/* ____ ____ ______ ____ ___ || \\ || | || | || \\ // \\ ||_// ||== || ||_// (( )) || \\ ||___ || || \\ \\_// a personal, minimalistic forth This loads an image file and generates a C formatted output. It's used to create the `image.c` that gets linked into `rre`. Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 Charles Childers */ #include #include #include #include #include "nga.c" void output_header(int size) { printf("#include \n"); printf("int32_t ngaImageCells = %d;\n", size); printf("int32_t ngaImage[] = { "); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ngaPrepare(); int32_t size = 0; if (argc == 2) size = ngaLoadImage(argv[1]); else size = ngaLoadImage("ngaImage"); output_header(size); int32_t i; i = 0; while (i < size) { if (i+1 < size) printf("%d,", memory[i]); else printf("%d };\n", memory[i]); i++; } exit(0); }