/* RETRO ------------------------------------------------------ A personal, minimalistic forth Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019 Charles Childers This is a quick interface layer that loads and runs a source file, then saves a new image file. It's used to merge the `retro.forth` into the base `rx` image. ---------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #define CELL int32_t #define IMAGE_SIZE 524288 #define ADDRESSES 2048 #define STACK_DEPTH 512 #define NUM_DEVICES 1 typedef void (*Handler)(void); Handler IO_deviceHandlers[NUM_DEVICES + 1]; Handler IO_queryHandlers[NUM_DEVICES + 1]; enum vm_opcode { VM_NOP, VM_LIT, VM_DUP, VM_DROP, VM_SWAP, VM_PUSH, VM_POP, VM_JUMP, VM_CALL, VM_CCALL, VM_RETURN, VM_EQ, VM_NEQ, VM_LT, VM_GT, VM_FETCH, VM_STORE, VM_ADD, VM_SUB, VM_MUL, VM_DIVMOD, VM_AND, VM_OR, VM_XOR, VM_SHIFT, VM_ZRET, VM_END, VM_IE, VM_IQ, VM_II }; #define NUM_OPS VM_II + 1 CELL sp, rp, ip; CELL data[STACK_DEPTH]; CELL address[ADDRESSES]; CELL memory[IMAGE_SIZE + 1]; #define TOS data[sp] #define NOS data[sp-1] #define TORS address[rp] CELL ngaLoadImage(char *imageFile); void ngaPrepare(); void ngaProcessOpcode(CELL opcode); void ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(int opcode); int ngaValidatePackedOpcodes(CELL opcode); CELL max_sp, max_rsp; /* This assumes some knowledge of the ngaImage format for the Retro language. If things change there, these will need to be adjusted to match. */ #define TIB 1025 #define D_OFFSET_LINK 0 #define D_OFFSET_XT 1 #define D_OFFSET_CLASS 2 #define D_OFFSET_NAME 3 CELL Dictionary, Heap, Compiler; CELL notfound, interpret; CELL stack_pop(); void stack_push(CELL value); int string_inject(char *str, int buffer); char *string_extract(int at); int d_link(CELL dt); int d_xt(CELL dt); int d_class(CELL dt); int d_name(CELL dt); int d_lookup(CELL Dictionary, char *name); CELL d_xt_for(char *Name, CELL Dictionary); CELL d_class_for(char *Name, CELL Dictionary); void update_rx(); void execute(int cell); void evaluate(char *s); int not_eol(int ch); void read_token(FILE *file, char *token_buffer, int echo, int max); void generic_output() { putc(stack_pop(), stdout); fflush(stdout); } void generic_output_query() { stack_push(0); stack_push(0); } void dump_stack() { CELL i; if (sp == 0) return; printf("\nStack: "); for (i = 1; i <= sp; i++) { if (i == sp) printf("[ TOS: %d ]", data[i]); else printf("%d ", data[i]); } printf("\n"); } int include_file(char *fname) { FILE *fp; char source[2049]; int inBlock = 0; int tokens = 0; fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (fp == NULL) return 0; while (!feof(fp)) { read_token(fp, source, 0, 2048); if (strcmp(source, "~~~") == 0) { if (inBlock == 0) inBlock = 1; else inBlock = 0; } else { if (inBlock == 1) { evaluate(source); tokens++; } } } fclose(fp); return tokens; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int tokens, i; FILE *fp; IO_deviceHandlers[0] = generic_output; IO_queryHandlers[0] = generic_output_query; ngaPrepare(); max_sp = 0; max_rsp = 0; ngaLoadImage(argv[1]); update_rx(); printf("Initial Image Size: %d\n", Heap); dump_stack(); for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { tokens = include_file(argv[i]); printf(" + %d tokens from %s\n", tokens, argv[i]); } update_rx(); printf("New Image Size: %d\n", Heap); printf("MAX SP: %d, RP: %d\n", max_sp, max_rsp); if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "wb")) == NULL) { printf("Unable to save the ngaImage!\n"); exit(2); } fwrite(&memory, sizeof(CELL), memory[3] + 1, fp); fclose(fp); return 0; } /* Some I/O Parameters */ CELL stack_pop() { sp--; return data[sp + 1]; } void stack_push(CELL value) { sp++; data[sp] = value; } int string_inject(char *str, int buffer) { int m = strlen(str); int i = 0; while (m > 0) { memory[buffer + i] = (CELL)str[i]; memory[buffer + i + 1] = 0; m--; i++; } return buffer; } char string_data[8192]; char *string_extract(int at) { CELL starting = at; CELL i = 0; while(memory[starting] && i < 8192) string_data[i++] = (char)memory[starting++]; string_data[i] = 0; return (char *)string_data; } int d_link(CELL dt) { return dt + D_OFFSET_LINK; } int d_xt(CELL dt) { return dt + D_OFFSET_XT; } int d_class(CELL dt) { return dt + D_OFFSET_CLASS; } int d_name(CELL dt) { return dt + D_OFFSET_NAME; } int d_lookup(CELL Dictionary, char *name) { CELL dt = 0; CELL i = Dictionary; char *dname; while (memory[i] != 0 && i != 0) { dname = string_extract(d_name(i)); if (strcmp(dname, name) == 0) { dt = i; i = 0; } else { i = memory[i]; } } return dt; } CELL d_xt_for(char *Name, CELL Dictionary) { return memory[d_xt(d_lookup(Dictionary, Name))]; } CELL d_class_for(char *Name, CELL Dictionary) { return memory[d_class(d_lookup(Dictionary, Name))]; } /* Retro needs to track a few variables. This function is called as necessary to ensure that the interface stays in sync with the image state. */ void update_rx() { Dictionary = memory[2]; Heap = memory[3]; Compiler = d_xt_for("Compiler", Dictionary); notfound = d_xt_for("err:notfound", Dictionary); interpret = d_xt_for("interpret", Dictionary); } /* The `execute` function runs a word in the Retro image. */ void execute(CELL cell) { CELL opcode; rp = 1; ip = cell; while (ip < IMAGE_SIZE) { opcode = memory[ip]; if (ip == notfound) { printf("%s ?\n", string_extract(1025)); } if (ngaValidatePackedOpcodes(opcode) != 0) { ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(opcode); } else { printf("Invalid instruction!\n"); exit(1); } ip++; if (sp > max_sp) max_sp = sp; if (rp > max_rsp) max_rsp = rp; if (rp == 0) ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } } /* The `evaluate` function moves a token into the Retro token buffer, then calls the Retro `interpret` word to process it. */ void evaluate(char *s) { if (strlen(s) == 0) return; string_inject(s, TIB); stack_push(TIB); execute(interpret); } /* `read_token` reads a token from the specified file. It will stop on a whitespace or newline. It also tries to handle backspaces, though the success of this depends on how your terminal is configured. */ int not_eol(int ch) { return (ch != (char)10) && (ch != (char)13) && (ch != (char)32) && (ch != EOF) && (ch != 0); } void read_token(FILE *file, char *token_buffer, int echo, int max) { int ch, count; ch = getc(file); if (echo != 0) putchar(ch); count = 0; while (not_eol(ch)) { if ((ch == 8 || ch == 127) && count > 0) { count--; if (echo != 0) { putchar(8); putchar(32); putchar(8); } } else { token_buffer[count++] = ch; } if (count == max) { break; } ch = getc(file); if (echo != 0) putchar(ch); } token_buffer[count] = '\0'; } /* Nga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright (c) 2008 - 2017, Charles Childers Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Luke Parrish Copyright (c) 2010, Marc Simpson Copyright (c) 2010, Jay Skeer Copyright (c) 2011, Kenneth Keating ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ CELL ngaLoadImage(char *imageFile) { FILE *fp; CELL imageSize; long fileLen; if ((fp = fopen(imageFile, "rb")) != NULL) { /* Determine length (in cells) */ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fileLen = ftell(fp) / sizeof(CELL); rewind(fp); /* Read the file into memory */ imageSize = fread(&memory, sizeof(CELL), fileLen, fp); fclose(fp); } else { printf("Unable to find the ngaImage!\n"); exit(1); } return imageSize; } void ngaPrepare() { ip = sp = rp = 0; for (ip = 0; ip < IMAGE_SIZE; ip++) memory[ip] = VM_NOP; for (ip = 0; ip < STACK_DEPTH; ip++) data[ip] = 0; for (ip = 0; ip < ADDRESSES; ip++) address[ip] = 0; } void inst_nop() { } void inst_lit() { sp++; ip++; TOS = memory[ip]; } void inst_dup() { sp++; data[sp] = NOS; } void inst_drop() { data[sp] = 0; if (--sp < 0) ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } void inst_swap() { CELL a; a = TOS; TOS = NOS; NOS = a; } void inst_push() { rp++; TORS = TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_pop() { sp++; TOS = TORS; rp--; } void inst_jump() { ip = TOS - 1; inst_drop(); } void inst_call() { rp++; TORS = ip; ip = TOS - 1; inst_drop(); } void inst_ccall() { CELL a, b; a = TOS; inst_drop(); /* False */ b = TOS; inst_drop(); /* Flag */ if (b != 0) { rp++; TORS = ip; ip = a - 1; } } void inst_return() { ip = TORS; rp--; } void inst_eq() { NOS = (NOS == TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_neq() { NOS = (NOS != TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_lt() { NOS = (NOS < TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_gt() { NOS = (NOS > TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_fetch() { switch (TOS) { case -1: TOS = sp - 1; break; case -2: TOS = rp; break; case -3: TOS = IMAGE_SIZE; break; default: TOS = memory[TOS]; break; } } void inst_store() { if (TOS <= IMAGE_SIZE && TOS >= 0) { memory[TOS] = NOS; inst_drop(); inst_drop(); } else { ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } } void inst_add() { NOS += TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_sub() { NOS -= TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_mul() { NOS *= TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_divmod() { CELL a, b; a = TOS; b = NOS; TOS = b / a; NOS = b % a; } void inst_and() { NOS = TOS & NOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_or() { NOS = TOS | NOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_xor() { NOS = TOS ^ NOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_shift() { CELL y = TOS; CELL x = NOS; if (TOS < 0) NOS = NOS << (TOS * -1); else { if (x < 0 && y > 0) NOS = x >> y | ~(~0U >> y); else NOS = x >> y; } inst_drop(); } void inst_zret() { if (TOS == 0) { inst_drop(); ip = TORS; rp--; } } void inst_end() { ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } void inst_ie() { sp++; TOS = NUM_DEVICES; } void inst_iq() { CELL Device = TOS; inst_drop(); IO_queryHandlers[Device](); } void inst_ii() { CELL Device = TOS; inst_drop(); IO_deviceHandlers[Device](); } Handler instructions[NUM_OPS] = { inst_nop, inst_lit, inst_dup, inst_drop, inst_swap, inst_push, inst_pop, inst_jump, inst_call, inst_ccall, inst_return, inst_eq, inst_neq, inst_lt, inst_gt, inst_fetch, inst_store, inst_add, inst_sub, inst_mul, inst_divmod, inst_and, inst_or, inst_xor, inst_shift, inst_zret, inst_end, inst_ie, inst_iq, inst_ii }; void ngaProcessOpcode(CELL opcode) { if (opcode != 0) instructions[opcode](); } int ngaValidatePackedOpcodes(CELL opcode) { CELL raw = opcode; CELL current; int valid = -1; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { current = raw & 0xFF; if (!(current >= 0 && current <= 29)) valid = 0; raw = raw >> 8; } return valid; } void ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(CELL opcode) { CELL raw = opcode; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ngaProcessOpcode(raw & 0xFF); raw = raw >> 8; } }