# RETRO: a Modern, Pragmatic Forth Welcome to RETRO, my personal take on the Forth language. This is a modern system primarily targetting desktop, mobile, and servers, though it can also be used on some larger (ARM, MIPS32) embedded systems. The language is Forth. It is untyped, uses a stack to pass data between functions called words, and a dictionary which tracks the word names and data structures. But it's not a traditional Forth. RETRO draws influences from many sources and takes a unique approach to the language. RETRO has a large vocabulary of words. Keeping a copy of the Glossary on hand is highly recommended as you learn to use RETRO. This book will hopefully help you develop a better understanding of RETRO and how it works. # Building RETRO on BSD ## Requirements - c compiler (tested: clang, tcc, gcc) - make - standard unix shell ## Process Run `make`. This will build the toolchain and then the main `retro` executable. ## Executables In the `bin/` directory: retro retro-unu retro-muri retro-extend retro-embedimage # Building RETRO on Linux ## Requirements - c compiler (tested: clang, tcc, gcc) - make - standard unix shell ## Process Run `make -f Makefile.linux`. This will build the toolchain and then the main `retro` executable. ## Executables In the `bin/` directory: retro retro-unu retro-muri retro-extend retro-embedimage # Building RETRO on macOS ## Requirements - c compiler (tested: clang, tcc, gcc) - make - standard unix shell ## Process Run `make`. This will build the toolchain and then the main `retro` executable. ## Executables In the `bin/` directory: retro retro-unu retro-muri retro-extend retro-embedimage # Building RETRO on Windows ## C#: retro.cs This is an implementation of `retro-repl` in C#. As with `retro-repl` it requires the `ngaImage` in the current directory when starting. Building: csc retro.cs You'll need to make sure your path has the CSC.EXE in it, or provide a full path to it. Something like this should reveal the path to use: dir /s %WINDIR%\CSC.EXE I've only tested building this using Microsoft's .NET tools. It should also build and run under Mono. # Starting RETRO RETRO can be run for scripting or interactive use. To start it interactively, run: `retro -i` or `retro -c`. For a summary of the full command line arguments available: Scripting Usage: retro filename [script arguments...] Interactive Usage: retro [-h] [-i] [-c] [-s] [-f filename] [-t] -h Display this help text -i Interactive mode (line buffered) -c Interactive mode (character buffered) -s Suppress the 'ok' prompt and keyboard echo in interactive mode -f filename Run the contents of the specified file -t Run tests (in ``` blocks) in any loaded files # Starting RETRO RETRO can be run for scripting or interactive use. To start it interactively, run: `retro -i` or `retro -c`. For a summary of the full command line arguments available: Scripting Usage: retro filename [script arguments...] Interactive Usage: retro [-h] [-i] [-c] [-s] [-f filename] [-t] -h Display this help text -i Interactive mode (line buffered) -c Interactive mode (character buffered) -s Suppress the 'ok' prompt and keyboard echo in interactive mode -f filename Run the contents of the specified file -t Run tests (in ``` blocks) in any loaded files # Starting RETRO RETRO can be run for scripting or interactive use. To start it interactively, run: `retro -i` or `retro -c`. For a summary of the full command line arguments available: Scripting Usage: retro filename [script arguments...] Interactive Usage: retro [-h] [-i] [-c] [-s] [-f filename] [-t] -h Display this help text -i Interactive mode (line buffered) -c Interactive mode (character buffered) -s Suppress the 'ok' prompt and keyboard echo in interactive mode -f filename Run the contents of the specified file -t Run tests (in ``` blocks) in any loaded files # Basic Interactions Start RETRO in interactive mode: ``` retro -i ``` You should see something similar to this: RETRO 12 (rx-2019.6) 8388608 MAX, TIB @ 1025, Heap @ 9374 Ok At this point you are at the *listener*, which reads and processes your input. You are now set to begin exploring RETRO. To exit, run `bye`: ``` bye ``` # Using The Glossary The Glossary is a valuable resource. It provides information on the RETRO words. ## Example Entry f:+ Data: - Addr: - Float: FF-F Add two floating point numbers, returning the result. Class: class:word | Namespace: f | Interface Layer: rre Example #1: .3.1 .22 f:+ ## Reading The Entry An entry starts with the word name. This is followed by the stack effect for each stack. All RETRO systems have Data and Address stacks, some also include a floating point stack). The stack effect diagrams are followed by a short description of the word. After the description is a line providing some useful data. This includes the class handler, namespace prefix, and the interface layer that provides the word. Words in all systems will be listed as `all`. Some words (like the `pb:` words) are only on specific systems like iOS. These can be identified by looking at the interface layer field. At the end of the entry may be an example or two. ## Access Online The latest Glossary can be browsed at http://forthworks.com:9999 or gopher://forthworks.com:9999 # Programming Techniques The upcoming chapters provide helpful information on using RETRO with different types of data and hints on how to solve problems in a way consistent with the RETRO system. # Naming Conventions Word names in RETRO generally follow the following conventions. ## Case Word names are lowercase, with a dash (-) for compound names. Variables use TitleCase, with no dash between compound names. Constants are UPPERCASE, with a dash (-) for compound names. ## Namespaces Words are grouped into broad namespaces by attaching a short prefix string to the start of a name. The common namespaces are: | Prefix | Contains | | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | array: | Words operating on simple arrays | | ASCII: | ASCII character constants for control characters | | buffer: | Words for operating on a simple linear LIFO buffer | | c: | Words for operating on ASCII character data | | class: | Contains class handlers for words | | d: | Words operating on the Dictionary | | err: | Words for handling errors | | io: | General I/O words | | n: | Words operating on numeric data | | prefix: | Contains prefix handlers | | s: | Words operating on string data | | v: | Words operating on variables | | file: | File I/O words | | f: | Floating Point words | | gopher: | Gopher protocol words | | unix: | Unix system call words | # Stack Diagrams Most words in RETRO have a stack comment. These look like: (-) (nn-n) As with all comments, a stack comment begins with `(` and should end with a `)`. There are two parts to the comment. On the left side of the `-` is what the word *consumes*. On the right is what it *leaves*. RETRO uses a short notation, with one character per value taken or left. In general, the following symbols represent certain types of values. b, n, m, o, x, y, z are generic numeric values s represents a string v represents a variable p, a represent pointers q represents a quotation d represents a dictionary header f represents a `TRUE` or `FALSE` flag. In the case of something like `(xyz-m)`, RETRO expects z to be on the top of the stack, with y below it and x below the y value. And after execution, a single value (m) will be left on the stack. Words with no stack effect have a comment of (-) # Working With a Buffer RETRO provides words for operating on a linear memory area. This can be useful in building strings or custom data structures. ## Namespace Words operating on the buffer are kept in the `buffer` namespace. # Working With Characters RETRO provides words for working with ASCII characters. ## Prefix Character constants are returned using the `$` prefix. # Working With The Dictionary The Dictionary is a linked list containing the dictionary headers. ## Namespace Words operating on the dictionary are in the `d:` namespace. ## Variables `Dictionary` is a variable holding a pointer to the most recent header. ## Header Structure Each entry follows the following structure: Offset Contains ------ --------------------------- 0000 Link to Prior Header 0001 Link to XT 0002 Link to Class Handler 0003+ Word name (null terminated) RETRO provides words for accessing the fields in a portable manner. It's recommended to use these to allow for future revision of the header structure. ## Accessing Fields Given a pointer to a header, you can use `d:xt`, `d:class`, and `d:name` to access the address of each specific field. There is no `d:link`, as the link will always be the first field. ## Shortcuts For The Latest Header RETRO provides several words for operating on the most recent header. `d:last` returns a pointer to the latest header. `d:last` will give the contents of the `d:xt` field for the latest header. There are also `d:last` and `d:last`. ## Adding Headers Two words exist for making new headers. The easy one is `d:create`. This takes a string for the name and makes a new header with the class set to `class:data` and the XT field pointing to `here`. Example: ``` 'Base d:create ``` The other is `d:add-header`. This takes a string, a pointer to the class handler, and a pointer for the XT field and builds a new header using these. Example: ``` 'Base &class:data #10000 d:add-header ``` ## Searching RETRO provides two words for searching the dictionary. `d:lookup` takes a string and tries to find it in the dictionary. It will return a pointer to the dictionary header or a value of zero if the word was not found. `d:lookup-xt` takes a pointer and will return the dictionary header that has this as the `d:xt` field, or zero if no match is found. ## Iteration You can use the `d:for-each` combinator to iterate over all entries in the dictionary. For instance, to display the names of all words: ``` [ d:name s:put sp ] d:for-each ``` For each entry, this combinator will push a pointer to the entry to the stack and call the quotation. ## Listing Words Most Forth systems provide WORDS for listing the names of all words in the dictionary. RETRO does as well, but this is named `d:words`. This isn't super useful as looking through several hundred names is annoying. RETRO also provides `d:words-with` to help in filtering the results. Example: ``` 'class: d:words-with ``` # Working With Floating Point Some RETRO systems include support for floating point numbers. When present, this is built over the system `libm` using the C `double` type. Floating point values are typically 64 bit IEEE 754 double precision (1 bit for the sign, 11 bits for the exponent, and the remaining 52 bits for the value), i.e. 15 decimal digits of precision. ## Prefix Floating point numbers start with a `.` Examples: Token Value .1 1.0 .0.5 0.5 .-.4 -0.4 .1.3 1.3 # Working With Numbers Numbers in RETRO are signed, 32 bit integers with a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. ## Token Prefix All numbers start with a `#` prefix. ## Namespace Most words operating on numbers are in the `n:` namespace. # Working With Pointers ## Prefix Pointers are returned by the `&` prefix. ## Examples ``` 'Base var &Base fetch #10 &Base store #10 &n:inc call ``` ## Notes The use of `&` to get a pointer to a data structure (with a word class of `class:data`) is not required. I like to use it anyway as it makes my intent a little clearer. Pointers are useful with combinators. Consider: ``` :abs dup n:negative? [ n:negate ] if ; ``` Since the target quote body is a single word, it is more efficient to use a pointer instead: ``` :abs dup n:negative? &n:negate if ; ``` The advantages are speed (saves a level of call/return by avoiding the quotation) and size (for the same reason). This may be less readable though, so consider the balance of performance to readability when using this approach. # Working With Strings Strings in RETRO are NULL terminated sequences of values representing characters. Being NULL terminated, they can't contain a NULL (ASCII 0). The character words in RETRO are built around ASCII, but strings can contain UTF8 encoded data if the host platform allows. Words like `s:length` will return the number of bytes, not the number of logical characters in this case. ## Prefix Strings begin with a single `'`. ``` 'Hello 'This_is_a_string 'This_is_a_much_longer_string_12345_67890_!!! ``` RETRO will replace spaces with underscores. If you need both spaces and underscores in a string, escape the underscores and use `s:format`: ``` 'This_has_spaces_and_under\_scored_words. s:format ``` ## Lifetime At the interpreter, strings get allocated in a rotating buffer. This is used by the words operating on strings, so if you need to keep them around, use `s:keep` or `s:copy` to move them to more permanent storage. In a definition, the string is compiled inline and so is in permanent memory. You can manually manage the string lifetime by using `s:keep` to place it into permanent memory or `s:temp` to copy it to the rotating buffer. ## Mutability Strings are mutable. If you need to ensure that a string is not altered, make a copy before operating on it or see the individual glossary entries for notes on words that may do this automatically. ## Searching RETRO provides two words for searching within a string. `s:contains-char?` `s:contains-string?` `s:index-of` `s:index-of-string` ## Comparisons `s:eq?` `s:case` ## Extraction `s:left` `s:right` `s:substr` ## Joining `s:append` `s:prepend` ## Tokenization `s:tokenize` `s:tokenize-on-string` `s:split` `s:split-on-string` ## Conversions `s:to-lower` `s:to-upper` `s:to-number` ## Cleanup `s:chop` `s:trim` `s:trim-left` `s:trim-right` ## Combinators `s:for-each` `s:filter` `s:map` ## Other `s:evaluate` `s:copy` `s:reverse` `s:hash` `s:length` `s:replace` `s:format` `s:empty` # The Return Stack RETRO has two stacks. The primary one is used to pass data beween words. The second one primarily holds return addresses. Each time a word is called, the next address is pushed to the return stack. # Internals The next few chapters dive into RETRO's architecture. If you seek to implement a port to a new platform or to extend the I/O functionality you'll find helpful information here. # Internals: Interface Layers Nga provides a virtual processor and an extensible way of adding I/O devices, but does not provide any I/O itself. Adding I/O is the responsability of the *interface layer*. An interface layer will wrap Nga, providing at least one I/O device (a generic output target), and a means of interacting with the *retro image*. It's expected that this layer will be host specific, adding any system interactions that are needed via the I/O instructions. The image will typically be extended with words to use these. # Internals: Nga Virtual Machine ## Overview At the heart of RETRO is a simple MISC (minimal instruction set computer) processor for a dual stack architecture. This is a very simple and straightforward system. There are 30 instructions. The memory is a linear array of signed 32 bit values. And there are two stacks: one for data and one for return addresses. ## Instrution Table Column: 0 - opcode value 1 - Muri assembly name 2 - Full name 3 - Data Stack Usage 4 - Address Stack Usage +--------------------------------------------------+ | 0 .. nop - - | | 1 li lit -n - | | 2 du dup n-nn - | | 3 dr drop n- - | | 4 sw swap xy-yx - | | 5 pu push n- -n | | 6 po pop -n n- | | 7 ju jump a- - | | 8 ca call a- -A | | 9 cc conditional call af- -A | | 10 re return - A- | | 11 eq equality xy-f - | | 12 ne inequality xy-f - | | 13 lt less than xy-f - | | 14 gt greater than xy-f - | | 15 fe fetch a-n - | | 16 st store na- - | | 17 ad addition xy-n - | | 18 su subtraction xy-n - | | 19 mu multiplication xy-n - | | 20 di divide & remainder xy-rq - | | 21 an bitwise and xy-n - | | 22 or bitwise or xy-n - | | 23 xo bitwise xor xy-n - | | 24 sh shift xy-n - | | 25 zr zero return n-n | n- - | | 26 en end - - | | 27 ie i/o enumerate -n - | | 28 iq i/o query n-xy - | | 29 ii i/o invoke ...n- - | | | | Each `li` will push the value in the following | | cell to the data stack. | +--------------------------------------------------+ | li du mu .. | | i lidumu.. 00000001:00000010:00010011:00000000 | | data for li | | d 2 00000000:00000000:00000000:00000010 | | | | Assembler Directives Instruction Bundles | | ======================== ==================== | | : label Combine instruction | | i bundle names in groups of 4 | | d numeric-data | | r ref-to-address-by-name Use only .. after | | s null-terminated string ju, ca, cc, re, zr | +--------------------------------------------------+ ## Misc There are 810,000 possible combinations of instructions. Only 73 are used in the implementation of RETRO. # Internals: The Retro Image The actual RETRO language is stored as a memory image for Nga. ## Layout Assuming an Nga built with 524287 cells of memory: | RANGE | CONTAINS | | --------------- | ---------------------------- | | 0 - 1024 | rx kernel | | 1025 - 1535 | token input buffer | | 1536 + | start of heap space | | ............... | free memory for your use | | 506879 | buffer for string evaluate | | 507904 | temporary strings (32 * 512) | | 524287 | end of memory | The buffers at the end of memory will resize when specific variables related to them are altered.