#!/usr/bin/python ##### CheckMyIP Server ##### ##### Written by John W Kerns ##### ##### http://blog.packetsar.com ##### ##### https://github.com/packetsar/checkmyip ##### ##### Inform version here ##### version = "v1.0.0" import os import sys import time import socket import jinja2 import paramiko import threading j2log = "Connection from: {{ ip }} ({{ port }}) ({{ proto }})" #j2send = "\n\n\nYour IP Address is {{ ip }} ({{ port }})\n\n\n\n" j2send = """{ "comment": "## Your IP Address is {{ ip }} ({{ port }}) ##", "family": "{{ family }}", "ip": "{{ ip }}", "port": "{{ port }}" }""" class log_management: def __init__(self): self.logpath = "/etc/checkmyip/" self.logfile = "/etc/checkmyip/checkmyip.log" self._publish_methods() self.can_log = True try: paramiko.util.log_to_file('/etc/checkmyip/ssh.log') except IOError: self._create_log_dir() def _logger(self, data): logdata = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ": " + data + "\n" if self.can_log: try: f = open(self.logfile, 'a') f.write(logdata) f.close() except IOError: self._console("Unable to log to logfile %s. Creating log directory" % self.logfile) self.can_log = False self._create_log_dir() self._console(logdata) def _console(self, data, timestamp=False): if timestamp: logdata = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ": " + data + "\n" else: logdata = data print(logdata) def _publish_methods(self): global log global console log = self._logger console = self._console def _create_log_dir(self): os.system('mkdir -p ' + self.logpath) self._console("Logpath (%s) created" % self.logpath) self.can_log = True class rsa_key: data = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICWgIBAAKBgQDTj1bqB4WmayWNPB+8jVSYpZYk80Ujvj680pOTh2bORBjbIAyz oWGW+GUjzKxTiiPvVmxFgx5wdsFvF03v34lEVVhMpouqPAYQ15N37K/ir5XY+9m/ d8ufMCkjeXsQkKqFbAlQcnWMCRnOoPHS3I4vi6hmnDDeeYTSRvfLbW0fhwIBIwKB gBIiOqZYaoqbeD9OS9z2K9KR2atlTxGxOJPXiP4ESqP3NVScWNwyZ3NXHpyrJLa0 EbVtzsQhLn6rF+TzXnOlcipFvjsem3iYzCpuChfGQ6SovTcOjHV9z+hnpXvQ/fon soVRZY65wKnF7IAoUwTmJS9opqgrN6kRgCd3DASAMd1bAkEA96SBVWFt/fJBNJ9H tYnBKZGw0VeHOYmVYbvMSstssn8un+pQpUm9vlG/bp7Oxd/m+b9KWEh2xPfv6zqU avNwHwJBANqzGZa/EpzF4J8pGti7oIAPUIDGMtfIcmqNXVMckrmzQ2vTfqtkEZsA 4rE1IERRyiJQx6EJsz21wJmGV9WJQ5kCQQDwkS0uXqVdFzgHO6S++tjmjYcxwr3g H0CoFYSgbddOT6miqRskOQF3DZVkJT3kyuBgU2zKygz52ukQZMqxCb1fAkASvuTv qfpH87Qq5kQhNKdbbwbmd2NxlNabazPijWuphGTdW0VfJdWfklyS2Kr+iqrs/5wV HhathJt636Eg7oIjAkA8ht3MQ+XSl9yIJIS8gVpbPxSw5OMfw0PjVE7tBdQruiSc nvuQES5C9BMHjF39LZiGH1iLQy7FgdHyoP+eodI7 -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- """ def open(self): pass def close(self): pass def readlines(self): return self.data.split("\n") def __call__(self): return paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(self) class ssh_server (paramiko.ServerInterface): def __init__(self): self.event = threading.Event() def check_channel_request(self, kind, chanid): if kind == 'session': return paramiko.OPEN_SUCCEEDED return paramiko.OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED def check_auth_none(self, username): return paramiko.AUTH_SUCCESSFUL def get_allowed_auths(self, username): return 'none' def check_channel_shell_request(self, channel): self.event.set() return True def check_channel_pty_request(self, channel, term, width, height, pixelwidth, pixelheight, modes): return True def j2format(j2tmp, valdict): template = jinja2.Template(j2tmp) return template.render(valdict) def cleanip(addr): ip = addr[0] port = addr[1] family = "ipv6" if len(ip) > 6: # If this IP is not a super short v6 address if ip[:7] == "::ffff:": # If this is a prefixed IPv4 address ip = ip.replace("::ffff:", "") # Return the cleaned IP family = "ipv4" return (ip, port, family) # Return the uncleaned IP if not matched def listener(port, talker): listen_ip = '' listen_port = port buffer_size = 100 # Normally 1024, but we want fast response while True: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((listen_ip, listen_port)) sock.listen(buffer_size) client, addr = sock.accept() ip, port, family = cleanip(addr) valdict = {"ip": ip, "port": port, "family": family} thread = threading.Thread(target=talker, args=(client, valdict)) thread.start() def telnet_talker(client, valdict): valdict.update({"proto": "telnet"}) log(j2format(j2log, valdict)) client.send(j2format(j2send, valdict)) # echo client.close() #quit() def ssh_talker(client, valdict): valdict.update({"proto": "ssh"}) t = paramiko.Transport(client, gss_kex=True) t.set_gss_host(socket.getfqdn("")) t.load_server_moduli() t.add_server_key(rsa_key()()) server = ssh_server() t.start_server(server=server) chan = t.accept(20) if chan: server.event.wait(10) #chan.send(j2format(j2log, valdict)) log(j2format(j2log, valdict)) chan.send('%s' % j2format(j2send, valdict)) chan.makefile('rU').readline().strip('\r\n') chan.close() #quit() def http_talker(client, valdict): def recv_all(sock): prev_timeout = sock.gettimeout() try: sock.settimeout(0.01) rdata = [] while True: try: rdata.append(sock.recv(MAX_PACKET)) except socket.timeout: return ''.join(rdata) finally: sock.settimeout(prev_timeout) def normalize_line_endings(s): return ''.join((line + '\n') for line in s.splitlines()) while True: # headers and body are divided with \n\n (or \r\n\r\n - that's why we # normalize endings). In real application usage, you should handle # all variations of line endings not to screw request body request = normalize_line_endings(recv_all(client)) # hack again request_head, request_body = request.split('\n\n', 1) # first line is request headline, and others are headers request_head = request_head.splitlines() request_headline = request_head[0] # headers have their name up to first ': '. In real world uses, they # could duplicate, and dict drops duplicates by default, so # be aware of this. request_headers = dict(x.split(': ', 1) for x in request_head[1:]) # headline has form of "POST /can/i/haz/requests HTTP/1.0" request_method, request_uri, request_proto = request_headline.split(' ', 3) response_body = [ '
This page is in location %(request_uri)r, was requested ' % locals(), 'using %(request_method)r, and with %(request_proto)r.
' % locals(), 'Request body is %(request_body)r
' % locals(), 'Actual set of headers received:
', '