This is a list of all words provided by RETRO and the RRE interface. Words provided by RRE are marked, and all words are listed in alphabetical order, grouped by namespace. See the Glossary documents for descriptions and examples of using them. ........................................................................ Global: * + , - ---reveal--- -eq? -if / /mod 0; ; ?dup Compiler Dictionary EOM FALSE FREE Heap RewriteUnderscores STRINGS ScopeList TRUE TempStringMax TempStrings Version [ ] again allot and as{ bi bi* bi@ call case choose compiling? const copy curry d data depth dip does drop drop-pair dump-stack dup dup-pair eq? fetch fetch-next gt? gteq? here i if immediate interpret lt? lteq? mod nip nl not or over pop push putc putn puts r reclass reorder repeat reset rot s, shift sip sp store store-next swap tab times tors tri tri* tri@ tuck until var var while words xor {{ }as }} These are provided by RRE: getc putf ........................................................................ ASCII: ASCII:ACK ASCII:BEL ASCII:BS ASCII:CAN ASCII:CR ASCII:DC1 ASCII:DC2 ASCII:DC3 ASCII:DC4 ASCII:DEL ASCII:DLE ASCII:EM ASCII:ENQ ASCII:EOT ASCII:ESC ASCII:ETB ASCII:ETX ASCII:FF ASCII:FS ASCII:GS ASCII:HT ASCII:LF ASCII:NAK ASCII:NUL ASCII:RS ASCII:SI ASCII:SO ASCII:SOH ASCII:SPACE ASCII:STX ASCII:SUB ASCII:SYN ASCII:US ASCII:VT ........................................................................ buffer: buffer:add buffer:empty buffer:end buffer:get buffer:preserve buffer:set buffer:size buffer:start ........................................................................ c: c:-consonant? c:-digit? c:-lowercase? c:-uppercase? c:-visible? c:-vowel? c:-whitespace? c:consonant? c:digit? c:letter? c:lowercase? c:to-lower c:to-string c:to-upper c:toggle-case c:uppercase? c:visible? c:vowel? c:whitespace? ........................................................................ class: class:data class:macro class:primitive class:word ........................................................................ compile: compile:call compile:jump compile:lit compile:ret ........................................................................ d:add-header d:class d:create d:for-each d:last d:last d:last d:last d:link d:lookup d:lookup-xt d:name d:xt ........................................................................ err: err:notfound ........................................................................ f: f:* f:+ f:- f:-eq? f:/ f:abs f:depth f:drop f:dup f:eq? f:floor f:gt? f:log f:lt? f:negate f:negative? f:over f:positive? f:power f:swap f:to-number f:to-string f:tuck These are provided by RRE. ........................................................................ file: file:A file:R file:R+ file:W file:close file:delete file:exists? file:flush file:for-each-line file:open file:read file:read-line file:seek file:size file:slurp file:tell file:write These are provided by RRE. ........................................................................ gopher: gopher:get These are provided by RRE. ........................................................................ n: n:-zero? n:MAX n:MIN n:abs n:between? n:dec n:even? n:inc n:limit n:max n:min n:negate n:negative? n:odd? n:positive? n:pow n:sqrt n:square n:strictly-positive? n:to-float n:to-string n:zero? ........................................................................ prefix: prefix:! prefix:# prefix:$ prefix:& prefix:' prefix:( prefix:: prefix:@ prefix:` These are provided by RRE: prefix:. ........................................................................ s: s:ASCII-LETTERS s:ASCII-LOWERCASE s:ASCII-UPPERCASE s:DIGITS s:PUNCTUATION s:WHITESPACE s:append s:case s:chop s:const s:contains-char? s:contains-string? s:copy s:empty s:eq? s:evaluate s:filter s:for-each s:hash s:index-of s:keep s:left s:length s:map s:prepend s:reverse s:right s:skip s:split s:substr s:temp s:to-float s:to-lower s:to-number s:to-upper s:trim s:trim-left s:trim-right s:with-format ........................................................................ set: set:contains-string? set:contains? set:dup set:filter set:for-each set:from-results set:from-string set:length set:map set:nth set:reduce set:reverse sys:argc sys:argv ........................................................................ v: v:dec v:dec-by v:inc v:inc-by v:limit v:off v:on v:preserve v:update-using ........................................................................