# UTF-8 Strings Strings in Retro have been C-style null terminated sequences of ASCII characters. I'm seeking to change this as I'd like to support Unicode (UTF-8) and to merge much of the string and array handling code. This will be an ongoing process. Temporary sigil. ~~~ :sigil:" (-a) a:from-string class:data ; immediate ~~~ Return the length (in utf8 characters or bytes) of a string. ~~~ :us:length (a-n) #0 swap [ #192 and #128 -eq? + ] a:for-each n:abs ; :us:length/bytes (a-n) a:length ; ~~~ Fetch a character from a string. ~~~ ~~~ Store a character into a string. ~~~ ~~~ Tests. ``` "((V⍳V)=⍳⍴V)/V←,V us:length n:put nl "((V⍳V)=⍳⍴V)/V←,V us:length/bytes n:put nl ```