gopher:get Data: asns-n Addr: - Float: - Takes an address, a server, a port, and a selector. Fetch the resource and store it at address. Return the number of bytes received. Class: class:word | Namespace: gopher | Interface Layer: ios Example #1: here ' #70 '/ gopher:get here s:put ~~~ :set (asns-sns) 'abcd 'bcda reorder buffer:set ; :url (sns-s) 'abc 'cba reorder 'gopher://%s:%n/0%s s:format ; :command (s-s) 'curl_-s_%s s:format ; :connect (s-p) file:R unix:popen ; :read (p-p) [ dup file:read dup buffer:add n:zero? ] until ; :complete (p-n) unix:pclose buffer:end buffer:start - ; ---reveal--- :gopher:get (asns-n) [ set url command connect read complete ] buffer:preserve ; ~~~ ## Test Case ~~~ 'Data d:create #256001 allot &Data ' #70 '/retro gopher:get '%n_bytes_read\n s:format s:put ~~~