,dPYb, ,dPYb, IP'`Yb IP'`Yb I8 8I gg I8 8I I8 8bgg, "" I8 8' I8 dP" "8 ,ggggg, ,ggg,,ggg, gg I8 dP ,ggggg, I8d8bggP" dP" "Y8 ,8" "8P" "8, 88 I8dP dP" "Y8 I8P' "Yb, i8' ,8I d8 8I 8I 88 I8P i8' ,8I ,d8 `Yb,,d8, ,d8P8P 8I Yb,_,88,_,d8b,_ ,d8, ,d8' 88P Y8P"Y8888P" 8I `Y88P""Y88P'"Y88P"Y8888P" This adds support for some words from Konilo. It's intended to aid in portability between the systems. The basic math operations are given non-symbolic names and placed in the `n:` namespace. (In Konilo, these are the standard names for these). ~~~ :n:add (:nn-n) + ; :n:sub (:nn-n) - ; :n:mul (:nn-n) * ; :n:div (:nn-nn) / ; :n:mod (:nn-n) mod ; :n:divmod (:nn-n) /mod ; :comma (:n-) , ; ~~~