crc e89789839b rebuild .html documentation; correct a filename reference ( -> image/retro.muri) reported by Martin Hohmann-Marriott
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Word classes are one of the two elements at the heart of
RETRO's interpreter.
There are different types of words in a Forth system. At a
minimum there are data words, regular words, and immediate
words. There are numerous approaches to dealing with this.
In RETRO I define special words which receive a pointer and
decide how to deal with it. These are grouped into a <span class="tt">class:</span>
When a word is found in the dictionary, RETRO will push a
pointer to the definition (the <span class="tt">d:xt</span> field) to the stack
and then call the word specified by the <span class="tt">d:class</span> field.
The word called is responsible for processing the pointer
passed to it.
As a simple case, let's look at <span class="tt">immediate</span> words. These are
words which will always be called when encountered. A common
strategy is to have an immediacy bit which the interpreter
will look at, but RETRO uses a class for this. The class is
<span class='codeblock'><span class="tt">```</span><br/><span class="tt"><span class='colon'>:class:immediate</span> <span class='note'>(a-)</span> &nbsp;<span class='prim'>call</span> <span class='imm'>;</span> </span><br/>
<span class="tt">```</span></span><br/><br/>
Or a normal word. These should be called at interpret time
or compiled into definitions. The handler for this can look
<span class='codeblock'><span class="tt">```</span><br/><span class="tt"><span class='colon'>:class:word</span> <span class='note'>(a-)</span> compiling? <span class='imm'>[</span> compile:call <span class='imm'>]</span> <span class='imm'>[</span> <span class='prim'>call</span> <span class='imm'>]</span> choose <span class='imm'>;</span> </span><br/>
<span class="tt">```</span></span><br/><br/>
The ability to add new classes is useful. If I wanted to add
a category of word that preserves an input value, I could do
it with a class:
<span class='codeblock'><span class="tt">```</span><br/><span class="tt"><span class='colon'>:class:duplicating</span> <span class='note'>(a-)</span> </span><br/>
<span class="tt">&nbsp;&nbsp;compiling? <span class='imm'>[</span> <span class='ptr'>&amp;dup</span> compile:call <span class='imm'>]</span> <span class='imm'>[</span> <span class='ptr'>&amp;dup</span> dip <span class='imm'>]</span> choose </span><br/>
<span class="tt">&nbsp;&nbsp;class:word <span class='imm'>;</span> &nbsp;</span><br/>
<span class="tt">&nbsp;</span><br/>
<span class="tt"><span class='colon'>:duplicating</span> <span class='ptr'>&amp;class:duplicating</span> reclass <span class='imm'>;</span> </span><br/>
<span class="tt">&nbsp;</span><br/>
<span class="tt"><span class='colon'>:.</span> n:put nl <span class='imm'>;</span> duplicating </span><br/>
<span class="tt"><span class='num'>#100</span> <span class='fnum'>.</span> <span class='fnum'>.</span> <span class='fnum'>.</span> </span><br/>
<span class="tt">```</span></span></p>