use std::convert::TryInto; use std::io::{BufRead, Read, Write}; use std::process::exit; const IMAGE_SIZE: usize = 242000; const NUM_DEVICES: usize = 2; type Cell = i32; struct VM { ip: Cell, data: Vec, address: Vec, memory: Vec, notfound: Cell, tib: Cell, instructions: [fn(&mut VM) -> (); 30], io_device_handlers: [fn(&mut VM) -> (); NUM_DEVICES], io_query_handlers: [fn(&mut VM) -> (); NUM_DEVICES], } impl VM { fn pop_data(&mut self) -> Cell { if let Some(value) = { return value; } else { panic!("stack underflow!"); } } fn push_data(&mut self, value: Cell) {; } fn pop_address(&mut self) -> Cell { if let Some(value) = self.address.pop() { return value; } else { panic!("stack underflow!"); } } fn push_address(&mut self, value: Cell) { self.address.push(value); } fn nga_load_image(&mut self, image_file: &str) { if let Ok(image) = std::fs::read(image_file) { for (i, c) in image.chunks(4).enumerate() { self.memory[i] = i32::from_le_bytes(c.try_into().unwrap()); } } else { println!("Unable to find the ngaImage!"); exit(1); } } fn nga_string_extract(&self, at: usize) -> String { self.memory[at..] .into_iter() .take_while(|&x| *x != 0) .flat_map(|&x| std::char::from_u32(x as u32)) .collect() } fn nga_string_inject(&mut self, string: String, at: usize) { for (i, c) in string.bytes().enumerate() { self.memory[at + i] = c.into(); self.memory[at + i + 1] = 0; } } fn nga_lookup(&self, name: String) -> usize { let mut i: usize = self.memory[2] as usize; while self.memory[i] != 0 && i != 0 { let target = self.nga_string_extract(i + 4); if name == target { return i; } else { i = self.memory[i] as usize; } } return 0; } fn inst_nop(&mut self) { return (); } fn inst_lit(&mut self) { self.ip += 1; self.push_data(self.memory[self.ip as usize]); } fn inst_dup(&mut self) { let temp: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_data(temp); self.push_data(temp); } fn inst_drop(&mut self) { if == 0 { self.ip = IMAGE_SIZE as i32; } else { self.pop_data(); } } fn inst_swap(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_data(temp_a); self.push_data(temp_b); } fn inst_push(&mut self) { let temp: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_address(temp); } fn inst_pop(&mut self) { let temp: Cell = self.pop_address(); self.push_data(temp); } fn inst_jump(&mut self) { self.ip = self.pop_data() - 1; } fn inst_call(&mut self) { self.push_address(self.ip); self.ip = self.pop_data() - 1; } fn inst_ccall(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); if temp_b != 0 { self.push_address(self.ip); self.ip = temp_a - 1; } } fn inst_return(&mut self) { self.ip = self.pop_address(); } fn inst_eq(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); if temp_b == temp_a { self.push_data(-1); } else { self.push_data(0); } } fn inst_neq(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); if temp_b != temp_a { self.push_data(-1); } else { self.push_data(0); } } fn inst_lt(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); if temp_b < temp_a { self.push_data(-1); } else { self.push_data(0); } } fn inst_gt(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); if temp_b > temp_a { self.push_data(-1); } else { self.push_data(0); } } fn inst_fetch(&mut self) { match self.pop_data() { -1 => self.push_data( as i32), -2 => self.push_data(self.address.len() as i32), -3 => self.push_data(IMAGE_SIZE as i32), -4 => self.push_data(-2147483648), -5 => self.push_data(2147483647), pt => self.push_data(self.memory[pt as usize]), } } fn inst_store(&mut self) { let addr: Cell = self.pop_data(); let value: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.memory[addr as usize] = value; } fn inst_add(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_data(temp_b + temp_a); } fn inst_sub(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_data(temp_b - temp_a); } fn inst_mul(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_data(temp_b * temp_a); } fn inst_divmod(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_data(temp_b % temp_a); self.push_data(temp_b / temp_a); } fn inst_and(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_data(temp_a & temp_b); } fn inst_or(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_data(temp_a | temp_b); } fn inst_xor(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); self.push_data(temp_a ^ temp_b); } fn inst_shift(&mut self) { let temp_a: Cell = self.pop_data(); let temp_b: Cell = self.pop_data(); if temp_b < 0 { self.push_data(temp_b << temp_a); } else { self.push_data(temp_b >> temp_a); } } fn inst_zret(&mut self) { match self.pop_data() { 0 => self.ip = self.pop_address(), n => self.push_data(n), } } fn inst_halt(&mut self) { self.ip = IMAGE_SIZE as i32; } fn inst_ie(&mut self) { self.push_data(NUM_DEVICES as i32); } fn inst_iq(&mut self) { self.io_query_handlers[self.pop_data() as usize](self); } fn inst_ii(&mut self) { self.io_device_handlers[self.pop_data() as usize](self); } fn nga_process_opcode(&mut self, opcode: Cell) { if opcode != 0 { self.instructions[opcode as usize](self); } } fn nga_validate_packed_opcodes(&mut self, opcode: Cell) -> bool { opcode.to_le_bytes().iter().all(|&x| x & 0xFF <= 29) } fn nga_process_packed_opcodes(&mut self, opcode: Cell) { for &x in opcode.to_le_bytes().iter() { self.nga_process_opcode(x as Cell & 0xFF) } } fn generic_output(&mut self) { std::io::stdout() .lock() .write(&[self.pop_data() as u8]) .unwrap(); std::io::stdout() .lock() .flush() .unwrap(); } fn generic_output_query(&mut self) { self.push_data(0); self.push_data(0); } fn generic_input(&mut self) { match std::io::stdin().lock().bytes().next().unwrap() { Ok(127) => self.push_data(8), Ok(val) => self.push_data(val as i32), Err(_) => exit(1), } } fn generic_input_query(&mut self) { self.push_data(0); self.push_data(1); } fn nga_lookup_xt(&mut self, name: String) -> Cell { self.memory[1 + self.nga_lookup(name)] } fn new() -> VM { VM { ip: 0, data: Vec::new(), address: Vec::new(), notfound: 0, tib: 0, memory: vec![0; IMAGE_SIZE], instructions: [ VM::inst_nop, VM::inst_lit, VM::inst_dup, VM::inst_drop, VM::inst_swap, VM::inst_push, VM::inst_pop, VM::inst_jump, VM::inst_call, VM::inst_ccall, VM::inst_return, VM::inst_eq, VM::inst_neq, VM::inst_lt, VM::inst_gt, VM::inst_fetch, VM::inst_store, VM::inst_add, VM::inst_sub, VM::inst_mul, VM::inst_divmod, VM::inst_and, VM::inst_or, VM::inst_xor, VM::inst_shift, VM::inst_zret, VM::inst_halt, VM::inst_ie, VM::inst_iq, VM::inst_ii, ], io_query_handlers: [ VM::generic_output_query, VM::generic_input_query, ], io_device_handlers: [ VM::generic_output, VM::generic_input, ], } } fn nga_execute(&mut self, at: Cell) { self.ip = at; self.push_address(0); while self.ip < IMAGE_SIZE as Cell { if self.ip == self.notfound { println!("{} ?", self.nga_string_extract(self.tib as usize)); } let opcode: Cell = self.memory[self.ip as usize]; if self.nga_validate_packed_opcodes(opcode) { self.nga_process_packed_opcodes(opcode); } else { println!("Invalid instruction!"); println!("ip: {}, opcode: {}", self.ip, opcode); exit(1); } self.ip += 1; if self.address.len() == 0 { self.ip = IMAGE_SIZE as Cell; } } } fn nga_evaluate(&mut self, string: String) { if &string == "bye" { exit(0); } self.notfound = self.nga_lookup_xt(String::from("err:notfound")); let interpret: Cell = self.nga_lookup_xt(String::from("interpret")); self.nga_string_inject(string, self.tib as usize); self.push_data(self.tib as i32); self.nga_execute(interpret); } } fn main() { let mut vm: VM = VM::new(); vm.nga_load_image("ngaImage"); vm.tib = vm.memory[7]; println!("RETRO 12 (rx-{}.{})", vm.memory[4] / 100, vm.memory[4] % 100); println!("{} MAX, TIB @ {}, HEAP @ {}", IMAGE_SIZE, vm.tib, vm.memory[3]); for input in std::io::stdin().lock().lines() { for word in input.unwrap().split_whitespace() { vm.nga_evaluate(String::from(word)); } } }