/* Nga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright (c) 2008 - 2019, Charles Childers Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Luke Parrish Copyright (c) 2010, Marc Simpson Copyright (c) 2010, Jay Skeer Copyright (c) 2011, Kenneth Keating ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ var IMAGE_SIZE = 524288; /* Amount of simulated RAM */ var DATA_DEPTH = 8192; /* Depth of data stack */ var ADDRESS_DEPTH = 32768; /* Depth of the stacks */ function Stack(size) { this.sp = 0; this.data = new Array(size); this.push = function(n) { this.sp++; this.data[this.sp] = n; } this.pop = function() { return this.data[this.sp--]; } this.depth = function() { return this.sp; } this.tos = function() { return this.data[this.sp]; } this.nos = function() { return this.data[this.sp - 1]; } this.dup = function() { this.push(this.tos()); } this.drop = function() { this.sp--; } this.swap = function() { var a = this.nos(); this.data[this.sp - 1] = this.tos(); this.data[this.sp] = a; } this.inc = function() { this.data[this.sp]++; } this.dec = function() { this.data[this.sp]--; } this.reset = function() { this.sp = 0; } } function Opcodes() { this.NOP = 0; this.LIT = 1; this.DUP = 2; this.DROP = 3; this.SWAP = 4; this.PUSH = 5; this.POP = 6; this.JUMP = 7; this.CALL = 8; this.CCALL = 9; this.RETURN = 10; this.EQ = 11; this.NEQ = 12; this.LT = 13; this.GT = 14; this.FETCH = 15; this.STORE = 16; this.ADD = 17; this.SUB = 18; this.MUL = 19; this.DIVMOD = 20; this.AND = 21; this.OR = 22; this.XOR = 23; this.SHIFT = 24; this.ZERO_EXIT = 25; this.END = 26; this.IE = 27; this.IQ = 28; this.II = 29; } var ip = 0; var data = new Stack(DATA_DEPTH); var address = new Stack(ADDRESS_DEPTH); var image = new Array(IMAGE_SIZE); var vm = new Opcodes(); var instructions = new Array(vm.II + 1); function rxPrepareVM() { ip = 0; data.reset(); address.reset(); } instructions[vm.NOP] = function() {} instructions[vm.LIT] = function() { ip++; data.push(image[ip]); } instructions[vm.DUP] = function() { data.dup(); } instructions[vm.DROP] = function() { data.drop(); } instructions[vm.SWAP] = function() { data.swap(); } instructions[vm.PUSH] = function() { address.push(data.pop()); } instructions[vm.POP] = function() { data.push(address.pop()) } instructions[vm.JUMP] = function() { ip = data.pop() - 1; } instructions[vm.CALL] = function() { address.push(ip); ip = data.pop() - 1; } instructions[vm.CCALL] = function() { var a, b; a = data.pop(); b = data.pop(); if (b != 0) { address.push(ip); ip = a - 1; } } instructions[vm.RETURN] = function() { ip = address.pop(); } instructions[vm.EQ] = function() { var a, b; a = data.pop(); b = data.pop(); if (b == a) data.push(-1); else data.push(0); } instructions[vm.NEQ] = function() { var a, b; a = data.pop(); b = data.pop(); if (b != a) data.push(-1); else data.push(0); } instructions[vm.LT] = function() { var a, b; a = data.pop(); b = data.pop(); if (b < a) data.push(-1); else data.push(0); } instructions[vm.GT] = function() { var a, b; a = data.pop(); b = data.pop(); if (b > a) data.push(-1); else data.push(0); } instructions[vm.FETCH] = function() { x = data.pop(); if (x == -1) data.push(data.sp); else if (x == -2) data.push(address.sp); else if (x == -3) data.push(IMAGE_SIZE); else if (x == -4) data.push(-2147483648); else if (x == -5) data.push(2147483647); else data.push(image[x]); } instructions[vm.STORE] = function() { image[data.tos()] = data.nos(); data.drop(); data.drop(); } instructions[vm.ADD] = function() { var x = data.pop(); var y = data.pop(); data.push(x + y); } instructions[vm.SUB] = function() { var x = data.pop(); var y = data.pop(); data.push(y - x); } instructions[vm.MUL] = function() { var x = data.pop(); var y = data.pop(); data.push(y * x); } instructions[vm.DIVMOD] = function() { var b = data.pop(); var a = data.pop(); if (b == 0) { ip = 0; data.sp = 0; address.sp = 0; } else { var x = Math.abs(b); var y = Math.abs(a); var q = Math.floor(y / x); var r = y % x; if (a < 0 && b < 0) r = r * -1; if (a > 0 && b < 0) q = q * -1; if (a < 0 && b > 0) { r = r * -1; q = q * -1; } data.push(r); data.push(q); } } instructions[vm.AND] = function() { var x = data.pop(); var y = data.pop(); data.push(x & y); } instructions[vm.OR] = function() { var x = data.pop(); var y = data.pop(); data.push(x | y); } instructions[vm.XOR] = function() { var x = data.pop(); var y = data.pop(); data.push(x ^ y); } instructions[vm.SHIFT] = function() { var x = data.pop(); var y = data.pop(); if (x < 0) data.push(y << (x * -1)); else data.push(y >>= x); } instructions[vm.ZERO_EXIT] = function() { if (data.tos() == 0) { data.drop(); ip = address.pop(); } } instructions[vm.END] = function() { ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } instructions[vm.IE] = function() { data.push(1); } instructions[vm.IQ] = function() { data.drop(); data.push(0); data.push(0); } instructions[vm.II] = function() { data.pop(); var s = String.fromCharCode(data.pop()); document.getElementById('console').innerHTML += s; } window.addEventListener('load', function(e) { rxPrepareVM(); }, false); function processOpcode(opcode) { if (opcode != 0) { instructions[opcode](); checkStack(); } } function validatePackedOpcodes(opcode) { var raw = opcode; var current; var valid = -1; var i = 0; while (i < 4) { current = raw & 0xFF; if (!current >= 0 && current <= 29) valid = 0; raw = raw >> 8; i++; } } function ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(opcode) { var raw = opcode; ops = new Array(3); ops[0] = raw & (255); raw = raw >> 8; ops[1] = raw & (255); raw = raw >> 8; ops[2] = raw & (255); raw = raw >> 8; ops[3] = raw & (255); processOpcode(ops[0]); processOpcode(ops[1]); processOpcode(ops[2]); processOpcode(ops[3]); } function loadInitialImage() { image = ngaImage.slice(); } function execute(offset) { var opcode; address.sp = 1; ip = offset; var notfound = d_xt_for("err:notfound"); while (ip < IMAGE_SIZE) { opcode = image[ip]; if (ip == notfound) { document.getElementById('console').value += "err:notfound : " + string_extract(1471) + "\n"; } if (validatePackedOpcodes(opcode) != 0) { ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(opcode); } else { alert("Invalid instruction!"); alert("At " + ip + ", opcode " + opcode); } if (address.sp == 0) ip = IMAGE_SIZE; ip++; } } function checkStack() { var depth = data.depth(); var adepth = address.depth(); var flag = 0; if (depth < 0 || adepth < 0) { flag = -1; } if (depth > DATA_DEPTH || adepth > DATA_DEPTH) { flag = -1; } if (flag == -1) { ip = 0; data.sp = 0; address.sp = 0; } } function string_inject(str, buffer) { var m = str.length; var i = 0; while (m > 0) { image[buffer + i] = str[i].charCodeAt(0); image[buffer + i + 1] = 0; m--; i++; } } function string_extract(at) { string_data = ""; var starting = at; var i = 0; while (image[starting] != 0) string_data += String.fromCharCode(image[starting++]); return string_data; } function d_link(dt) { return dt + 0; } function d_xt(dt) { return dt + 1; } function d_class(dt) { return dt + 2; } function d_name(dt) { return dt + 3; } function d_count_entries() { var c = 0; var i = image[2]; while (image[i] != 0) { c++; i = image[i]; } return c; } function d_lookup(name) { var dt = 0; var i = image[2]; var dname; while (image[i] != 0 && i != 0) { dname = string_extract(d_name(i)); if (dname == name) { dt = i; i = 0; } else { i = image[i]; } } return dt; } function d_xt_for(name) { return image[d_xt(d_lookup(name))]; } function d_class_for(name) { return image[d_class(d_lookup(name))]; } function evaluate(s) { if (s.length == 0) return; var i = d_xt_for("interpret"); string_inject(s, 1471); data.push(1471); execute(i); } function cls() { document.getElementById('console').innerHTML = ""; } function unu(src) { raw = src.split("\n"); var i = raw.length; var lines = new Array(); var j = 0; var code = 0; while (j < i) { if (code == 1 && raw[j] == "~~~") { code = 0; } else if (code == 0 && raw[j] == "~~~") { code = 1; } else if (code == 1) { lines.push(raw[j]); } j++; } return lines.join(" "); } function go() { rxPrepareVM(); loadInitialImage(); document.getElementById("console").innerHTML = ""; src = document.getElementById("input").value; tokens = unu(src).match(/\S+/g); var i = tokens.length; var j = 0; while (j < i) { evaluate(tokens[j]); j++; } s = ""; i = data.depth(); j = 1; while (j <= i) { s = s + data.data[j] + " "; j++; } document.getElementById("console").innerHTML += "\n" + s; } function saveproject() { src = document.getElementById("input").value; console.log('saving ' + src); localStorage.setItem("Snapshot", src); } function loadproject() { src = localStorage.getItem("Snapshot"); document.getElementById("input").value = src; }