crc 5c52887aa8 fix #101: epub: chapter names are not rendered
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2024-09-06 10:39:30 +00:00

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<p><span class="h1">Working With The Dictionary</span>
The Dictionary is a linked list containing the dictionary
<span class="h2">Namespace</span>
Words operating on the dictionary are in the <span class="tt">d:</span> namespace.
<span class="h2">Variables</span>
<span class="tt">Dictionary</span> is a variable holding a pointer to the most recent
<span class="h2">Header Structure</span>
Each entry follows the following structure:
<tt class='indentedcode'>Offset&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Contains</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>------&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;---------------------------</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>0000&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Link&nbsp;to&nbsp;Prior&nbsp;Header</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>0001&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Link&nbsp;to&nbsp;XT</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>0002&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Link&nbsp;to&nbsp;Class&nbsp;Handler</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>0003&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Source&nbsp;Identifier</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>0004+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Word&nbsp;name&nbsp;(null&nbsp;terminated)</tt>
RETRO provides words for accessing the fields in a portable
manner. It's recommended to use these to allow for future
revision of the header structure.
<span class="h2">Accessing Fields</span>
Given a pointer to a header, you can use <span class="tt">d:xt</span>, <span class="tt">d:class</span>,
and <span class="tt">d:name</span> to access the address of each specific field.
There is no <span class="tt">d:link</span>, as the link will always be the first
<span class="h2">Shortcuts For The Latest Header</span>
RETRO provides several words for operating on the most recent
<span class="tt">d:last</span> returns a pointer to the latest header. <span class="tt">d:last.xt</span>
will give the contents of the <span class="tt">d:xt</span> field for the latest
header. There are also <span class="tt">d:last.class</span> and <span class="tt"></span>.
<span class="h2">Adding Headers</span>
Two words exist for making new headers. The easy one is
<span class="tt">d:create</span>. This takes a string for the name and makes a
new header with the class set to <span class="tt">class:data</span> and the XT
field pointing to <span class="tt">here</span>.
<span class='codeblock'><span class="tt">```</span><br/><span class="tt"><span class='str'>'Base</span> d:create </span><br/>
<span class="tt">```</span></span><br/><br/>
The other is <span class="tt">d:add-header</span>. This takes a string, a pointer
to the class handler, and a pointer for the XT field and
builds a new header using these.
<span class='codeblock'><span class="tt">```</span><br/><span class="tt"><span class='str'>'Base</span> <span class='ptr'>&amp;class:data</span> <span class='num'>#10000</span> d:add-header </span><br/>
<span class="tt">```</span></span><br/><br/>
<span class="h2">Searching</span>
RETRO provides two words for searching the dictionary.
<span class="tt">d:lookup</span> takes a string and tries to find it in the
dictionary. It will return a pointer to the dictionary header
or a value of zero if the word was not found.
<span class="tt">d:lookup-xt</span> takes a pointer and will return the dictionary
header that has this as the <span class="tt">d:xt</span> field, or zero if no match
is found.
<span class="h2">Iteration</span>
You can use the <span class="tt">d:for-each</span> combinator to iterate over all
entries in the dictionary. For instance, to display the names
of all words:
<span class='codeblock'><span class="tt">```</span><br/><span class="tt"><span class='imm'>[</span> d:name s:put sp <span class='imm'>]</span> d:for-each </span><br/>
<span class="tt">```</span></span><br/><br/>
For each entry, this combinator will push a pointer to the
entry to the stack and call the quotation.
<span class="h2">Listing Words</span>
Most Forth systems provide WORDS for listing the names of all
words in the dictionary. RETRO does as well, but this is named
<span class="tt">d:words</span>.
This isn't super useful as looking through several hundred
names is annoying. RETRO also provides <span class="tt">d:words-with</span> to help
in filtering the results.
<span class='codeblock'><span class="tt">```</span><br/><span class="tt"><span class='str'>'class:</span> d:words-with </span><br/>
<span class="tt">```</span></span><br/><br/>