crc 5c52887aa8 fix #101: epub: chapter names are not rendered
FossilOrigin-Name: 7dd2b1bd7506c2c488b70620ba9d889f3a9a3d58f99b4dba1d6923e0ac0edb8d
2024-09-06 10:39:30 +00:00

69 lines
3.6 KiB

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<p><span class="h1">Checking The Version</span>
RETRO releases add and change things. You can use the <span class="tt">Version</span>
variable to determine the version in use and react accordingly.
<span class='codeblock'><span class="tt">```</span><br/><span class="tt"><span class='fetch'>@Version</span> <span class='num'>#201906</span> <span class='prim'>eq?</span> <span class='imm'>[</span> <span class='str'>'Needs_2019.6!</span> s:put nl bye <span class='imm'>]</span> <span class='prim'>if</span> </span><br/>
<span class="tt">```</span></span><br/><br/>
This can be also be used to conditionally load compatibility files:
<span class='codeblock'><span class="tt">```</span><br/><span class="tt"><span class='note'>(If_newer_than_2016.6,_load_aliases_for_renamed_words)</span> </span><br/>
<span class="tt"><span class='fetch'>@Version</span> <span class='num'>#201906</span> <span class='prim'>gt?</span> <span class='imm'>[</span> <span class='str'>'Renamed_2019.6.forth</span> include <span class='imm'>]</span> <span class='prim'>if</span> </span><br/>
<span class="tt">```</span></span><br/><br/>
<span class="h2">Version Number Format</span>
The version is a six digit number encoding the year and month of
the release. So:
<tt class='indentedcode'>201901&nbsp;&nbsp;is&nbsp;&nbsp;2019.1</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>201906&nbsp;&nbsp;is&nbsp;&nbsp;2019.6</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>201911&nbsp;&nbsp;is&nbsp;&nbsp;2019.11</tt>
A <span class="tt">#100 /mod</span> will suffice to split these if needed.