/* RETRO ------------------------------------------------------------- A personal, minimalistic forth Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018 Charles Childers This is `ri`, an interactive, full screen, console based interface for RETRO, modeled after the original interface from RETRO4. The screen is laid out as follows: +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | output area | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | input area | stack area | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Input is processed as it is entered. Output is shown above the input area, and the stack is show to the right of the input area. The stack display is formatted like this: D: 3 [ 100 ] 98 97 The number after `D:` is the stack depth. The number in brackets is the top item on the stack, and othe items are shown following this. As with input, the stack display is updated as code is processed. To clear the output area, use TAB. To exit, press CTRL+D. I'll include commentary throughout the source, so read on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin by including the various C headers needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- First, a few constants relating to the image format and memory layout. If you modify the kernel (Rx.md), these will need to be altered to match your memory layout. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TIB 1025 #define D_OFFSET_LINK 0 #define D_OFFSET_XT 1 #define D_OFFSET_CLASS 2 #define D_OFFSET_NAME 3 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Next we get into some things that relate to the Nga virtual machine that RETRO runs on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CELL int32_t /* Cell size (32 bit, signed integer */ #define IMAGE_SIZE 524288 * 8 /* Amount of RAM. 4MiB by default. */ #define ADDRESSES 1024 /* Depth of address stack */ #define STACK_DEPTH 128 /* Depth of data stack */ CELL sp, rp, ip; /* Data, address, instruction pointers */ CELL data[STACK_DEPTH]; /* The data stack */ CELL address[ADDRESSES]; /* The address stack */ CELL memory[IMAGE_SIZE + 1]; /* The memory for the image */ #define TOS data[sp] /* Shortcut for top item on stack */ #define NOS data[sp-1] /* Shortcut for second item on stack */ #define TORS address[rp] /* Shortcut for top item on address stack */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- `ri` embeds the image into the binary. This includes the image data (converted to a .c file by an external tool). ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "image.c" /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Moving forward, a few variables. These are updated to point to the latest values in the image. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CELL Dictionary; CELL NotFound; CELL Interpret; CELL Compiler; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Now define WINDOW structures for the various interface regions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ WINDOW *output, *input, *stack, *back; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function prototypes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CELL stack_pop(); void stack_push(CELL value); int string_inject(char *str, int buffer); char *string_extract(int at); int d_link(CELL dt); int d_xt(CELL dt); int d_class(CELL dt); int d_name(CELL dt); int d_lookup(CELL Dictionary, char *name); CELL d_xt_for(char *Name, CELL Dictionary); void update_rx(); void execute(int cell); void evaluate(char *s); CELL ngaLoadImage(char *imageFile); void ngaPrepare(); void ngaProcessOpcode(CELL opcode); void ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(int opcode); int ngaValidatePackedOpcodes(CELL opcode); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Now to the fun stuff: interfacing with the virtual machine. There are a things I like to have here: - push a value to the stack - pop a value off the stack - extract a string from the image - inject a string into the image. - lookup dictionary headers and access dictionary fields ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Stack push/pop is easy. I could avoid these, but it aids in keeping the code readable, so it's worth the slight overhead. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CELL stack_pop() { sp--; return data[sp + 1]; } void stack_push(CELL value) { sp++; data[sp] = value; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Strings are next. RETRO uses C-style NULL terminated strings. So I can easily inject or extract a string. Injection iterates over the string, copying it into the image. This also takes care to ensure that the NULL terminator is added. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int string_inject(char *str, int buffer) { int i = 0; while (*str) { memory[buffer + i] = (CELL)*str++; memory[buffer + i + 1] = 0; i++; } return buffer; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Extracting a string is similar, but I have to iterate over the VM memory instead of a C string and copy the charaters into a buffer. This uses a static buffer (`string_data`) as I prefer to avoid using `malloc()`. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char string_data[1025]; char *string_extract(int at) { CELL starting = at; CELL i = 0; while(memory[starting] && i < 1024) string_data[i++] = (char)memory[starting++]; string_data[i] = 0; return (char *)string_data; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuing along, I now define functions to access the dictionary. RETRO's dictionary is a linked list. Each entry is setup like: 0000 Link to previous entry (NULL if this is the root entry) 0001 Pointer to definition start 0002 Pointer to class handler 0003 Start of a NULL terminated string with the word name First, functions to access each field. The offsets were defineed at the start of the file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int d_link(CELL dt) { return dt + D_OFFSET_LINK; } int d_xt(CELL dt) { return dt + D_OFFSET_XT; } int d_class(CELL dt) { return dt + D_OFFSET_CLASS; } int d_name(CELL dt) { return dt + D_OFFSET_NAME; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Next, a more complext word. This will walk through the entries to find one with a name that matches the specified name. This is *slow*, but works ok unless you have a really large dictionary. (I've not run into issues with this in practice). ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int d_lookup(CELL Dictionary, char *name) { CELL dt = 0; CELL i = Dictionary; char *dname; while (memory[i] != 0 && i != 0) { dname = string_extract(d_name(i)); if (strcmp(dname, name) == 0) { dt = i; i = 0; } else { i = memory[i]; } } return dt; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- My last dictionary related word returns the `xt` pointer for a word. This is used to help keep various important bits up to date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CELL d_xt_for(char *Name, CELL Dictionary) { return memory[d_xt(d_lookup(Dictionary, Name))]; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- This interface tracks a few words and variables in the image. These are: Dictionary - the latest dictionary header NotFound - called when a word is not found Interpret - the heart of the interpreter/compiler Compiler - the compiler state I have to call this periodically, as the Dictionary will change as new words are defined, and the user might write a new error handler or interpreter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void update_rx() { Dictionary = memory[2]; Compiler = d_xt_for("Compiler", Dictionary); NotFound = d_xt_for("err:notfound", Dictionary); Interpret = d_xt_for("interpret", Dictionary); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- With these out of the way, I implement `execute`, which takes an address and runs the code at it. This has a couple of interesting bits. Nga uses packed instruction bundles, with up to four instructions per bundle. Since RETRO requires an additional instruction to handle displaying a character, I define the handler for that here. This will also exit if the address stack depth is zero (meaning that the word being run, and it's dependencies) are finished. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define IO_TTY_PUTC 1000 void execute(int cell) { CELL opcode; rp = 1; ip = cell; while (ip < IMAGE_SIZE) { if (ip == NotFound) { wprintw(output, "%s ?\n", string_extract(TIB)); } opcode = memory[ip]; if (ngaValidatePackedOpcodes(opcode) != 0) { ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(opcode); } else if (opcode >= 0 && opcode < 27) { ngaProcessOpcode(opcode); } else { switch (opcode) { case IO_TTY_PUTC: wprintw(output, "%c", stack_pop()); break; default: wprintw(output, "Invalid instruction!\n"); wprintw(output, "At %d, opcode %d\n", ip, opcode); exit(1); } } ip++; if (rp == 0) ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- RETRO's `interpret` word expects a token on the stack. This next function copies a token to the `TIB` (text input buffer) and then calls `interpret` to process it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void evaluate(char *s) { if (strlen(s) == 0) return; update_rx(); string_inject(s, TIB); stack_push(TIB); execute(Interpret); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- I now turn to the actual user interface. First, a function to display the stack. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void dump_stack() { CELL i; wclear(stack); wprintw(stack, "D:%d ", sp); if (sp == 0) return; for (i = sp; i > 0 && i != sp - 12; i--) if (i == sp) wprintw(stack, "[ %d ]", data[i]); else wprintw(stack, " %d", data[i]); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Then a function to lay out the interface (and adjust color scheme) ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void setup_interface() { initscr(); start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); printw("first"); refresh(); cbreak(); back = newwin(LINES - 1, COLS, 0, 0); output = newwin(LINES - 1, COLS, 0, 0); input = newwin(1, COLS / 2, LINES - 1, 0); stack = newwin(1, COLS / 2, LINES - 1, COLS / 2); scrollok(output, TRUE); scrollok(input, TRUE); keypad(input, TRUE); wbkgd(input, COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD); wbkgd(stack, COLOR_PAIR(1)); wbkgd(output, COLOR_PAIR(2)); wrefresh(back); wrefresh(output); wrefresh(input); wrefresh(stack); doupdate(); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Display some help on startup ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void start_screen() { wprintw(output, "Welcome to RETRO\n"); wprintw(output, "\n"); wprintw(output, "Input appears on the bottom left.\n"); wprintw(output, "The stack appears on the bottom right.\n"); wprintw(output, "Output appears here.\n"); wprintw(output, "\n"); wprintw(output, "TAB to clear output.\n"); wprintw(output, "CTRL+D to exit.\n"); wprintw(output, "SPACE to run input.\n"); wprintw(output, "\n"); wrefresh(output); dump_stack(); wrefresh(stack); doupdate(); } #ifndef CTRL #define CTRL(c) ((c) & 037) #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- The `main()` routine. This sets up the Nga VM, loads the image, and enters an evaluation loop. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main() { int ch; /* Character being read */ char c[1024]; /* Input buffer */ int n = 0; /* Index to input buffer */ ngaPrepare(); for (n = 0; n < ngaImageCells; n++) /* Copy the embedded image to */ memory[n] = ngaImage[n]; /* the Nga VM memory */ n = 0; update_rx(); setup_interface(); start_screen(); while ((ch = wgetch(input)) != CTRL('d')) { switch (ch) { case KEY_BACKSPACE: /* Handle backspaces */ case 127: n--; c[n] = '\0'; break; case 9: /* TAB = clear output */ wclear(input); wclear(output); wrefresh(output); doupdate(); break; case 10: /* ENTER or SPACE = evaluate */ case 13: case 32: evaluate(c); n = 0; c[0] = '\0'; update_rx(); dump_stack(); wrefresh(output); wrefresh(stack); if (memory[Compiler] == 0) /* Clear the input if not */ wclear(input); /* compiling */ wrefresh(input); break; default: /* Default is to add char to */ c[n++] = ch; /* the input string */ c[n] = '\0'; break; } } endwin(); exit(0); } /* Nga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright (c) 2008 - 2017, Charles Childers Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Luke Parrish Copyright (c) 2010, Marc Simpson Copyright (c) 2010, Jay Skeer Copyright (c) 2011, Kenneth Keating ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ enum vm_opcode { VM_NOP, VM_LIT, VM_DUP, VM_DROP, VM_SWAP, VM_PUSH, VM_POP, VM_JUMP, VM_CALL, VM_CCALL, VM_RETURN, VM_EQ, VM_NEQ, VM_LT, VM_GT, VM_FETCH, VM_STORE, VM_ADD, VM_SUB, VM_MUL, VM_DIVMOD, VM_AND, VM_OR, VM_XOR, VM_SHIFT, VM_ZRET, VM_END }; #define NUM_OPS VM_END + 1 CELL ngaLoadImage(char *imageFile) { FILE *fp; CELL imageSize; long fileLen; if ((fp = fopen(imageFile, "rb")) != NULL) { /* Determine length (in cells) */ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fileLen = ftell(fp) / sizeof(CELL); rewind(fp); /* Read the file into memory */ imageSize = fread(&memory, sizeof(CELL), fileLen, fp); fclose(fp); } else { printf("Unable to find the ngaImage!\n"); exit(1); } return imageSize; } void ngaPrepare() { ip = sp = rp = 0; for (ip = 0; ip < IMAGE_SIZE; ip++) memory[ip] = VM_NOP; for (ip = 0; ip < STACK_DEPTH; ip++) data[ip] = 0; for (ip = 0; ip < ADDRESSES; ip++) address[ip] = 0; } void inst_nop() { } void inst_lit() { sp++; ip++; TOS = memory[ip]; } void inst_dup() { sp++; data[sp] = NOS; } void inst_drop() { data[sp] = 0; if (--sp < 0) ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } void inst_swap() { int a; a = TOS; TOS = NOS; NOS = a; } void inst_push() { rp++; TORS = TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_pop() { sp++; TOS = TORS; rp--; } void inst_jump() { ip = TOS - 1; inst_drop(); } void inst_call() { rp++; TORS = ip; ip = TOS - 1; inst_drop(); } void inst_ccall() { int a, b; a = TOS; inst_drop(); /* False */ b = TOS; inst_drop(); /* Flag */ if (b != 0) { rp++; TORS = ip; ip = a - 1; } } void inst_return() { ip = TORS; rp--; } void inst_eq() { NOS = (NOS == TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_neq() { NOS = (NOS != TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_lt() { NOS = (NOS < TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_gt() { NOS = (NOS > TOS) ? -1 : 0; inst_drop(); } void inst_fetch() { switch (TOS) { case -1: TOS = sp - 1; break; case -2: TOS = rp; break; case -3: TOS = IMAGE_SIZE; break; default: TOS = memory[TOS]; break; } } void inst_store() { if (TOS <= IMAGE_SIZE && TOS >= 0) { memory[TOS] = NOS; inst_drop(); inst_drop(); } else { ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } } void inst_add() { NOS += TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_sub() { NOS -= TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_mul() { NOS *= TOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_divmod() { int a, b; a = TOS; b = NOS; TOS = b / a; NOS = b % a; } void inst_and() { NOS = TOS & NOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_or() { NOS = TOS | NOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_xor() { NOS = TOS ^ NOS; inst_drop(); } void inst_shift() { CELL y = TOS; CELL x = NOS; if (TOS < 0) NOS = NOS << (TOS * -1); else { if (x < 0 && y > 0) NOS = x >> y | ~(~0U >> y); else NOS = x >> y; } inst_drop(); } void inst_zret() { if (TOS == 0) { inst_drop(); ip = TORS; rp--; } } void inst_end() { ip = IMAGE_SIZE; } typedef void (*Handler)(void); Handler instructions[NUM_OPS] = { inst_nop, inst_lit, inst_dup, inst_drop, inst_swap, inst_push, inst_pop, inst_jump, inst_call, inst_ccall, inst_return, inst_eq, inst_neq, inst_lt, inst_gt, inst_fetch, inst_store, inst_add, inst_sub, inst_mul, inst_divmod, inst_and, inst_or, inst_xor, inst_shift, inst_zret, inst_end }; void ngaProcessOpcode(CELL opcode) { instructions[opcode](); } int ngaValidatePackedOpcodes(CELL opcode) { CELL raw = opcode; CELL current; int valid = -1; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { current = raw & 0xFF; if (!(current >= 0 && current <= 26)) valid = 0; raw = raw >> 8; } return valid; } void ngaProcessPackedOpcodes(int opcode) { CELL raw = opcode; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ngaProcessOpcode(raw & 0xFF); raw = raw >> 8; } }