Building on BSD, Linux, macOS, and other Unix Targets

Retro is well supported on BSD (tested on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD), Linux, and macOS systems. It should build on any of these without issue.


• c compiler & linker
• standard headers
• make


For a standard 32-bit system:

Run make

This will build the toolchain and then the main retro executable.


In the bin/ directory, you should see the following:

retro retro-unu retro-muri retro-extend retro-embedimage retro-describe

Test The Build

You can conduct a quick test of the build by running bin/retro:


Exit by typing bye and pressing enter.


You can install Retro globally on BSD systems (and possibly Linux) by doing:

doas make install


sudo make install

Platform Specific Notes


To build on Linux, you need to link with libdl if using the optional FFI. To do this, edit the GNUmakefile and uncomment this before building:

# LIBDL += -ldl


To build on Haiku, you need to link with the network library if using sockets. E.g.:

make LDFLAGS=-lnetwork


If you run into any build issues, please send details to so I can work on addressing them as quickly as possible.