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Alauddin Maulana Hirzan 2024-02-24 11:34:37 +07:00
commit 8ad3ee53f3
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GPG key ID: 484DAC952787FA13
268 changed files with 331 additions and 0 deletions

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Certainly, I can provide you with a detailed presentation outline for teaching Grid Computing and Cloud Computing in a series of 7 meetings each. Let's start with Grid Computing:
**Grid Computing Presentation Outline (7 Meetings)**
**Meeting 1: Introduction to Grid Computing**
- **Overview**:
- Define Grid Computing and its importance.
- Historical context and evolution.
- Discuss real-world applications.
- **Activities**:
- Present key concepts with examples.
- Introduce Grid architecture and components.
- Assign reading materials for further understanding.
**Meeting 2: Grid Middleware and Architecture**
- **Overview**:
- Explore middleware in Grid Computing.
- Detailed explanation of Grid architecture.
- Discuss resource management and job scheduling.
- **Activities**:
- Explain middleware components (e.g., Globus Toolkit).
- Discuss resource discovery and allocation.
- Hands-on: Set up a basic Grid environment.
**Meeting 3: Grid Security**
- **Overview**:
- Emphasize the importance of security in Grid Computing.
- Authentication and authorization mechanisms.
- Data integrity and confidentiality.
- **Activities**:
- Present security protocols (e.g., GSI).
- Demonstrate secure data transfer.
- Assign a security-related coding exercise.
**Meeting 4: Grid Computing in Research**
- **Overview**:
- Explore Grid Computing's role in scientific research.
- Case studies and success stories.
- Discuss data-intensive applications.
- **Activities**:
- Analyze research papers utilizing Grid Computing.
- Guest lecture or video on a real-world research project.
- Group discussion on potential research ideas.
**Meeting 5: Grid Computing Challenges and Future Trends**
- **Overview**:
- Address scalability and sustainability challenges.
- Emerging trends in Grid Computing.
- Role of edge and fog computing.
- **Activities**:
- Debate on the future of Grid Computing.
- Explore containerization and Docker in the context of Grids.
- Group brainstorming session on innovative Grid solutions.
**Meeting 6: Grid Computing Project Development**
- **Overview**:
- Initiate a hands-on project.
- Select a research topic or application.
- Divide students into project teams.
- **Activities**:
- Project proposal presentations.
- Hands-on coding session with Python for Grid tasks.
- Regular project updates and guidance.
**Meeting 7: Project Presentation and Conclusion**
- **Overview**:
- Project team presentations.
- Evaluation and feedback.
- Summarize key takeaways.
- **Activities**:
- Project presentations with code demonstrations.
- Peer review and feedback.
- Discuss the relevance of Grid Computing in the industry.
Now, let's move on to the outline for Cloud Computing:
**Cloud Computing Presentation Outline (7 Meetings)**
**Meeting 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing**
- **Overview**:
- Define Cloud Computing and its significance.
- Different cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
- Key cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).
- **Activities**:
- Present cloud computing fundamentals.
- Discuss cloud adoption trends.
- Assignment: Explore a cloud provider's website.
**Meeting 2: Cloud Architecture and Deployment Models**
- **Overview**:
- Explore cloud architecture components.
- Public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud models.
- Advantages and disadvantages of each model.
- **Activities**:
- Compare cloud deployment models.
- Hands-on: Deploy a virtual machine on a cloud platform.
- Group discussion on cloud migration strategies.
**Meeting 3: Cloud Security and Compliance**
- **Overview**:
- Highlight cloud security challenges.
- Compliance and data privacy.
- Security best practices in the cloud.
- **Activities**:
- Discuss shared responsibility model.
- Hands-on: Configure security groups and IAM policies.
- Analyze a security breach case study.
**Meeting 4: Cloud Services and Technologies**
- **Overview**:
- Explore cloud services (e.g., AWS Lambda, Azure Functions).
- Containers and orchestration (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes).
- Serverless computing.
- **Activities**:
- Hands-on: Create a serverless function.
- Containerization and orchestration basics.
- Group exercise: Design a cloud-native application.
**Meeting 5: Cloud Cost Management**
- **Overview**:
- Cost factors in the cloud.
- Cost optimization strategies.
- Cloud billing and monitoring tools.
- **Activities**:
- Hands-on: Analyze a cloud billing report.
- Group discussion on cost-efficient cloud design.
- Assignment: Optimize cloud resources in a provided scenario.
**Meeting 6: Cloud Computing in Practice**
- **Overview**:
- Real-world cloud case studies.
- Guest lecture from a cloud expert.
- Hands-on: Building and deploying a web application on the cloud.
- **Activities**:
- Analyze case studies from various industries.
- Q&A session with the guest speaker.
- Deploy a web app using a chosen cloud provider.
**Meeting 7: Future Trends and Conclusion**
- **Overview**:
- Emerging trends in cloud computing.
- Cloud-native and serverless architectures.
- Wrap-up and key takeaways.
- **Activities**:
- Group discussion on the future of cloud computing.
- Final presentations on cloud projects.
- Concluding remarks and resources for further study.
These detailed outlines should provide a comprehensive structure for teaching Grid Computing and Cloud Computing in seven meetings each, covering essential concepts, hands-on exercises, and real-world applications.

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Manajemen Projek
> Software Planning oleh Mahasiswa
> Planning (Requirement: Functional & Non-Functional)
>> Data Gathering
>> Market Finding
> Design
>> Data Design
>> Concept Model
> Prototyping
> Testing
> Deployment
> Evaluation
> Budget
>> Data Gathering Cost
>> Software Development Cost
>> Deployment Cost
>> Utility Cost
> Organization
>> Direktor/Project Manager
>> Manager Fungsional
>> Financial
>> Technical
>> Human Relationship
> Scheduling (Berdasarkan Planning Software)

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