# RETRO Quick Reference Displaying Things ----------------- Numbers ======= #100 putn Characters ========== $a putc Strings ======= 'hello,_world puts Mixed ===== #1 #2 #3 '%n_-_%n_=_%n\n s:format puts 'Charles' 'Hello_%s\n s:format puts Conditionals ------------ Equality ======== #2 #3 eq? Inequality ========== #3 #4 -eq? Greather Than ============= #3 #4 gt? Less Than ========= #3 #4 lt? Greater Than or Equal To ======================== #3 #4 gteq? Less Than or Equal To ===================== #3 #4 lteq? String Equality =============== 'hello 'world s:eq? String Inequality ================= 'hello 'world s:eq? not If / Then ========= #1 #2 eq? [ 'true ] [ 'false ] choose #1 #2 eq? [ 'true ] if #1 #2 eq? [ 'false ] -if Multiple Comparisons ==================== [ @Base #8 [ 'octal ] case #10 [ 'decimal ] case #16 [ 'hexadecimal ] case drop (default_case) ] call Function Defintions ------------------- Quotes (Anonymous) ================== [ (code) ] Quotes can be nested. Named ===== :name (stack_comment) (code) ; Quotes can be nested inside a named function. Loops ----- Unconditional ============= repeat (code) again Conditional loops are generally preferable. Counted ======= (simple,_no_index_on_stack) #10 [ $a putc ] times Conditional =========== #10 [ n:dec dup putn dup n:-zero? ] while Math ---- Addition ======== #100 #200 + Subtraction =========== #400 #32 - Multiplication ============== #98 #12 * Division ======== #200 #4 / Remainder ========= #203 #4 mod Power ===== Raise 3 to the second power. #3 #2 n:pow Absolute Value ============== #-76 n:abs Minimum and Maximum Value ========================= #34 #8 n:min #34 #8 n:max