crc 08860f26f5 add f:push and f:pop
FossilOrigin-Name: 15caaeb133632f9e6656d3f27734af0ac26104aadf69acf2342675d31253de60
2019-01-28 14:03:46 +00:00

134 lines
3.9 KiB

'io:FloatingPoint var
@io:FloatingPoint n:zero? [
#2 io:scan-for dup n:negative?
[ drop 'IO_DEVICE_TYPE_0002_NOT_FOUND s:put nl ]
[ !io:FloatingPoint ] choose ] if ;
:io:float-operation identify @io:FloatingPoint io:invoke ;
# Floating Point
:n:to-float (n-_f:-n) #0 io:float-operation ;
:s:to-float (s-_f:-n) #1 io:float-operation ;
:f:to-number (f:a-__-n) #2 io:float-operation ;
:f:to-string (f:n-__-s) s:empty dup #3 io:float-operation ;
:f:+ (f:ab-c) #4 io:float-operation ;
:f:- (f:ab-c) #5 io:float-operation ;
:f:* (f:ab-c) #6 io:float-operation ;
:f:/ (f:ab-c) #7 io:float-operation ;
:f:floor (f:ab-c) #8 io:float-operation ;
:f:ceiling (f:f-f) #9 io:float-operation ;
:f:sqrt (f:f-f) #10 io:float-operation ;
:f:eq? (f:ab-c) #11 io:float-operation ;
:f:-eq? (f:ab-c) #12 io:float-operation ;
:f:lt? (f:ab-c) #13 io:float-operation ;
:f:gt? (f:ab-c) #14 io:float-operation ;
:f:depth (-n) #15 io:float-operation ;
:f:dup (f:a-aa) #16 io:float-operation ;
:f:drop (f:a-) #17 io:float-operation ;
:f:swap (f:ab-ba) #18 io:float-operation ;
:f:log (f:ab-c) #19 io:float-operation ;
:f:power (f:ab-c) #20 io:float-operation ;
:f:sin (f:f-f) #21 io:float-operation ;
:f:cos (f:f-f) #22 io:float-operation ;
:f:tan (f:f-f) #23 io:float-operation ;
:f:asin (f:f-f) #24 io:float-operation ;
:f:acos (f:f-f) #25 io:float-operation ;
:f:atan (f:f-f) #26 io:float-operation ;
:f:push (f:f-) #27 io:float-operation ;
:f:pop (f:-f) #28 io:float-operation ;
:f:square (f:n-m) f:dup f:* ;
:f:over (f:ab-aba) f:to-string f:dup s:to-float f:swap ;
:f:tuck (f:ab-bab) f:swap f:over ;
:f:positive? (-f__f:a-) #0 n:to-float f:gt? ;
:f:negative? (-f__f:a-) #0 n:to-float f:lt? ;
:f:negate (f:a-b) #-1 n:to-float f:* ;
:f:abs (f:a-b) f:dup f:negative? [ f:negate ] if ;
:prefix:. (s-__f:-a)
compiling? [ s:keep ] [ s:temp ] choose &s:to-float class:word ; immediate
:f:put (f:a-) f:to-string s:put ;
:f:PI (f:-F) .3.141592 ;
:f:E (f:-F) .2.718281 ;
:f:NAN (f:-n) .0 .0 f:/ ;
:f:INF (f:-n) .1.0 .0 f:/ ;
:f:-INF (f:-n) .-1.0 .0 f:/ ;
:f:nan? (f:n-,-f) f:dup f:-eq? ;
:f:inf? (f:n-,-f) f:INF f:eq? ;
:f:-inf? (f:n-,-f) f:-INF f:eq? ;
:f:round (-|f:a-b)
f:dup f:negative?
[ .0.5 f:- f:ceiling ]
[ .0.5 f:+ f:floor ] choose ;
# Float
## Description
This implements a means of encoding floating point values into signed integer cells. The technique is described in the paper titled "Encoding floating point numbers to shorter integers" by Kiyoshi Yoneda and Charles Childers.
This will extend the `f:` vocabulary and adds a new `u:` vocabulary.
## Code & Commentary
Define some constants. The range is slightly reduced from the standard integer range as the smallest value is used for NaN.
n:MAX n:dec 'u:MAX const
n:MAX n:dec n:negate 'u:MIN const
n:MIN 'u:NAN const
n:MAX 'u:INF const
n:MAX n:negate 'u:-INF const
:u:n? (u-f)
u:MIN n:inc u:MAX n:dec n:between? ;
:u:max? (u-f) u:MAX eq? ;
:u:min? (u-f) u:MIN eq? ;
:u:zero? (u-f) n:zero? ;
:u:nan? (u-f) u:NAN eq? ;
:u:inf? (u-f) u:INF eq? ;
:u:-inf? (u-f) u:-INF eq? ;
:u:clip (u-u) u:MIN u:MAX n:limit ;
:s .10.0e-4 ;
:f:encode .0.5 f:power s .-1.0 f:power f:* ;
:f:decode f:square s f:square f:* ;
:f:to-u (-u|f:a-)
f:dup f:encode f:round f:to-number u:clip
f:dup f:nan? [ drop u:NAN ] if
f:dup f:inf? [ drop u:INF ] if
f:dup f:-inf? [ drop u:-INF ] if
f:drop ;
:u:to-f (u-|f:-b)
n:to-float f:decode ;
:u:to-f (u-|f:-b)
dup n:to-float f:decode
dup u:nan? [ f:drop f:NAN ] if
dup u:inf? [ f:drop f:INF ] if
dup u:-inf? [ f:drop f:-INF ] if
drop ;
:f:store (a-|f:n-) [ f:to-u ] dip store ;
:f:fetch (a-|f:-n) fetch u:to-f ;