0x1eef 2d9a22ea8f The great rewrite
The project's directory structure has been changed to be similar
to how FreeBSD organizes its filesystem. The english, portuguese,
and farsi translations are now sourced from https://quran.com. The
original Arabic is still sourced from searchtruth.com. Files
have been removed, and / or replaced. The SQL-related files have
been removed, with the intention to separate them into a new project
in the future (quran-sql). The lessons learnt from the development of
quran-audio were an inspiration for this change.
2023-02-08 16:14:48 -03:00

66 lines
2.4 KiB

## About
This repository contains the contents of the holy book, The Quran - in its original
Arabic. Translations in English, Farsi, and Portuguese are also included. The contents
are available in the JSON, and SQL formats.
1. [src/json/](#srcjson-directory)
2. [src/sql/](#srcsql-directory)
3. [bin/](#bin-directory)
## <a id='srcjson-directory'>src/json/</a>
* [src/json/ar/](src/json/ar/) contains The Quran in its original Arabic.
* [src/json/en/](src/json/en/) contains an English translation of The Quran.
* [src/json/fa/](src/json/fa/) contains a Farsi translation of The Quran.
* [src/json/pt/](src/json/pt/) contains a Portuguese translation of The Quran.
#### JSON schema
Each JSON file represents a surah (also known as a chapter). The format of the JSON
files can be described as an array where the first element is an object that contains
information about a surah, and the rest of the array is made up of two-element arrays.
The first element is the ayah number (also known as a verse number), and the second
element is the contents of the ayah. See Surah [Al-Fatihah](src/json/en/1.json) as
an example.
## <a id='srcsql-directory'>src/sql/</a>
* [src/sql/schema.sql](src/sql/schema.sql) defines the schema of the database.
* [src/sql/seed.sql](src/sql/seed.sql) can be used to populate a SQL database.
* [src/sql/queries/](src/sql/queries) contains example SQL queries.
## <a id='bin-directory'>bin/</a>
The [bin/](bin/) directory contains scripts that generate the contents of the
[src/](src/) directory:
* JSON scripts
* [bin/json/pull-arabic](bin/json/pull-arabic) <br>
This script populates [src/json/ar/](src/json/ar/).
* [bin/json/pull-english](bin/json/pull-english) <br>
This script populates [src/json/en/](src/json/en/).
* [bin/json/pull-farsi](bin/json/pull-farsi) <br>
This script populates [src/json/fa/](src/json/fa/).
* [bin/json/pull-portuguese](bin/json/pull-portuguese) <br>
This script populates [src/json/pt/](src/json/pt/).
* SQL scripts
* [bin/sql/create-sql-seed-file](bin/sql/create-sql-seed-file) <br>
This script creates [src/sql/seed.sql](src/sql/seed.sql).
## Thanks
First and foremost, Alhamdulillah.
I'd also like to extend thanks to the following websites for providing
the content that quran-pull downloads:
* https://searchtruth.com for the original Arabic.
* https://quran.com for the English, Portuguese, and Farsi translations.
## License
Public domain.