#!/usr/bin/env retro This is used to assemble the Markdown copy of the RETRO Handbook. The individual chapters are in the `book/` directory. This is set using the `BOOK-BASE` constant. ~~~ 'doc/book/ 'BOOK-BASE s:const ~~~ The chapters are specified it the `TOC`, a named array. These are the file names, they will be included in order. I am structuring it using separate file to make the actual editing process easier for me. ~~~ 'tools/book-chapters.retro include ~~~ ~~~ 'Out var :import here swap BOOK-BASE s:prepend file:slurp ; :/n ASCII:LF @Out file:write ; :add-to-book here [ @Out file:write ] s:for-each /n ; :process-files [ import add-to-book $. c:put ] a:for-each nl ; :open 'doc/RETRO-Book.md file:open-for-writing !Out ; :close @Out file:close ; :assemble open process-files close ; ~~~ ~~~ TOC assemble ~~~