#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true libdir = File.join(__dir__, "..", "lib") require File.join(libdir, "twenty-cli", "libexec") case ARGV[0] when "up" wait spawn("up", *ARGV[1..]) exit $?.exitstatus when "down" wait spawn("down", *ARGV[1..]) exit $?.exitstatus when "connect" wait spawn("connect", *ARGV[1..]) exit $?.exitstatus when "disconnect" wait spawn("disconnect", *ARGV[1..]) exit $?.exitstatus when "migrate" wait spawn("migrate", *ARGV[1..]) exit $?.exitstatus when "console" wait spawn("console", *ARGV[1..]) exit $?.exitstatus else warn "Usage: 20 COMMAND [OPTIONS]\n\n" \ "Commands:\n" \ " up Start the twenty web server.\n" \ " down Stop the twenty web server.\n" \ " connect Connect a project to twenty.\n" \ " disconnect Disconnect a project from twenty.\n" \ " migrate Migrate the database.\n" \ " console Start the twenty developer console.\n" \ end