crc 42dbd43f16 docs: add cover to epub (closes #47)
FossilOrigin-Name: 7e6160c8257973f3df6505babf96d951e6ea563a41ee84e6375f0ea26750ee37
2021-02-02 14:18:51 +00:00

178 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env retro
This tool is intended to be used to create an epub version of the
standard documentation.
An epub is just a .zip file containing a bunch of XHTML files and
a few files containing metadata.
Our structure will look like:
Book Root Directory
|-- mimetype
|-- META-INF directory
| `-- container.xml
|-- content.opf
|-- toc.ncx
|-- chapters/...
Begin by defining some helper functions for writing to a
'tools/book-chapters.retro include
'FID var
:file:s:put [ @FID file:write ] s:for-each ;
:file:nl ASCII:CR @FID file:write ;
:unix:mkdir 'mkdir_-p_%s s:format unix:system ;
Create the directories needed.
'Create_directories s:put nl
{ 'chapters
'epub/META-INF } [ dup tab s:put nl unix:mkdir ] a:for-each
Then create the `mimetype` file. This is supposed to be written
without a trailing newline.
'Generate_`mimetype` s:put nl
'application/epub+zip 'epub/mimetype file:spew
Then create `META-INF/container.xml`.
'Generate_`container.xml` s:put nl
'epub/META-INF/container.xml file:open-for-writing !FID
{ '<?xml_version="1.0"?>
} [ file:s:put file:nl ] a:for-each
@FID file:close
# Create the TOC NCX file
'Generate_`TOC.ncx` s:put nl
'epub/TOC.ncx file:open-for-writing !FID
{ '<?xml_version="1.0"_encoding="UTF-8"_?>
} [ file:s:put file:nl ] a:for-each
:a:unpack [ ] a:for-each ;
#1 TOC [ a:unpack 'abc 'acbaaa reorder '____<navPoint_id="CHAP%n"_playOrder="%n"><navLabel><text>Chapter_%n:_%s</text></navLabel><content_src="chapters/%s.html"/></navPoint> s:format file:s:put file:nl n:inc ] a:for-each drop
{ '</navMap>
} [ file:s:put file:nl ] a:for-each
@FID file:close
# Create the CONTENT.OPF
Create `content.opf`. This will need to lest all of the files
that are used in the book.
'Generate_`content.opf` s:put nl
'epub/content.opf file:open-for-writing !FID
{ '<?xml_version="1.0"_encoding="utf-8"_standalone="yes"?>
} [ file:s:put file:nl ] a:for-each
#1 TOC [ #1 a:fetch over swap '____<item_href="chapters/%s.html"_id="CHAP%n"_media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/> s:format file:s:put file:nl n:inc ] a:for-each
{ '__</manifest>
} [ file:s:put file:nl ] a:for-each
#1 TOC [ drop dup '____<itemref_idref="CHAP%n"_linear="yes"/> s:format file:s:put file:nl n:inc ] a:for-each drop
{ '__</spine>
} [ file:s:put file:nl ] a:for-each
@FID file:close
# Generate the Chapters
'Convert_chapters_to_XHTML s:put nl
'retro_tools/epub/chapters-to-xhtml.retro unix:system
# Assemble the pieces
'Relocate_files s:put nl
'epub unix:chdir
'cp_-r_../chapters_. unix:system
'cp_../doc/Book-Cover.png_. unix:system
# Zip Everything
'Create_epub s:put nl
'zip_-0Xqv_../book.epub_mimetype unix:system
'zip_-Xr9Dqv_../book.epub_content.opf unix:system
'zip_-Xr9Dqv_../book.epub_TOC.ncx unix:system
'zip_-Xr9Dqv_../book.epub_META-INF unix:system
'zip_-Xr9Dqv_../book.epub_chapters unix:system
'zip_-Xr9Dqv_../book.epub_Book-Cover.png unix:system
'.. unix:chdir
# Clean Up
Cleanup is the final step. Remove the temporary epub directory
'Cleanup s:put nl
'rm_-rf_epub_chapters unix:system