# Assertion Copyright [c] 2011, Marc Simpson Updated for RETRO 12 by Charles Childers, 2018 ## Description This vocabulary provides support for testing code in a clean, predicatable manner. Assertion predicates first check the stack for underflow; if the stack is deep enough, their embedded predicates are applied; if not, the assertion fails. The result of each assertion - including the underflow check - is ANDed with the assertionFlag which can then be tested after the containing thread has finished executing; this is handled by the .assertion word class. For custom behaviour, revector preCond and/or postCond; by default the pre-condition is an effective nop while the post-condition simply prints 'Success' or 'Failure'. Given that each assertion predicate mutates assertionFlag, use of the word class `class:assertion` is encouraged; this resets the `assertionFlag` before execution and push its final value to the stack before calling postCond when the thread exits. NOTE: For simplicity of implementation, failure within a word of class `class:assertion` will not result in immediate termination; instead, the false value of `assertionFlag` is left to propagate. ## Code & Commentary ~~~ 'assertionFlag var :assert (f-) &assertionFlag [ and ] v:update-using ; :deep? (n-f) n:inc depth lteq? dup assert ; :assert:eq #2 deep? [ eq? assert ] if ; :assert:false #1 deep? [ n:zero? assert ] if ; :assert:true #1 deep? [ n:-zero? assert ] if ; :assert:gt #2 deep? [ gt? assert ] if ; :assert:gteq #2 deep? [ gteq? assert ] if ; :assert:lt #2 deep? [ lt? assert ] if ; :assert:lteq #2 deep? [ lteq? assert ] if ; :putAssertion (f-) nl [ 'Success ] [ reset 'Failure ] choose s:put ; ~~~ These are from Hooks.forth: ~~~ :hook (-) #1793 , here n:inc , ; immediate :set-hook (aa-) n:inc store ; :unhook (a-) n:inc dup n:inc swap store ; ~~~ ~~~ :preCond (-) hook ; :postCond (f-) hook putAssertion ; {{ :buildUp preCond &assertionFlag v:on ; :tearDown @assertionFlag &assertionFlag v:on postCond ; ---reveal--- :class:assertion (a-) &buildUp class:word class:word &tearDown class:word ; }} :assertion (-) &class:assertion reclass ; ~~~ ~~~ :a1 (xyz-) #30 assert:eq #20 assert:eq #10 assert:eq ; assertion :a2 (xy-) assert:true assert:false ; assertion :a3 (x-) #5 assert:gt ; assertion :go nl '---------- s:put #10 #20 #30 a1 #30 #20 #10 a1 nl '---------- s:put #10 a1 nl '---------- s:put a1 nl '---------- s:put #-1 #0 a2 #0 #-1 a2 #-1 #-1 a2 #-1 a2 nl '---------- s:put #3 a3 #4 a3 #5 a3 a3 nl '---------- s:put ; go ~~~ ## Functions +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | Name |Stack| Usage | +=================+=====+=======================+ | assertionFlag | -a | Variable. This holds a| | | | true (-1) or false (0)| | | | value indicating | | | | whether the current | | | | set of assertions have| | | | passed or failed. The | | | | **class:assertion** | | | | class will set this to| | | | true automatically. | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | assert | f- | Updates the | | | | **assertionFlag** | | | | using bitwise AND | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | deep? | n-f | Checks to see if there| | | | are at least *n* items| | | | on the stack. | | | | Returns true if there | | | | are, false otherwise. | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | assert:eq | nn- | Check to see if two | | | | values are equal | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | assert:false | f- | Check to see if flag | | | | is false (0) | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | assert:true | f- | Check to see if flag | | | | is true (non-zero) | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | assert:gt | nn- | Check to see if n1 is | | | | greather than n2 | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | assert:gteq | nn- | Check to see if n1 is | | | | greater than or equal | | | | to n2 | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | assert:lt | nn- | Check to see if n1 is | | | | less than n2 | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | assert:lteq | nn- | Check to see if n1 is | | | | less than or equal to | | | | n2 | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | putAssertion | f- | Display 'Success' or | | | | 'Failure' based on | | | | flag | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | preCond | - | Hook, does nothing by | | | | default | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | postCond | f- | Hook, displays either | | | | 'Success' or 'Failure'| | | | by default | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | class:assertion | a- | Class handler for | | | | assertions | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+ | assertion | - | Change the class of a | | | | function to | | | | class:asssertion | +-----------------+-----+-----------------------+