0x1eef b69cc3dbee
Some checks are pending
portzap / shellcheck (push) Waiting to run
Update docs (README.md)
2024-08-07 02:45:11 -03:00

95 lines
2.7 KiB

## About
portzap is a utility that manages a local copy of the
[HardenedBSD ports tree](https://git.HardenedBSD.org/HardenedBSD/ports).
The copy of the ports tree is maintained by members of
the `_portzap` group, and the copy of the ports tree
can be installed into `/usr/ports/` by root.
## CLI
### CLI: setup-portzap
`setup-portzap` should be run after installing portzap for
the first time. <br> There is no harm in running `setup-portzap`
multiple times:
# Add the '_portzap' user, group and home directory
# This command requires root privileges
root@localhost# setup-portzap
### CLI: group
The following commands are delegated to the `_portzap` user and
restricted to members of the `_portzap` group. The restrictions
are enforced by portzap and to a lesser extent by
* **portzap clone** <br>
Clone the HardenedBSD ports tree into `/home/_portzap/ports/` <br>
* **portzap pull** <br>
Pull updates into `/home/_portzap/ports/` <br>
* **portzap checkout** <br>
Checkout a branch other than the default: `hardenedbsd/main` <br>
* **portzap sh** <br>
Run `/bin/sh` within `/home/_portzap/ports/` <br>
### CLI: superuser
The following commands are restricted to root. <br>
The restrictions are enforced by portzap:
* **portzap rm** <br>
Remove the contents of `/usr/ports/` and `/home/_portzap/ports/` <br>
* **portzap install** <br>
Install `/home/_portzap/ports/` into `/usr/ports/` <br>
## Environment
The URL of a git repository <br>
Default: https://git.HardenedBSD.org/HardenedBSD/ports.git
The directory where the ports collection will be installed <br>
Default: /usr/ports/
## Install
portzap is available
[from the HardenedBSD ports tree](https://git.HardenedBSD.org/HardenedBSD/ports/-/tree/HardenedBSD/main/hardenedbsd/portzap).
`pkg install portzap` should work too but expect slower updates. The most
recent version of portzap can be installed via git:
# Clone
user@localhost$ git clone https://git.hardenedbsd.org/0x1eef/portzap.git
user@localhost$ cd portzap
# Install
root@localhost# make install
root@localhost# setup-portzap
# Add user to '_portzap' group
root@localhost# pw groupmod -n _portzap -m <user>
## Requirements
* [doas](https://man.openbsd.org/doas)
* [git](https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/git.1.html)
## Sources
* [GitHub](https://github.com/0x1eef/portzap)
* [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/0x1eef/portzap)
* [git.HardenedBSD.org/@0x1eef](https://git.HardenedBSD.org/0x1eef/portzap)
* [brew.bsd.cafe/@0x1eef](https://brew.bsd.cafe/0x1eef/portzap)
## License
[BSD Zero Clause](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/0bsd/) <br>