# RetroForth 2021.7 (In-Progress) Release Notes ## Core Language ## Major Changes - address 5 is now a pointer to `interpret` - address 6 is now a pointor to `err:notfound` - address 7 now points to TIB - address 8 points to end of TIB ## Added - `if:` and `-if:` - `c:get` to retro.forth - `s:get` to retro.forth - `listen` to retro.forth - added `Base` - added `decimal` - added `hex` - added `octal` - added `binary` ## Renamed - `s:split/string` replaces `s:split-on-string` - `s:split/char` replaces `s:split` ## Deprecated - `s:split-on-string` - `s:split` ## I/O - floating point - increased precision of `f:E` and `f:PI` (Kiyoshi) ## Toolchain ## VM - all - no longer hard code TIB address (pull from image instead) - nga-c - retro.c no longer does dictionary searches to find needed resources in image - shift instruction no longer using an unneeded multiply (Arland Childers) - retro-repl.c now uses an external image - removed barebones.c (overlaps w/new retro-repl.c) - retro-runtime.c now based on standard retro.c - changed behavior of -t command line argument (Rick) - nga-nim - fix bug in VM_SH - minor formatting adjustments - start work to report some errors ## Examples - add archive, archive-info, archive-extract - add delete-file - variables-and-formulas now in UTF8 (Marcus Antonius) ## Documentation - removed references to old command line arguments - removed reference to the no longer existing "ok" prompt - add a note that mentions that Retro does not display a prompt ## Testing - add small test images for each instruction