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This repository contains the contents of the holy book, The Quran - in its original Arabic. Translations in English, Farsi, and Portuguese are also included. The contents are available in the JSON, and SQL formats.
- src/json/ar/ contains The Quran in its original Arabic.
- src/json/en/ contains an English translation of The Quran.
- src/json/fa/ contains a Farsi translation of The Quran.
- src/json/pt/ contains a Portuguese translation of The Quran.
JSON schema
Each JSON file represents a surah (also known as a chapter). The format of the JSON files can be described as an array where the first element is an object that contains information about a surah, and the rest of the array is made up of two-element arrays. The first element is the ayah number (also known as a verse number), and the second element is the contents of the ayah. See Surah Al-Fatihah as an example.
## <a id='srcsql-directory'>src/sql/</a>
* [src/sql/schema.sql](src/sql/schema.sql) defines the schema of the database.
* [src/sql/seed.sql](src/sql/seed.sql) can be used to populate a SQL database.
* [src/sql/queries/](src/sql/queries) contains example SQL queries.
## <a id='bin-directory'>bin/</a>
The [bin/](bin/) directory contains scripts that generate the contents of the
[src/](src/) directory:
* JSON scripts
* [bin/json/pull-arabic](bin/json/pull-arabic) <br>
This script populates [src/json/ar/](src/json/ar/).
* [bin/json/pull-english](bin/json/pull-english) <br>
This script populates [src/json/en/](src/json/en/).
* [bin/json/pull-farsi](bin/json/pull-farsi) <br>
This script populates [src/json/fa/](src/json/fa/).
* [bin/json/pull-portuguese](bin/json/pull-portuguese) <br>
This script populates [src/json/pt/](src/json/pt/).
* SQL scripts
* [bin/sql/create-sql-seed-file](bin/sql/create-sql-seed-file) <br>
This script creates [src/sql/seed.sql](src/sql/seed.sql).
## Credit
Thanks to the following websites:
* https://searchtruth.com - for the original Arabic.
* https://quran.com - for the English translation.
* https://al-quran.cc - for the Farsi, and Portuguese translations.
## License
This software is released into the Public Domain.