import network import mip # Put Your SSID and Password SSID: str = "MikroTik-Net" Password: str = "raspberry" reset = True # To Reset Network State and Force Connect print(">> Start MicroPython Libs Installer ... ") print(">> Connecting ... ") wlan0 = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if reset: # Masukkan SSID dan Password wlan0.connect(SSID, Password) while not wlan0.isconnected(): pass status = wlan0.isconnected() if(status == True): print("==>> Connected") print(">> Verifying Libs urequests ...") try: import urequests print("==>> OK") except: print("==>> Failed. Installing Libs ... ") mip.install('urequests') print(">> Verifying Libs umqtt.robust ...") try: import umqtt.robust print("==>> OK") except: print("==>> Failed. Installing Libs ... ") mip.install("umqtt.robust") print(">> Verifying Libs umqtt.simple ...") try: import umqtt.simple print("==>> OK") except: print("==>> Failed. Installing Libs ... ") mip.install("umqtt.simple") print(">> Verifying Libs ssd1306 ...") try: import ssd1306 print("==>> OK") except: print("==>> Failed. Installing Libs ... ") mip.install("ssd1306") print(">> Verifying Libs aioble ...") try: import aioble print("==>> OK") except: print("==>> Failed. Installing Libs ... ") mip.install("aioble") else: print("==>> Connection Failed")