crc 49db2cb886 more fixes from Kiyoshi
FossilOrigin-Name: acc2a25ae5f1fde82f51ea999855a7c8349a294c2cbea680f2c9eebada7a88a5
2019-02-04 12:11:28 +00:00

359 lines
9 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env retro
# Hua: a text editor written in RETRO
Hua is a small, functional text editor written in RETRO, using
the *RRE* interface. It is line oriented, visual, and tries to
be very simple to use.
## Starting
Hua is intended to run as a standalone tool. Use a line like:
edit.forth filename
To create a new file:
edit.forth new filename
## A Word of Warning
Hua saves changes as you edit the file. I advise using it along
with a version control system so you can revert changes if or
when needed.
## The Code
Since this runs as a standalone application I use a quick check
to exit if no arguments were passed.
sys:argc n:zero? [ #0 unix:exit ] if
If I get here, a filename was provided. So I start by creating
a few variables and constants.
The configuration here is for two items. The number of lines
from the file to show on screen, and the name of the temporary
file to use when editing.
#80 'COLS const
#16 'MAX-LINES const
'/tmp/rre.edit 'TEMP-FILE s:const
Next are the variables that I use to track various bits of
'SourceFile var
'CurrentLine var
'LineCount var
'ShowEOL var
'FID var
'CopiedLine d:create #1025 allot
Get the name of the file to edit.
#0 sys:argv s:keep !SourceFile
To create a new file, Hua allows for the use of `new` followed
by the filename. I handle the file creation here.
@SourceFile 'new s:eq?
[ #1 sys:argv s:keep !SourceFile
@SourceFile file:A file:open file:close ] if
This is just a shortcut to make writing strings to the current file
:file:s:put (s-) [ @FID file:write ] s:for-each ASCII:LF @FID file:write ;
I now turn my attention to displaying the file. I am aiming for
an interface like:
<filename> : <line-count>
* 99:
100: :n:square dup * ;
102: This is the current line
j: down | k: up | ... other helpful text ...
The * denotes the currently selected line.
I start with words to count the number of lines in the file and
advance to the currently selected line.
:count-lines (-)
#0 @SourceFile [ drop n:inc ] file:for-each-line dup !LineCount ;
@CurrentLine MAX-LINES #2 / - #0 n:max [ @FID file:read-line drop ] times ;
Now for words to format the output. This should all be pretty
clear in intent.
`clear-display` uses an ANSI/VT100 escape sequence. This might
need to be adjusted for your chosen terminal.
:clear-display (-)
ASCII:ESC dup '%c[2J%c[0;0H s:format s:put nl ;
This just displays the separator bars.
:---- (-)
#7 [ $- c:put ] times
#0 COLS #10 / [ dup n:put #9 [ $- c:put ] times n:inc ] times n:put nl ;
Next, a word to display the header. Currently just the name of
the file being edited and the line count.
:header (-)
count-lines @SourceFile '%s_:_%n_lines\n s:format s:put ;
The `pad` word is used to make sure line numbers are all the
same width.
:pad (n-n)
dup #0 #9 n:between? [ '____ s:put ] if
dup #10 #99 n:between? [ '___ s:put ] if
dup #100 #999 n:between? [ '__ s:put ] if
dup #1000 #9999 n:between? [ '_ s:put ] if ;
A line has a form:
<indicator><number>: <text><eol>
The indicator is an asterisk, and visually marks the current
EOL is optional. If `ShowEOL` is `TRUE`, it'll display a ~ at
the end of each line. This is useful when looking for trailing
whitespace. The indicator can be toggled via the ~ key.
:mark-if-current (n-n)
dup @CurrentLine eq? [ $* c:put ] [ sp ] choose ;
:line# (n-)
n:put ':_ s:put ;
:eol (-)
@ShowEOL [ $~ c:put ] if nl ;
:display-line (n-n)
dup @LineCount lt?
[ dup mark-if-current pad line# n:inc @FID file:read-line s:put eol ] if ;
:display (-)
@SourceFile file:R file:open !FID
clear-display header ---- skip-to
@CurrentLine MAX-LINES #2 / - #0 n:max count-lines MAX-LINES n:min [ display-line ] times drop
---- @FID file:close ;
With the code to display the file done, I can proceed to the
words for handling editing.
I add a custom combinator, `process-lines` to iterate over the
lines in the file. This takes a quote, and runs it once for
each line in the file. The quote gets passed two values: a
counter and a pointer to the current line in the file. The
quote should consume the pointer an increment the counter. This
also sets up `FID` as a pointer to the temporary file where
changes can be written. The combinator will replace the
original file after execution completes.
Additionally, I define a word named `current?` which returns
`TRUE` if the specified line is the current one. This is just
to aid in later readability.
:process-lines (q-)
TEMP-FILE file:W file:open !FID
[ #0 @SourceFile ] dip file:for-each-line drop
@FID file:close
here TEMP-FILE file:slurp here @SourceFile file:spew ;
:current? (ns-nsf)
over @CurrentLine eq? ;
So first up, a word to delete all text in the current line.
:delete-line (-)
[ current? [ drop '_ ] if file:s:put n:inc ] process-lines ;
Then a word to discard the current line, removing it from the file.
:kill-line (-)
[ current? [ drop ] [ file:s:put ] choose n:inc ] process-lines ;
And the inverse, a word to inject a new line into the file.
:add-line (-)
[ current? [ file:s:put ASCII:LF @FID file:write ]
[ file:s:put ] choose n:inc ] process-lines CurrentLine v:inc ;
Replacing a line is next. Much like the `delete-line`, this
writes all but the current line to a dummy file. It uses an
`s:get` word to read in the text to write instead of the
original current line. When done, it replaces the original
file with the dummy one.
:save (c-)
ASCII:BS [ buffer:get drop ] case
ASCII:DEL [ buffer:get drop ] case
buffer:add ;
:s:get (-s)
s:empty [ buffer:set
[ repeat c:get dup ASCII:LF -eq? 0; drop save again ] call drop ] sip ;
:replace-line (-)
[ current? [ drop #7 [ ASCII:SPACE c:put ] times s:get ] if
file:s:put n:inc ] process-lines ;
The next four are just things I find useful. They allow me to
indent, remove indention, trim trailing whitespace, and insert
a code block delimiter at a single keystroke.
:indent-line (-)
[ current? [ ASCII:SPACE dup @FID file:write @FID file:write ] if file:s:put n:inc ] process-lines ;
:dedent-line (-)
[ current? [ n:inc n:inc ] if file:s:put n:inc ] process-lines ;
:trim-trailing (-)
[ current? [ s:trim-right ] if file:s:put n:inc ] process-lines ;
:code-block (-)
[ current? [ drop '~~~ ] if file:s:put n:inc ] process-lines ;
And then a very limited form of copy/paste, which moves a copy
of the current line into a `CopiedLine` buffer and back again.
The line buffer is 1024 characters long, use of a longer line
will cause problems.
:copy-line (-)
[ current? [ dup &CopiedLine s:copy ] if file:s:put n:inc ] process-lines ;
:paste-line (-)
[ current? [ drop &CopiedLine ] if file:s:put n:inc ] process-lines ;
One more set of commands: jump to a particular line in the
file, jump to the start or end of the file.
:goto (-)
s:get s:to-number !CurrentLine ;
:goto-start (-)
#0 !CurrentLine ;
:goto-end (-)
@LineCount n:dec !CurrentLine ;
And now tie everything together. There's a key handler and a
top level loop.
:describe (cs-)
swap c:put $: c:put s:put ;
:| describe '_|_ s:put ;
$1 'replace_ |
$2 'insert__ |
$3 'trim____ |
$4 'erase___ |
$5 'delete__ |
$j 'down____ | nl
$k 'up______ |
$g 'goto____ |
$[ 'start___ |
$] 'end_____ |
$c 'copy____ |
$v 'paste___ | nl
$< 'dedent__ |
$> 'indent__ |
$~ 'mark_eol |
$| '~~~_____ |
'___________|_ s:put
$q 'quit____ | nl ;
:constrain (-) &CurrentLine #0 @LineCount n:dec v:limit ;
$1 [ replace-line ] case
$2 [ add-line ] case
$3 [ trim-trailing ] case
$4 [ delete-line ] case
$5 [ kill-line ] case
$~ [ @ShowEOL not !ShowEOL ] case
$c [ copy-line ] case
$v [ paste-line ] case
$< [ dedent-line ] case
$> [ indent-line ] case
$| [ code-block ] case
$[ [ goto-start ] case
$] [ goto-end ] case
$j [ &CurrentLine v:inc constrain ] case
$k [ &CurrentLine v:dec constrain ] case
$h [ &CurrentLine v:inc constrain ] case
$t [ &CurrentLine v:dec constrain ] case
$g [ goto constrain ] case
$q [ 'stty_-cbreak unix:system #0 unix:exit ] case
drop ;
'stty_cbreak unix:system
display help handler
again ;
Run the editor.