
RETRO does only minimal error checking.


A non-fatal error will be reported on word not found during interactive or compile time. Note that this only applies to calls: if you try to get a pointer to an undefined word, the returned pointer will be zero.


A number of conditions are known to cause fatal errors. The main ones are stack overflow, stack underflow, and division by zero.

On these, RETRO will generally exit. For stack depth issues, the VM will attempt to display an error prior to exiting.

In some cases, the VM may get stuck in an endless loop. If this occurs, try using CTRL+C to kill the process, or kill it using whatever means your host system provides.


Error checks are useful, but slow - especially on a minimal system like RETRO. The overhead of doing depth or other checks adds up quickly.

As an example, adding a depth check to drop increases the time to use it 250,000 times in a loop from 0.16 seconds to 1.69 seconds.