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#!/usr/bin/env retro
_ _ _ _
| |_ __ _| | ____ ___ _(_)_ __(_) crc's new listener for
| __/ _` | |/ / _` \ \ /\ / / | '__| | RetroForth
| || (_| | < (_| |\ V V /| | | | |
\__\__,_|_|\_\__,_| \_/\_/ |_|_| |_| ** UNDER DEVELOPMENT **
# Terminal Configuration
Setup the local terminal dimensions. This requires the current
development build of Retro to gain access to the `ioctl:` words.
(If not using this, hard code the terminal constraints for your
ioctl:term-size (rows,cols) 'LT:W const 'LT:H const
Setup the text output buffer dimensions. The width is currently
fixed at 80 columns; the height is set based on the terminal
#80 'TOB:W const
LT:H #2 - 'TOB:H const
Check to make sure the terminal is large enough to display
LT:W #100 lt? [ 'Terminal_too_narrow! s:put nl bye ] if
LT:H #27 lt? [ 'Terminal_too_short! s:put nl bye ] if
# Dependencies
Load dependencies from the library.
{ 'konilo 'termina 'tob } &library:load a:for-each
# Configure UI Colors
:dss:label (-) fg:red ;
:dss:value (-) fg:yellow ;
:dss:sep (-) fg:cyan ;
:dss:prompt (-) bg:blue fg:white ;
# Utilities
I intend for takawiri to provide a variety of useful tools to
aid in using RetroForth interactively.
This word provides access to retro-describe(1).
:describe (s-)
'retro-describe_"%s" s:format file:R unix:popen
[ dup file:read dup c:put n:zero? ] until unix:pclose ;
# Watchlist
The watchlist will allow monitoring a small number of addresses
in the right panel of the interface. A use case might be to
do something like:
&Base 'Base watch
&Compiler 'Compiler watch
'Watchlist d:create #5 , #-1 , #-1 , #-1 , #-1 , #-1 ,
'WatchlistLabels d:create #5 , #-1 , #-1 , #-1 , #-1 , #-1 ,
:watchlist:find (a-n)
dup &Watchlist a:contains? [ drop #-1 ] -if;
&Watchlist swap a:index ;
:watchlist:make-label (s-s)
dup s:length #8 gt? [ #8 s:left ] if
dup s:length #8 lt?
[ dup s:length #8 swap n:sub [ '_ s:append ] times ] if
s:keep ;
:watch (as-)
#-1 watchlist:find &Watchlist &WatchlistLabels
'abcde 'adcbec reorder a:store a:store ;
:unwatch (a-)
watchlist:find dup n:positive? &drop -if
[ &Watchlist #-1 'abc 'acab reorder a:store ]
[ &WatchlistLabels #-1 'abc 'acab reorder a:store ] bi ;
:watchlist (-)
#19 #5 [ dup #84 vt:row,col
dss:label &WatchlistLabels over #19 n:sub a:fetch
dup #-1 -eq? [ s:put sp ] [ drop '_________ s:put ] choose
dss:value &Watchlist over #19 n:sub a:fetch
dup n:positive? [ fetch ] [ drop #0 ] choose
n:put n:inc vt:reset ] times drop ;
# UI
First are words to display the text output buffer.
:bar:right (-) dss:sep TOB:H n:inc [ I n:inc TOB:W #2 n:add vt:row,col $| c:put ] indexed-times vt:reset ;
:bar:bottom (-) dss:sep TOB:H n:inc #1 vt:row,col TOB:W n:inc [ $= c:put ] times $+ c:put vt:reset ;
:display:tob (-) tob:display bar:right bar:bottom ;
Draw the section separators.
:length (-n) LT:W TOB:W #4 n:add n:sub ;
:--- (n-) [ $- c:put ] times sp ;
:sections (-)
#3 [ I n:inc #6 n:mul TOB:W #4 n:add vt:row,col length --- ]
vt:reset ;
'Items d:create #0 comma #32 allot
:tos? over n:zero? ;
[ depth #5 n:min !Items
&Items fetch-next &store-next times drop
&Items a:reverse [ ] a:for-each
#0 &Items [
over n:inc #6 n:add #84 vt:row,col
tos? [ 'TOS:___ s:put ] [ '_______ s:put ] choose
n:inc ] a:for-each
drop ] gc ;
This is the start of code to display temporary strings on the
data stack. The plan is to have it show below the stack values,
in a format like:
<depth> <first XX characters>
The <depth> data will match up to the values in the stack disp.
Note: this won't be useful until after the alternate `s:evaluate`
is done.
:ss/later (-)
#0 &Items [ dup STRINGS gt? [ over n:inc #12 n:add #84 vt:row,col s:put ] &drop choose n:inc ] a:for-each drop
:layout:stat,col (-n) #84 ;
:layout:stat (sn-) layout:stat,col vt:row,col dss:label s:put dss:value ;
'HERE:__ #1 layout:stat here n:put
'FREE:__ #2 layout:stat FREE n:put
'DEPTH:_ #3 layout:stat depth n:put
'ROW:___ #4 layout:stat @TY n:put
'COL:___ #5 layout:stat @TX n:put
:prompt (-)
LT:H #1 vt:row,col LT:W [ sp ] times
LT:H #1 vt:row,col '>>_ s:put ;
:quit ioctl:set-lbreak vt:reset bye ;
:bye quit ;
&err:notfound unhook
&banner tob:with
[ vt:reset vt:clear vt:home
stats dss (ss watchlist
prompt s:get-word vt:reset
[ dup s:put sp interpret ] tob:with
] forever ;
Things needed:
- termios device & words (or add termios to unix device?)
- colors for interface elements
- refactor & document everything