/* RETRO ------------------------------------------------------ A personal, minimalistic forth Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019 Charles Childers This is `rre`, short for `run retro and exit`. It's the basic interface layer for Retro on FreeBSD, Linux and macOS. rre embeds the image file into the binary, so the compiled version of this is all you need to have a functional system. I'll include commentary throughout the source, so read on. ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ Begin by including the various C headers needed. ---------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "image-functions.h" #define USE_TERMIOS #ifdef USE_TERMIOS #include #include #endif void generic_output(); void generic_output_query(); void io_keyboard_handler(); void io_keyboard_query(); void io_filesystem_query(); void io_filesystem_handler(); void io_unix_query(); void io_unix_handler(); void io_floatingpoint_query(); void io_floatingpoint_handler(); void io_gopher_query(); void io_gopher_handler(); void io_scripting_handler(); void io_scripting_query(); void io_image(); void io_image_query(); #define NUM_DEVICES 8 typedef void (*Handler)(void); Handler IO_deviceHandlers[NUM_DEVICES + 1] = { generic_output, io_keyboard_handler, io_filesystem_handler, io_floatingpoint_handler, io_scripting_handler, io_unix_handler, io_gopher_handler, io_image }; Handler IO_queryHandlers[NUM_DEVICES + 1] = { generic_output_query, io_keyboard_query, io_filesystem_query, io_floatingpoint_query, io_scripting_query, io_unix_query, io_gopher_query, io_image_query }; CELL sp, rp, ip; /* Data, address, instruction pointers */ CELL data[STACK_DEPTH]; /* The data stack */ CELL address[ADDRESSES]; /* The address stack */ CELL memory[IMAGE_SIZE + 1]; /* The memory for the image */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ RRE embeds the image into the binary. This includes the image data (converted to a .c file by an external tool). ---------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "rre_image.c" void rre_execute(CELL cell, int silent); void rre_evaluate(char *s, int silent); int not_eol(int ch); void read_token(FILE *file, char *token_buffer, int echo); void include_file(char *fname, int run_tests); CELL ngaLoadImage(char *imageFile); void ngaPrepare(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------ Declare global variables related to I/O. ---------------------------------------------------------- */ char **sys_argv; int sys_argc; int silence_input; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Now on to I/O and extensions! RRE provides a lot of additional functionality over the base RETRO system. First up is support for files. The RRE file model is intended to be similar to that of the standard C libraries and wraps fopen(), fclose(), etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void generic_output() { putc(stack_pop(), stdout); fflush(stdout); } void generic_output_query() { stack_push(0); stack_push(0); } void io_keyboard_handler() { stack_push(getc(stdin)); if (TOS == 127) TOS = 8; #ifdef USE_TERMIOS if (silence_input != -1) { putc(TOS, stdout); fflush(stdout); } #endif } void io_keyboard_query() { stack_push(0); stack_push(1); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef USE_TERMIOS struct termios new_termios, old_termios; void prepare_term() { tcgetattr(0, &old_termios); new_termios = old_termios; new_termios.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT+ISTRIP+IXON+IXOFF); new_termios.c_iflag |= (IGNBRK+IGNPAR); new_termios.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON+ISIG+IEXTEN+ECHO); new_termios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; new_termios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_termios); } void restore_term() { tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &old_termios); } #endif void scripting_arg() { CELL a, b; a = stack_pop(); b = stack_pop(); stack_push(string_inject(sys_argv[a + 2], b)); } void scripting_arg_count() { stack_push(sys_argc - 2); } void scripting_include() { include_file(string_extract(stack_pop()), 0); } Handler ScriptingActions[] = { scripting_arg_count, scripting_arg, scripting_include }; void io_scripting_query() { stack_push(0); stack_push(9); } void io_scripting_handler() { ScriptingActions[stack_pop()](); } void io_image() { FILE *fp; char *f = string_extract(stack_pop()); if ((fp = fopen(f, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("Unable to save the image: %s!\n", f); exit(2); } fwrite(&memory, sizeof(CELL), memory[3] + 1, fp); fclose(fp); } void io_image_query() { stack_push(0); stack_push(1000); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- With these out of the way, I implement `execute`, which takes an address and runs the code at it. This has a couple of interesting bits. Nga uses packed instruction bundles, with up to four instructions per bundle. Since RETRO requires an additional instruction to handle displaying a character, I define the handler for that here. This will also exit if the address stack depth is zero (meaning that the word being run, and it's dependencies) are finished. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rre_execute(CELL cell, int silent) { CELL a, b, token; CELL opcode; silence_input = silent; rp = 1; ip = cell; token = TIB; while (ip < IMAGE_SIZE) { if (ip == NotFound) { printf("\nERROR: Word Not Found: "); printf("`%s`\n\n", string_extract(token)); } if (ip == interpret) { token = TOS; } opcode = memory[ip]; if (ngaValidatePackedOpcodes(opcode) != 0) { ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(opcode); } else { printf("Invalid instruction!\n"); printf("At %d, opcode %d\n", ip, opcode); #ifdef USE_TERMIOS restore_term(); #endif exit(1); } ip++; if (rp == 0) ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- RETRO's `interpret` word expects a token on the stack. This next function copies a token to the `TIB` (text input buffer) and then calls `interpret` to process it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rre_evaluate(char *s, int silent) { //update_rx(); if (strlen(s) == 0) return; string_inject(s, TIB); stack_push(TIB); rre_execute(interpret, silent); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- `read_token` reads a token from the specified file. It will stop on a whitespace or newline. It also tries to handle backspaces, though the success of this depends on how your terminal is configured. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int not_eol(int ch) { return (ch != (char)10) && (ch != (char)13) && (ch != (char)32) && (ch != EOF) && (ch != 0); } void read_token(FILE *file, char *token_buffer, int echo) { int ch = getc(file); int count = 0; if (echo != 0) putchar(ch); while (not_eol(ch)) { if ((ch == 8 || ch == 127) && count > 0) { count--; if (echo != 0) { putchar(8); putchar(32); putchar(8); } } else { token_buffer[count++] = ch; } ch = getc(file); if (echo != 0) putchar(ch); } token_buffer[count] = '\0'; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void dump_stack() { CELL i; if (sp == 0) return; printf("\nStack: "); for (i = 1; i <= sp; i++) { if (i == sp) printf("[ TOS: %d ]", data[i]); else printf("%d ", data[i]); } printf("\n"); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- RRE is primarily intended to be used in a batch or scripting model. The `include_file()` function will be used to read the code in the file, evaluating it as encountered. I enforce a literate model, with code in fenced blocks. E.g., # This is a test Display "Hello, World!" ~~~ 'Hello,_World! puts nl ~~~ RRE will ignore anything outside the `~~~` blocks. To identify if the current token is the start or end of a block, I provide a `fenced()` function. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int fenced(char *s) { int a = strcmp(s, "```"); int b = strcmp(s, "~~~"); if (a == 0) return 2; if (b == 0) return 1; return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- And now for the actual `include_file()` function. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void include_file(char *fname, int run_tests) { int inBlock = 0; /* Tracks status of in/out of block */ char source[64 * 1024]; /* Line buffer [about 64K] */ char fence[4]; /* Used with `fenced()` */ FILE *fp; /* Open the file. If not found, */ fp = fopen(fname, "r"); /* exit. */ if (fp == NULL) return; while (!feof(fp)) /* Loop through the file */ { read_token(fp, source, 0); strncpy(fence, source, 3); /* Copy the first three characters */ fence[3] = '\0'; /* into `fence` to see if we are in */ if (fenced(fence) > 0) { /* a code block. */ if (fenced(fence) == 2 && run_tests == 0) { } else { if (inBlock == 0) inBlock = 1; else inBlock = 0; } } else { if (inBlock == 1) /* If we are, evaluate token */ rre_evaluate(source, -1); } } fclose(fp); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- `help()` displays a summary of the command line arguments RRE allows. This is invoked using `rre -h` ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void help(char *exename) { printf("Scripting Usage: %s filename\n\n", exename); printf("Interactive Usage: %s [-h] [-i] [-c] [-s] [-f filename] [-t]\n\n", exename); printf("Valid Arguments:\n\n"); printf(" -h\n"); printf(" Display this help text\n\n"); printf(" -i\n"); printf(" Launches in interactive mode (line buffered)\n\n"); printf(" -c\n"); printf(" Launches in interactive mode (character buffered)\n\n"); printf(" -s\n"); printf(" Suppress the 'ok' prompt and keyboard echo in interactive mode\n\n"); printf(" -f filename\n"); printf(" Run the contents of the specified file\n\n"); printf(" -u filename\n"); printf(" Use the image in the specified file instead of the internal one\n\n"); printf(" -t\n"); printf(" Run tests (in ``` blocks) in any loaded files\n\n"); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- `initialize()` sets up Nga and loads the image (from the array in `image.c`) to memory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void initialize() { CELL i; ngaPrepare(); for (i = 0; i < ngaImageCells; i++) memory[i] = ngaImage[i]; update_rx(); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- `arg_is()` exists to aid in readability. It compares the first actual command line argument to a string and returns a boolean flag. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int arg_is(char *t) { return strcmp(sys_argv[1], t) == 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum flags { FLAG_HELP, FLAG_RUN_TESTS, FLAG_INCLUDE, FLAG_INTERACTIVE, FLAG_CBREAK, FLAG_SILENT }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int modes[32]; char *files[16]; int fsp; int run_tests; if (argc <= 1) return 0; /* Guard clause: exit if no */ /* arguments are passed. */ initialize(); /* Initialize Nga & image */ sys_argc = argc; /* Point the global argc and */ sys_argv = argv; /* argv to the actual ones */ if (argc >= 2 && argv[1][0] != '-') { include_file(argv[1], 0); /* If no flags were passed, */ if (sp >= 1) dump_stack(); /* load the file specified, */ exit(0); /* and exit */ } for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) modes[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) files[i] = "\0"; run_tests = 0; fsp = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) { help(argv[0]); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0) { modes[FLAG_INTERACTIVE] = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) { modes[FLAG_INTERACTIVE] = 1; modes[FLAG_CBREAK] = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) { modes[FLAG_SILENT] = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0) { files[fsp] = argv[i + 1]; fsp++; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-u") == 0) { i++; ngaLoadImage(argv[i]); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0) { modes[FLAG_RUN_TESTS] = 1; run_tests = 1; } } for (i = 0; i < fsp; i++) { if (strcmp(files[i], "\0") != 0) include_file(files[i], run_tests); } if (modes[FLAG_SILENT] == 1) { memory[d_xt_for("NoEcho", Dictionary)] = -1; } if (modes[FLAG_INTERACTIVE] == 1) { rre_execute(d_xt_for("banner", Dictionary), 0); #ifdef USE_TERMIOS if (modes[FLAG_CBREAK] == 1) prepare_term(); #endif if (modes[FLAG_CBREAK] == 1) while (1) rre_execute(0, 0); if (modes[FLAG_CBREAK] == 0) while (1) rre_execute(0, -1); #ifdef USE_TERMIOS if (modes[FLAG_CBREAK] == 1) restore_term(); #endif exit(0); } } /* Nga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Charles Childers Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Luke Parrish Copyright (c) 2010, Marc Simpson Copyright (c) 2010, Jay Skeer Copyright (c) 2011, Kenneth Keating ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ enum vm_opcode { VM_NOP, VM_LIT, VM_DUP, VM_DROP, VM_SWAP, VM_PUSH, VM_POP, VM_JUMP, VM_CALL, VM_CCALL, VM_RETURN, VM_EQ, VM_NEQ, VM_LT, VM_GT, VM_FETCH, VM_STORE, VM_ADD, VM_SUB, VM_MUL, VM_DIVMOD, VM_AND, VM_OR, VM_XOR, VM_SHIFT, VM_ZRET, VM_END, VM_IE, VM_IQ, VM_II }; #define NUM_OPS VM_II + 1 #ifndef NUM_DEVICES #define NUM_DEVICES 0 #endif //Handler IO_deviceHandlers[NUM_DEVICES + 1]; //Handler IO_queryHandlers[NUM_DEVICES + 1]; CELL ngaLoadImage(char *imageFile) { FILE *fp; CELL imageSize; long fileLen; CELL i; if ((fp = fopen(imageFile, "rb")) != NULL) { /* Determine length (in cells) */ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fileLen = ftell(fp) / sizeof(CELL); rewind(fp); /* Read the file into memory */ imageSize = fread(&memory, sizeof(CELL), fileLen, fp); fclose(fp); } else { for (i = 0; i < ngaImageCells; i++) memory[i] = ngaImage[i]; imageSize = i; } return imageSize; } void ngaPrepare() { ip = sp = rp = 0; for (ip = 0; ip < IMAGE_SIZE; ip++) memory[ip] = VM_NOP; for (ip = 0; ip < STACK_DEPTH; ip++) data[ip] = 0; for (ip = 0; ip < ADDRESSES; ip++) address[ip] = 0; } void inst_nop() { } void inst_lit() { sp++; ip++; TOS = memory[ip]; } void inst_dup() { sp++; data[sp] = NOS; } void inst_drop() { data[sp] = 0; if (--sp < 0) ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } void inst_swap() { CELL a; a = TOS; TOS = NOS; NOS = a; } void inst_push() { rp++; TORS = TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_pop() { sp++; TOS = TORS; rp--; } void inst_jump() { ip = TOS - 1; inst_drop(); } void inst_call() { rp++; TORS = ip; ip = TOS - 1; inst_drop(); } void inst_ccall() { CELL a, b; a = TOS; inst_drop(); /* False */ b = TOS; inst_drop(); /* Flag */ if (b != 0) { rp++; TORS = ip; ip = a - 1; } } void inst_return() { ip = TORS; rp--; } void inst_eq() { NOS = (NOS == TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_neq() { NOS = (NOS != TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_lt() { NOS = (NOS < TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_gt() { NOS = (NOS > TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_fetch() { switch (TOS) { case -1: TOS = sp - 1; break; case -2: TOS = rp; break; case -3: TOS = IMAGE_SIZE; break; default: TOS = memory[TOS]; break; } } void inst_store() { if (TOS <= IMAGE_SIZE && TOS >= 0) { memory[TOS] = NOS; inst_drop(); inst_drop(); } else { ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } } void inst_add() { NOS += TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_sub() { NOS -= TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_mul() { NOS *= TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_divmod() { CELL a, b; a = TOS; b = NOS; TOS = b / a; NOS = b % a; } void inst_and() { NOS = TOS & NOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_or() { NOS = TOS | NOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_xor() { NOS = TOS ^ NOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_shift() { CELL y = TOS; CELL x = NOS; if (TOS < 0) NOS = NOS << (TOS * -1); else { if (x < 0 && y > 0) NOS = x >> y | ~(~0U >> y); else NOS = x >> y; } inst_drop(); } void inst_zret() { if (TOS == 0) { inst_drop(); ip = TORS; rp--; } } void inst_end() { ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } void inst_ie() { sp++; TOS = NUM_DEVICES; } void inst_iq() { CELL Device = TOS; inst_drop(); IO_queryHandlers[Device](); } void inst_ii() { CELL Device = TOS; inst_drop(); IO_deviceHandlers[Device](); } Handler instructions[NUM_OPS] = { inst_nop, inst_lit, inst_dup, inst_drop, inst_swap, inst_push, inst_pop, inst_jump, inst_call, inst_ccall, inst_return, inst_eq, inst_neq, inst_lt, inst_gt, inst_fetch, inst_store, inst_add, inst_sub, inst_mul, inst_divmod, inst_and, inst_or, inst_xor, inst_shift, inst_zret, inst_end, inst_ie, inst_iq, inst_ii }; void ngaProcessOpcode(CELL opcode) { if (opcode != 0) instructions[opcode](); } int ngaValidatePackedOpcodes(CELL opcode) { CELL raw = opcode; CELL current; int valid = -1; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { current = raw & 0xFF; if (!(current >= 0 && current <= 29)) valid = 0; raw = raw >> 8; } return valid; } void ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(CELL opcode) { CELL raw = opcode; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ngaProcessOpcode(raw & 0xFF); raw = raw >> 8; } }