Working With Arrays
RETRO offers a number of words for operating on statically sized
The words operating on arrays are kept in an a: namespace.
Creating Arrays
The easiest way to create an array is to wrap the values in a
{ and } pair:
{ #1 #2 #3 #4 }
{ 'this 'is 'an 'array 'of 'strings }
{ 'this 'is 'a 'mixed 'array #1 #2 #3 }
You can also make an array from a quotation which returns
values and the number of values to store in the a:
[ #1 #2 #3 #3 ] a:counted-results
[ #1 #2 #3 #3 ] a:make
Accessing Elements
You can access a specific value with a:th and fetch or
{ #1 #2 #3 #4 } #3 a:th fetch
Find The Length
Use a:length to find the size of the array.
{ #1 #2 #3 #4 } a:length
Use a:dup to make a copy of an a:
{ #1 #2 #3 #4 } a:dup
RETRO provides a:filter which extracts matching values
from an array. This is used like:
{ #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 } [ n:even? ] a:filter
The quote will be passed each value in the array and should
return TRUE or FALSE. Values that lead to TRUE will be collected
into a new array.
a:map applies a quotation to each item in an array and
constructs a new array from the returned values.
{ #1 #2 #3 } [ #10 * ] a:map
a:reduce takes an array, a starting value, and a quote. It
executes the quote once for each item in the array, passing the
item and the value to the quote. The quote should consume both
and return a new value.
{ #1 #2 #3 } #0 [ + ] a:reduce
RETRO provides a:contains? and a:contains-string?
to search an array for a value (either a number or string) and
return either TRUE or FALSE.
#100 { #1 #2 #3 } a:contains?
'test { 'abc 'def 'test 'ghi } a:contains-string?
In memory, an array is a count followed by the values. As an
example, if you have an array:
{ #10 #20 #30 }
In memory this would be setup as:
| Offset | Value |
| ------ | ----- |
| 000 | 3 |
| 001 | 10 |
| 002 | 20 |
| 003 | 30 |
You can construct one on the fly by keeping a pointer to
here and using , to place the values. E.g.,
here [ #3 , #10 , #20 , #30 , ] dip
An example of this can be seen in this excerpt from an example
:create-set (-a)
here #3000 , #2 #3002 [ dup , n:inc ] times drop ;