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_ _ _ _
| |_ __ _| | ____ ___ _(_)_ __(_) crc's new listener for
| __/ _` | |/ / _` \ \ /\ / / | '__| | RetroForth
| || (_| | < (_| |\ V V /| | | | |
\__\__,_|_|\_\__,_| \_/\_/ |_|_| |_| ** UNDER DEVELOPMENT **
Load depenencies from the library.
{ 'konilo 'termina 'tob } &library:load a:for-each
# ui
:dss:label (-) fg:red ;
:dss:value (-) fg:cyan ;
:dss:sep (-) fg:blue ;
:~left dss:sep #23 [ I n:inc #82 vt:row,col $| c:put ] indexed-times vt:reset ;
:~bottom dss:sep #24 #1 vt:row,col #81 [ $= c:put ] times $+ c:put vt:reset ;
'Items d:create #0 comma #32 allot
[ depth #32 n:min !Items
&Items fetch-next [ store-next ] times drop
&Items a:reverse [ ] a:for-each
#0 &Items [
over n:inc #6 n:add #84 vt:row,col
over n:zero? [ 'TOS:___ s:put ] [ '_______ s:put ] choose
n:inc ] a:for-each
drop ] gc ;
#1 #84 vt:row,col dss:label 'HERE:__ s:put dss:value here n:put
#2 #84 vt:row,col dss:label 'FREE:__ s:put dss:value FREE n:put
#3 #84 vt:row,col dss:label 'DEPTH:_ s:put dss:value depth n:put
#4 #84 vt:row,col dss:label 'ROW:___ s:put dss:value @TY n:put
#5 #84 vt:row,col dss:label 'COL:___ s:put dss:value @TX n:put
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
&err:notfound unhook
&banner tob:with
[ vt:clear vt:home tob:display
~left stats dss
#25 #1 vt:row,col '>>_ s:put s:get
[ dup s:put nl s:evaluate ] tob:with
] forever ;
Things needed:
- termios device & words (or add termios to unix device?)
- colors for interface elements
- write a better alternative to `s:evaluate` to avoid consuming
the temporary string space
- refactor & document everything