\ expint Real Exponential Integral ACM Algorithm #20 \ Forth Scientific Library Algorithm #1 \ Evaluates the Real Exponential Integral, \ E1(x) = - Ei(-x) = int_x^\infty exp^{-u}/u du for x > 0 \ using a rational approximation \ This code conforms with ANS requiring: \ 1. The Floating-Point word set \ 2. The immediate word '%' which takes the next token \ and converts it to a floating-point literal \ \ Collected Algorithms from ACM, Volume 1 Algorithms 1-220, \ 1980; Association for Computing Machinery Inc., New York, \ ISBN 0-89791-017-6 \ (c) Copyright 1994 Everett F. Carter. Permission is granted by the \ author to use this software for any application provided the \ copyright notice is preserved. CR .( EXPINT V1.1 21 September 1994 EFC ) : expint ( --, f: x -- expint[x] ) FDUP % 1.0 F< IF FDUP % 0.00107857 F* % 0.00976004 F- FOVER F* % 0.05519968 F+ FOVER F* % 0.24991055 F- FOVER F* % 0.99999193 F+ FOVER F* % 0.57721566 F- FSWAP FLN F- ELSE FDUP % 8.5733287401 F+ FOVER F* % 18.059016973 F+ FOVER F* % 8.6347608925 F+ FOVER F* % 0.2677737343 F+ FOVER FDUP % 9.5733223454 F+ FOVER F* % 25.6329561486 F+ FOVER F* % 21.0996530827 F+ FOVER F* % 3.9584969228 F+ FSWAP FDROP F/ FOVER F/ FSWAP % -1.0 F* FEXP F* THEN ; \ test code generates a small table of selected E1 values. \ most comparison values are from Abramowitz & Stegun, \ Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Table 5.1 : expint_test ( -- ) CR ." x E1(x) exact ExpInt[x] " CR ." 0.5 0.5597736 " % 0.5 expint F. CR ." 1.0 0.2193839 " % 1.0 expint F. CR ." 2.0 0.0489005 " % 2.0 expint F. CR ." 5.0 0.001148296 " % 5.0 expint F. CR ." 10.0 0.4156969e-5 " % 10.0 expint F. CR ; # The Code ~~~ :expint (-,f:x-expint[x]) f:dup .1.0 f:lt? [ f:dup .0.00107857 f:* .0.00976004 f:- f:over f:* .0.05519968 f:+ f:over f:* .0.24991055 f:- f:over f:* .0.99999193 f:+ f:over f:* .0.57721566 f:- f:swap f:E f:log f:- ] [ f:dup .8.5733287401 f:+ f:over f:* .18.059016973 f:+ f:over f:* .8.6347608925 f:+ f:over f:* .0.2677737343 f:+ f:over f:dup .9.5733223454 f:+ f:over f:* .25.6329561486 f:+ f:over f:* .21.0996530827 f:+ f:over f:* .3.9584969228 f:+ f:swap f:drop f:/ f:over f:/ f:swap .-1.0 f:* f:E f:swap f:power f:* ] choose ; ~~~ # Tests ``` .0.5 expint f:put nl .1.0 expint f:put nl .2.0 expint f:put nl .5.0 expint f:put nl .10.0 expint f:put nl ```