file:open{n/a}filerre
175file:readh-c--Given a file handle, read and return the next character in it.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
176file:read-linef-s--Given a file handle, read a line and return a pointer to it.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
177file:seeknh---Move the current offset into a file to the specified one.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
178file:sizeh-n--Given a file handle, return the size of the file (in bytes).class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
179file:slurpas---Given an address and a file name, read the file contents into memory starting at the address.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
180file:spewss---Given a string (s1) and a file name (s2), write the string into the file, replacing any existing cotent.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
181file:tellh-n--Given a file handle, return the current offset in the file.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
182file:writech---Write a character to the file represented by the handle.class:word{n/a}{n/a}filerre
183getc-c--Read a single keypress.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalrre
184gopher:getasns-n--Takes an address, a server, a port, and a selector. Fetch the resource and store it at address. Return the number of bytes received.class:word{n/a}{n/a}gopherrre
185gt?nn-f--Compare n1 and n2. Return `TRUE` if n1 is greater than n2, or `FALSE` otherwise.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
186gteq?nn-f--Compare n1 and n2. Return `TRUE` if n1 is greater than or equal to n2, or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
187here-a--Return the next free address in memory.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
188is---Assemble the instructions specified by the string into the current assembly scope.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
189iffq---Execute the quote if the flag is `TRUE`.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
190immediate---Change the class of the most recently defined word to `class:macro`.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
191interprets---Interpret a single input token.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
192lt?nn-f--Compare n1 and n2. Return `TRUE` if n1 is less than n2, or `FALSE` otherwise.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
193lteq?nn-f--Compare n1 and n2. Return `TRUE` if n1 is less than or equal to n2, or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
194modnm-o--Divide `n` by `m` and return the remainder.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
195n:-zero?n-f--Return `TRUE` if number is not zero, or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
196n:MAX-n--Return the maximum value that will fit in a cell.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
197n:MIN-n--Return the minimum value that will fit in a cell.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
198n:absn-n--Return the absolute value of a number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
199n:between?nlu-f--Return TRUE if number is between the lower (l) and upper (u) bounds. If not, return FALSE. This is inclusive of the limits.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
200n:decn-m--Decrement n by one.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
201n:even?n-f--Return `TRUE` if number is even, or `FALSE` if not.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
202n:incn-m--Increment n by one.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
203n:limitnlu-m--Return n if it is within the lower (l) and upper (u) bounds. If outside the bounds, return the closes boundary value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
204n:maxmn-o--Return the greater of two values.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
205n:minmn-o--Return the lesser of two values.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
206n:negaten-n--Invert the sign of a number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
207n:negative?n-f--Return `TRUE` if number is negative, or `FALSE` if not.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
208n:odd?n-f--Return `TRUE` if number is odd, or `FALSE` if not.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
209n:positive?n-f--Return `TRUE` if number is positive, or `FALSE` if not.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
210n:powbp-n--Return base (b) to power (p).class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
211n:sqrtn-m--Return the square root of a number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
212n:squaren-m--Return the square of a number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
213n:strictly-positive?n-f--Return TRUE if number is greater than zero or FALSE if it is zero or less.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
214n:to-floatn---FConvert a number into a floating point value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nrre
215n:to-stringn-s--Convert a number into a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
216n:zero?n-f--Return `TRUE` if number is zero, or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}nall
217nipnm-m--Remove the second item from the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
218nl---Display a newline.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
219notn-m--Perform a logical NOT operation.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
220ormn-o--Perform a bitwise OR between the provided values.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
221overnm-nmn--Put a copy of n over m.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
222pop-nn--Move a value from the return stack to the data stack.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
223prefix:!ns---Store a value into a variable.Store a value into the named variable.Compile the code to store a value into a named variable.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixall
224prefix:#s-n--Process token as a number.Convert the string into a number and leave on the stack.Convert the string into a number and compile into the current definition as a literal.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixall
225prefix:$s-c--Process token as an ASCII character.Fetch first character from string. Leave on stack.Fetch first character from the string. Compile into the current definition as literal.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixall
226prefix:&s-a--Return a pointer to a named item.Lookup name in dictionary, return contents of the xt field on the stack.Lookup name in dictionary, compile code to push the contents of the xt field into the current definition.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixall
227prefix:'s-s--Process token as a string.Move string into temporary buffer. If `RewriteUnderscores` is `TRUE`, replace all instances of _ with space.Move string into temporary buffer. If `RewriteUnderscores` is `TRUE`, replace all instances of _ with space. Then compile the string into the current definition.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixall
228prefix:(s---Process token as a comment.Discard the string.Discard the string.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixall
229prefix:.s---FInterpret time: convert string to a floating point value. Compile time: convert string to a floating point value and compile code to push this value to the float stack.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixrre
230prefix::s---Process token as a new definition.Create a header pointing to `here` with the provided string as the name. Sets class to `class:word`.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixall
231prefix:@s-n--Fetch from a stored variable.Fetch a value from a named variable.Compile the code to fetch a value from a named variable into the current definition.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixall
232prefix:`s---Process token as a bytecode.Discard the string.Convert the string to a number and use `,` to inline it into the current definition.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}prefixall
233pushn--n-Move a value from the data stack to the return stack.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
234putcc---Display a single character.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
235putf--F-Display a floating point number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalrre
236putnn---Display a number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
237putss---Display a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
238rs---Lookup a reference by name and inline its pointer to the current assembly segment.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
239reclassa---Change the class handler of the most recently defined word to the specified one.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall the order of items on the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
241repeat---Begin an unconditional loop.class:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
242reset...---Remove all items from the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
243rotabc-bca--Rotate the top three values.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
244s,s---Compile the code needed to push a string pointer to the stack and inline the string data into the current definition.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
245s:ASCII-LETTERS-s--Constant. Returns a string of the ASCII letters (upper and lower case)class:data{n/a}{n/a}sall
246s:ASCII-LOWERCASE-s--Constant. Returns a string of the ASCII letters in lowercaseclass:data{n/a}{n/a}sall
247s:ASCII-UPPERCASE-s--Constant. Returns a string of the ASCII letters in uppercaseclass:data{n/a}{n/a}sall
248s:DIGITS-s--Constant. Return a string of characters recognized as numeric digits.class:data{n/a}{n/a}sall
249s:PUNCTUATION-s--Constant. Return a string of characters recognized as punctuation.class:data{n/a}{n/a}sall
250s:WHITESPACE-s--Constant. Returns a string of characters recognized as whitespace.class:data{n/a}{n/a}sall
251s:appendss-s--Return a new string consisting of s1 followed by s2.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
252s:casesSq- || sSq-s--If the `s` matches `S`, discard `s` and run the quote before exiting the caller. If they do not match, discard the quote and leave `s` on the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
253s:chops-s--Remove the last character from a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
254s:constss---Create a constant named s2, returning a pointer to s1. This will use `s:keep` to preserve the original string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
255s:contains-char?sc-f--Return `TRUE` if the character is present in the string or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
256s:contains-string?ss-f--Return `TRUE` if the second string is present in the first string or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
257s:copysa---Copy a string (s) to a destination (a). This will include the terminator character when copying.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
258s:empty-s--Return an empty string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
259s:eq?ss-f--Compare two strings for equality. Return `TRUE` if identical or `FALSE` if not.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
260s:evaluates-?--Evaluate string as if it was typed into the interpreter.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
261s:filtersq-s--Execute the quote once for each value in the string. If the quote returns `TRUE`, append the value into a new string. If `FALSE` the value will be discarded.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
262s:for-eachsq---Execute the quote once for each value in the string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
263s:hashs-n--Calculate a hash value for a string. This uses the djb2 algorithim.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
264s:index-ofsc-n--Return the location of the first instance of the specified character in the string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
265s:index-of-stringss-n--Return the location of the first instance of the specified substring (s2) in the string (s1). Returns -1 if not found.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
266s:keeps-s--Store a string into the heap and return a pointer to the start of it.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
267s:leftsn-s--Return a new string containing the first `n` characters from the source string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
268s:lengths-n--Return the number of characters in a string, excluding the NULL terminator.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
269s:mapsq-s--Execute the specified quote once for each character in the string. Builds a new string from the return value of the quote. The quote should return only one value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
270s:prependss-s--Return a new string consisting of s2 followed by s1.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
271s:replacesss-s--Replace the first instance of s2 in s1 with s3.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
272s:reverses-s--Reverse the order of ASCII characters in a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
273s:rightsn-s--Return a new string containing the specified number of characters from the right side of the string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
274s:skip---Internal helper function used to skip over a string in a definition.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
275s:splitsc-ss--Split a string on the first occurrance of the specified character.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
276s:split-on-stringss-ss--Split a string on the first occurrance of the specified string. After the split, the top stack item will be the part of the string before the specified subsring, and the second item will be the rest of the original string.class:word 'Hello_Brave_World! 'Brave s:split-on-string puts nl puts nl{n/a}sall
277s:substrsfl-s--Extract a substring from the specified string. This will take the characters starting at `f` and extend `l` characters in length.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
278s:temps-s--Move a string into the temporary string buffers.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
279s:to-floats---FConvert a string representation into a floating point value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}srre
280s:to-lowers-s--Convert uppercase ASCII characters in a string to lowercase.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
281s:to-numbers-n--Convert a string to a number.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
282s:to-uppers-s--Convert lowercase ASCII characters in a string to uppercase.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
283s:tokenizesc-a--Takes a string and a character to use as a separator. It splits the string into a set of substrings and returns a set containing pointers to each of them.class:word{n/a}{n/a}{n/a}{n/a}
284s:tokenize-on-stringss-a--Takes a string (s1) and a substring (s2) use as a separator. It splits the string into a set of substrings and returns a set containing pointers to each of them.class:word{n/a}{n/a}{n/a}{n/a}
285s:trims-s--Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
286s:trim-lefts-s--Trim leading whitespace from a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
287s:trim-rights-s--Trim trailing whitespace from a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
288s:with-format...s-s--Construct a new string using the template passed and items from the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sall
289set:contains-string?sa-f--Return `TRUE` if the string value is in the set or`FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
290set:contains?na-f--Return `TRUE` if the value is in the set or `FALSE` otherwise.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
291set:dupa-b--Make a copy of a set. Return the address of the copy.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
292set:filteraq-b--For each item in the initial set, run the specified quote. If the quote returns `TRUE`, copy the item into a new set. If `FALSE`, discard it. Returns a pointer to the new set.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
293set:for-eachaq---Execute the quote once for each item in the set.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
294set:from-resultsq-a--Execute quote. Return a new set containing the values the quote leaves on the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
295set:from-strings-a--Create a new set with the characters in the source string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
296set:lengtha-n--Return the length of a set.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
297set:mapaq---Execute quote once for each item in the set. Constructs a new set from the value returned by the quote.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
298set:nthan-b--Return the actual address of the nth item in the set.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
299set:reducepnq-n--Takes a set, a starting value, and a quote. This will apply the quote to each item in the set; the quote should consume two values and return one.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
300set:reversea-b--Reverse the order of items in a set. This will return a new set.class:word{n/a}{n/a}setall
301shiftmn-o--Peform a bitwise shift of m by n bits. If n is positive, shift right. If negative, the shift will be to the left.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
302sipnq-n--Run quote. After execution completes, put a copy of n back on top of the stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
303sp---Display a space (`ASCII:SPACE`)class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
304storena---Store a value into the specified address.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
305store-nextna-a--Store a value into the specified address and return the next address.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
306swapnm-mn--Exchange the position of the top two items on the stackclass:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
307sys:argc-n--Return the number of arguments passed to the program.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sysrre
308sys:argvn-s--Given an argument number, return the argument as a string.class:word{n/a}{n/a}sysrre
309tab---Display a tab (`ASCII:HT`)class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
310timesnq---Run the specified quote the specified number of times.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
311tors-n--Get a copy of the top item on the return stack.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
312trixqqq-?--Apply q1 against x, then q2 against a copy of x, and finally q3 against another copy of x.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
313tri*xyzqqq-?--Apply q1 against x, q2 against y, and q3 against z.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
314tri@xyzq-?--Apply q against x, then against y, and finally against z.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
315tucknm-mnm--Put a copy of the top item on the stack under the second one.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
316unix:chdirs---Change the current working directory to the specified one.class:word '/etc unix:chdir{n/a}unixrre
317unix:exec0s---Execute a process by running the application specified by s.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
318unix:exec1ss---Execute a process by running the application specified by s1. Pass s2 as an argument.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
319unix:exec2sss---Execute a process by running the application specified by s1. Pass s2 and s3 as arguments.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
320unix:exec3ssss---Execute a process by running the application specified by s1. Pass s2, s3, and s4 as arguments.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
321unix:exitn---Exit the current process, returning the specified return code.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
322unix:fork-n--Fork the current process. Returns a PID.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
323unix:getenvsa---Get an environment variable. Provide the name and an address to store it in.class:word 'SHELL s:empty [ unix:getenv ] sip puts nl{n/a}unixrre
324unix:getpid-n--Return the PID of the current process.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
325unix:killnn---Terminates a process. Takes a process and a signal to send.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
326unix:pclosen---Close a pipe.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
327unix:popensn-n--Open a pipe. Takes a command to run, and a file mode (`file:R` or `file:W`; `file:R+` may work on some systems). Returns a file ID usable with words in the `file:` namespace.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
328unix:putenvs---Takes a string in the form `name=value` and sets an environment variable named `name` to `value`.class:word 'EDITOR=vi unix:putenv{n/a}unixrre
329unix:sleepn---Sleep for the specified number of seconds.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
330unix:systems---Runs another application using the system shell and returns after execution is completed.class:word 'ls_-lh_/etc unix:system{n/a}unixrre
331unix:wait-n--Waits for a child process to complete. This maps to the wait() system call.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
332unix:writesh---Write a string to the specified file handle.class:word{n/a}{n/a}unixrre
333untilq---Execute quote repeatedly while the quote returns a value of `FALSE`. The quote must return a flag of either `TRUE` or `FALSE` to be used with this.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
334v:deca---Decrement the value stored at the specified address by 1.class:word{n/a}{n/a}vall
335v:dec-byna---Decrement the value stored at the specified address by the specified value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}vall
336v:inca---Increment the value stored at the specified address by 1.class:word{n/a}{n/a}vall
337v:inc-byna---Increment the value stored at the specified address by the specified value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}vall
338v:limitalu---Fetch the value stored at the address, then run `n:limit` against it, using the specified lower and upper bounds. Then store the resulting value back to the original address.class:word{n/a}{n/a}vall
339v:offa---Set a variable to 0.class:word{n/a}{n/a}vall
340v:ona---Set a variable to -1.class:word{n/a}{n/a}vall
341v:preserveaq---Make a copy of the value at the address, then run the quote. Once the quote completes, restore the address to the specified value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}vall
342v:update-usingaq---Fetch a value from the specified address, then run the quotation with this value on the stack. Afterwards, store the returned value at the original address.class:word{n/a}{n/a}vall
343vars---Create a variable. The variable is initialized to 0.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
344var<n>ns---Create a variable with the specified initial value.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
345whileq---Execute quote repeatedly while the quote returns a value of `TRUE`. The quote must return a flag of either `TRUE` or `FALSE` to be used with this.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
346words---Display a list of all named items in the `Dictionary`.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
347xormn-o--Perform a bitwise XOR operation.class:primitive{n/a}{n/a}globalall
348{{---Begin a lexically scoped area.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall
349}asf---End an assembly sectionclass:macro{n/a}{n/a}globalall
350}}---End a lexically scoped area.class:word{n/a}{n/a}globalall