This is a small thing to calculate the potential impact of ice cap melt on the global sea level. ~~~ :ice:ANTARTIC .26.54 .1000000 f:* ; (from_the_bedrock2_survey :ice:GREENLAND .2900000 ; ( :ice:total ice:ANTARTIC ice:GREENLAND f:+ ; :ice:rise ice:total .361 f:/ ; :ice:rise ice:rise .1000 f:/ ; :ice:rise ice:rise .0.91 f:* ; ice:total 'Total_volume_(km^3):_ s:put f:put nl ice:rise 'Rise_(mm):___________ s:put f:put nl ice:rise 'Rise_(m):____________ s:put f:put nl nl ice:rise 'Rise_(m,_adjusted_for_density):_ s:put f:put nl ~~~ Output: Total volume (km^3): 29440000.000000 Rise (mm): 81551.246537 Rise (m): 81.551247 Rise (m, adjusted for density): 74.211634 Sources: - bedrock2 survey: - greenland ice: - sea level rise: