crc e4a838d588 generate & include html documentation files
FossilOrigin-Name: 03f8a1f5293ceeb245b4e6315578c114c69eb4341027fad8eba5ec8c8dbca5fa
2021-01-21 12:40:28 +00:00

158 lines
6 KiB

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
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* { color: #000; background: #fff; max-width: 700px; }
tt, pre { background: #dedede; color: #111; font-family: monospace;
white-space: pre; display: block; width: 100%; }
.indentedcode { margin-left: 2em; margin-right: 2em; }
.codeblock {
background: #dedede; color: #111; font-family: monospace;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);
padding: 7px;
display: block;
.indentedlist { margin-left: 2em; color: #000; }
span { white-space: pre; }
.text { color: #000; white-space: pre; background: #dedede; }
.colon { color: #000; background: #dedede; }
.note { color: #000; background: #dedede; }
.str { color: #000; text-decoration: underline; background: #dedede; }
.num { color: #000; background: #dedede; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; }
.fnum { color: #000; font-weight: bold; background: #dedede; }
.ptr { color: #000; font-weight: bold; background: #dedede; }
.fetch { color: #000; font-style: italic; background: #dedede; }
.store { color: #000; font-style: italic; background: #dedede; }
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.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4 { white-space: normal; }
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.h2 { font-size: 120%; }
.h3 { font-size: 115%; }
.h4 { font-size: 110%; }
.hr { display: block; height: 2px; background: #000000; }
<p><span class="h1">RETRO's Markdown Syntax</span>
I use a variation of Markdown for writing documentation and
when commenting code written in RETRO. The syntax is
described below.
<span class="h2">Basic Syntax</span>
<span class="h3">Headings</span>
Headings start with one or more number (<span class="tt">#</span>) signs. The
number of number signs should correspond to the heading
<tt class='indentedcode'>#&nbsp;Heading&nbsp;1</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>##&nbsp;Heading&nbsp;2</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>###&nbsp;Heading&nbsp;3</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>####&nbsp;Heading&nbsp;4</tt>
My Markdown does not support the alternate underline
format for headings.
<span class="h3">Paragraphs & Line Breaks</span>
To create paragraphs, use a blank line to separate one or
more lines of text.
Do not add spaces or tabs at the start of a paragraph as
this may cause the Markdown tools to interpret the line
Line breaks are entered at the end of each line.
<span class="h3">Emphasis</span>
<span class="h4">Bold</span>
To make text bold, surround it with asterisks.
<tt class='indentedcode'>The&nbsp;*bold*&nbsp;word.</tt>
<span class="h4">Italic</span>
To make text italic, surround it with front slashes.
<tt class='indentedcode'>The&nbsp;/italic&nbsp;words/.</tt>
<span class="h4">Underline</span>
To underline text, surround it with underscores.
<tt class='indentedcode'>Underline&nbsp;_some&nbsp;text_.</tt>
<span class="h3">Horizontal Rules</span>
Horizontal rules can be inserted by starting a line with a
sequence of four or more dashes (<span class="tt">-</span>) or four or more alternating
dash and plus (<span class="tt">-+-+</span>) characters.
<tt class='indentedcode'>----</tt>
<span class="h2">Lists</span>
Lists start with a <span class="tt">-</span> or <span class="tt">*</span>, followed by a space, then the item
text. Additionally, nested lists starting with two spaces before
the list marker can be used.
<tt class='indentedcode'>-&nbsp;this&nbsp;is&nbsp;a&nbsp;list&nbsp;item</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>-&nbsp;so&nbsp;is&nbsp;this</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;this&nbsp;will&nbsp;be&nbsp;indented</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;likewise</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>-&nbsp;back&nbsp;to&nbsp;the&nbsp;standard&nbsp;level</tt>
<span class="h2">Code</span>
<span class="h3">Code Blocks</span>
Code blocks start and end with ~~~ on a line by themselves.
<tt class='indentedcode'>Sum&nbsp;the&nbsp;values.</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>~~~</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>{&nbsp;#10&nbsp;#20&nbsp;#13&nbsp;#4&nbsp;#22&nbsp;}&nbsp;#0&nbsp;[&nbsp;+&nbsp;]&nbsp;a:reduce</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>~~~</tt>
You can also denote code by starting the line with four spaces.
<tt class='indentedcode'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This&nbsp;line&nbsp;will&nbsp;be&nbsp;treated&nbsp;as&nbsp;code.</tt>
<span class="h3">Test Blocks</span>
Unit testing blocks start and end with <span class="tt"></span><span class="tt"> on a line by
<tt class='indentedcode'>```</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>{&nbsp;#10&nbsp;#20&nbsp;#13&nbsp;#4&nbsp;#22&nbsp;}&nbsp;#0&nbsp;[&nbsp;+&nbsp;]&nbsp;a:reduce</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>```</tt>
<span class="h3">Inline Code</span>
To mark a sequence as inline code, surround it with backticks.
<tt class='indentedcode'>For&nbsp;instance,&nbsp;look&nbsp;at&nbsp;the&nbsp;value&nbsp;in&nbsp;`Compiler`&nbsp;to&nbsp;see&nbsp;if</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>the&nbsp;colon&nbsp;compiler&nbsp;is&nbsp;active.</tt>
<span class="h2">Escaping</span>
You can preceed a character with a backslash () to have it
not be processed as a Markdown element.