# Naming Conventions I use the following general conventions when naming words in RETRO. # All - Word names must **not** start with a prefix character - Keep names short, but descriptive - Spelling out is preferred over symbols # Variables These use TitleCase. Base Compiler Dictionary # Constants These are UPPERCASE, with a dash separating compound names. MAX-STRINGS NORTH # Words Most named items are words. As such, most of the conventions are under this category. Word names are lowercase, with a dash between compound names. drop drop-pair Use a namespace prefix to group related words. This is a short string, separated from the rest of the name by a colon. See doc|Namespaces.md for a list of the major namespaces in RETRO. d:for-each s:to-upper s:length c:vowel? n:negate Words returning a flag should end in ? n:even? n:positive? c:vowel? The use of a leading dash implies *not*: if -if c:vowel? c:-vowel? When introducing words, consider including a *not* form if it makes sense.