# ------------------------------------------------------------- # These are used when building and signing a release. VERSION ?= 2024.4 KEYPAIR ?= 2024-04 # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Installation targets PREFIX ?= /usr/local DATADIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/RETRO12 DOCSDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/doc/RETRO12 EXAMPLESDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/examples/RETRO12 MANDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/man/man1 # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Flags for adding in libraries we need to link to. # If not using floating point, you can remove the `-lm` from # LIBM. LIBM ?= -lm LIBDL ?= # ------------------------------------------------------------- OPTIONS ?= OPTIONS += -DUSE_UTF32 OPTIONS += -DBIT64 # The I/O devices can be enabled or disabled. Comment or # uncomment the corresponding ENABLED and DEVICES lines and # then run `make`. Of particular note here, sockets support # is disabled by default and you may wish to enable it. # The I/O devices can be enabled or disabled. Comment or # uncomment the corresponding ENABLED and DEVICES lines and # then run `make`. Of particular note here, sockets support # is disabled by default and you may wish to enable it. OPTIONS += -DMAKEFILE_CONFIG ENABLED ?= ENABLED += -DENABLE_FLOATS ENABLED += -DENABLE_FILES ENABLED += -DENABLE_UNIX ENABLED += -DENABLE_RNG ENABLED += -DENABLE_CLOCK ENABLED += -DENABLE_SCRIPTING # ENABLED += -DENABLE_SOCKETS ENABLED += -DENABLE_SIGNALS ENABLED += -DENABLE_MULTICORE # ENABLED += -DENABLE_FFI ENABLED += -DENABLE_ERROR ENABLED += -DENABLE_UNSIGNED ENABLED += -DENABLE_MALLOC ENABLED += -DENABLE_BLOCKS DEVICES ?= DEVICES += interface/devices.retro DEVICES += interface/ll.retro DEVICES += interface/dedup.retro DEVICES += interface/sources.retro DEVICES += interface/konilo.retro DEVICES += interface/floatingpoint.retro DEVICES += interface/filesystem.retro DEVICES += interface/unix.retro DEVICES += interface/rng.retro DEVICES += interface/clock.retro DEVICES += interface/scripting.retro DEVICES += interface/sockets.retro DEVICES += interface/multicore.retro DEVICES += interface/ffi.retro DEVICES += interface/unsigned.retro DEVICES += interface/future.retro DEVICES += interface/block.retro DEVICES += interface/deprecated.retro DEVICES += interface/error.retro DEVICES += interface/final.retro DEVICES += interface/library.retro # ------------------------------------------------------------- GLOSSARY ?= ./bin/retro tools/glossary.retro ASSEMBLE ?= ./bin/retro-muri EXTEND ?= ./bin/retro-extend EXPORT ?= ./bin/retro-embedimage RETRO ?= ./bin/retro # -------------------------------------------------------------