defmodule Liliform.Flash do
use Liliform.Component
alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS
import FreediveWeb.Gettext
import Liliform.Button
import Liliform.Content
import Liliform.Hero
import Liliform.Media
import Liliform.Title
@doc """
Renders flash notices.
## Examples
<.flash kind={:info} flash={@flash} />
<.flash kind={:info} phx-mounted={show("#flash")}>Welcome Back!
attr :id, :string, doc: "the optional id of flash container"
attr :kind, :atom, values: [:info, :error], doc: "used for styling and flash lookup"
attr :title, :string, default: nil, doc: "optional title for flash message"
attr :flash, :map, default: %{}, doc: "the map of flash messages to display"
attr :rest, :global, doc: "the arbitrary HTML attributes to add to the flash container"
slot :inner_block, doc: "the optional inner block that renders the flash message"
def flash(assigns) do
assigns = assign_new(assigns, :id, fn -> "flash-#{assigns.kind}" end)
# IO.inspect(
:if={msg = render_slot(@inner_block) || Phoenix.Flash.get(@flash, @kind)}
phx-click={JS.push("lv:clear-flash", value: %{key: @kind}) |> hide("##{@id}")}
@kind == :info && "is-info",
@kind == :error && "is-warning"
" "