crc 4ec7b91409 rre: minor reorganization
FossilOrigin-Name: 14ac45bf8a48f53dba2550b7f155e151835610ffe7bdeddaa85c670b5ac3769a
2019-03-29 20:03:05 +00:00

267 lines
6.8 KiB

# RRE Listener and Extensions
In this file I am implementing the interactive listener that
RRE will run when started with `-i`, `-i,c`, or `-i,fs`.
The basic image has a space allocated for input at the end of
the kernel. This is at address 1024 (the kernel space is fixed
at addresses 0 to 1023).
#1024 'TIB const
## Console Input
The RRE interface provides a keyboard device. This exposes it
via `c:get`.
'io:Keyboard var
@io:Keyboard n:zero? [
#1 io:scan-for dup n:negative?
[ drop 'IO_DEVICE_TYPE_0001_NOT_FOUND s:put nl ]
[ !io:Keyboard ] choose ] if ;
:c:get (-c) identify @io:Keyboard io:invoke ;
Now that I can read characters, it's time to support reading
strings. I do this via two words. The first is `parse-until`.
This will setup a temporary string as an input buffer, then
read input, passing each character ot a provided quote. When
the quote returns `TRUE`, it ends and returns the string. When
not `TRUE` it will add the character to the buffer.
:gather (c-)
dup [ #8 eq? ] [ #127 eq? ] bi or [ drop ] [ buffer:add ] choose ;
:cycle (q-qc) repeat c:get dup-pair swap call not 0; drop gather again ;
:parse-until (q-s)
[ s:empty buffer:set cycle drop-pair buffer:start ] buffer:preserve ;
Using this, a simple `s:get` can be implemented very easily as
a quote which looks for an end of line character.
:s:get (-s) [ [ ASCII:LF eq? ] [ ASCII:CR eq? ] bi or ] parse-until ;
## Scripting: Command Line Arguments
RRE also provides access to the command line arguments passed
to a script. The next few words map the scripting device to
words we can use.
'io:Scripting var
@io:Scripting n:zero? [
#9 io:scan-for dup n:negative?
[ drop 'IO_DEVICE_TYPE_0009_NOT_FOUND s:put nl ]
[ !io:Scripting ] choose ] if ;
:sys:argc (-n) identify #0 @io:Scripting io:invoke ;
:sys:argv (n-s) s:empty swap identify #1 @io:Scripting io:invoke ;
:include (s-) identify #2 @io:Scripting io:invoke ;
:sys:name (-s) s:empty identify #3 @io:Scripting io:invoke ;
# Fullscreen Interactive Listener
'FullScreenListener var
Nearly all of this will be hidden from the user.
I'm using the buffer: words to deal with the TIB. To avoid any
conflict with user buffers, I'm duplicating the needed words
here, privately.
:Buffer `0 ; data
:Ptr `0 ; data
:terminate (-) #0 @Ptr store ;
:buffer:start (-a) @Buffer ;
:buffer:end (-a) @Ptr ;
:buffer:add (c-) buffer:end store &Ptr v:inc terminate ;
:buffer:get (-c) &Ptr v:dec buffer:end fetch terminate ;
:buffer:empty (-) buffer:start !Ptr terminate ;
:buffer:set (a-) !Buffer buffer:empty ;
Color choices are a personal thing. I define the ones I want
:white,blue #27 c:put '[1;37;44m s:put ;
:white,black #27 c:put '[0;37;40m s:put ;
The top bar displays:
- stack depth
- memory stats
- top five stack values
depth 0; #5 n:min
'|_ s:put
#1 [ 'a 'aa reorder n:put ] case
#2 [ 'ab 'abba reorder #2 [ n:put sp ] times ] case
#3 [ 'abc 'abccba reorder #3 [ n:put sp ] times ] case
#4 [ 'abcd 'abcddcba reorder #4 [ n:put sp ] times ] case
#5 [ 'abcde 'abcdeedcba reorder #5 [ n:put sp ] times ] case ;
:top-row #27 c:put '[1;0H s:put ;
:clear-row #80 [ sp ] times ;
:top top-row white,blue clear-row top-row
FREE depth n:dec 'SP:%n_FREE:%n_ s:format s:put
dump-stack ;
Next is the input bar. This is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
:bottom-row #27 c:put '[24;0H s:put ;
:input bottom-row white,blue clear-row bottom-row ;
The other bit is the output area in the middle. I have this as white
text on a black background.
:output bottom-row white,black clear-row bottom-row ;
Now on to input processing. I have a variable, `In`, which
tracks the number of characters read so far. This is used in
a few places, to ensure that backspace doesn't overwrite the
kernel, and to blank the line if too many characters are
'In var
For handling backspaces, remove from the buffer and erase the
displayed character.
:discard buffer:get drop ;
:rub #8 c:put sp #8 c:put ;
I process input on CR, LF, and SPACE.
:evaluate TIB interpret ;
:reset #0 !In buffer:empty ;
Tie this together into a key handler.
ASCII:SPACE [ @In 0; drop output evaluate nl reset top input ] case
ASCII:CR [ @In 0; drop output evaluate nl reset top input ] case
ASCII:LF [ @In 0; drop output evaluate nl reset top input ] case
ASCII:DEL [ @In 0; drop discard rub &In v:dec ] case
ASCII:BS [ @In 0; drop discard rub &In v:dec ] case
dup c:put buffer:add &In v:inc ;
And use that a the `process` loop.
TIB buffer:set
repeat c:get handle @In #80 eq? [ #0 !In input ] if again ;
The last few support words use the stty(1) program to setup and
reset the terminal.
:init 'stty_cbreak_-echo unix:system ;
:exit 'stty_-cbreak_echo unix:system #0 unix:exit ;
Switch to the public words.
And expose `bye`, `clear`, and the `listener`.
:clear #27 c:put '[2J s:put #27 c:put '[0;0H s:put ;
:listen:fullscreen:bye exit ;
:listen:fullscreen init clear top input process ;
Hide the support words.
# Standard Interactive Listener
The main part of this file is the *listener*, an interactive
read-eval-print loop.
RRE's C part will access a couple parts of this, based on the
startup flags passed.
'NoEcho var
:version (-) @Version #100 /mod n:put $. c:put n:put ;
:eol? (c-f) [ ASCII:CR eq? ] [ ASCII:LF eq? ] [ ASCII:SPACE eq? ] tri or or ;
:valid? (s-sf) dup s:length n:-zero? ;
:ok (-) @NoEcho not 0; drop compiling? [ nl 'Ok_ s:put ] -if ;
:check-eof (c-c) dup [ #-1 eq? ] [ #4 eq? ] bi or [ 'bye d:lookup d:xt fetch call ] if ;
:check-bs (c-c) dup [ #8 eq? ] [ #127 eq? ] bi or [ buffer:get buffer:get drop-pair ] if ;
:s:get (-s) [ TIB buffer:set
[ c:get dup buffer:add check-eof check-bs eol? ] until
buffer:start s:chop ] buffer:preserve ;
:banner (-) @NoEcho not 0; drop
'RETRO_12_(rx- s:put version $) c:put nl
EOM n:put '_MAX,_TIB_@_1025,_Heap_@_ s:put here n:put nl ;
:bye (-) @FullScreenListener [ listen:fullscreen:bye ] if
#0 unix:exit ;
:listen (-)
@FullScreenListener [ listen:fullscreen ] if;
ok repeat s:get valid? [ interpret ok ] [ drop ] choose again ;
&listen #1 store
:image:save (s-) #1000 io:scan-for io:invoke ;