update the alternate listener...

FossilOrigin-Name: b788daf416bf99b8abed9c46f57c0b6e782b7065e4541656216361358a042a7b
This commit is contained in:
crc 2019-05-30 20:47:29 +00:00
parent dc28e9ba97
commit bc3eae186c

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@ -1,9 +1,23 @@
# A New Listener
The basic listener is very minimalistic. This is the start of
something a little nicer.
The basic listener is very minimalistic. There are a few reasons
for this.
# Features
- I don't use it often (I generally code in files or blocks,
using the listener only for brief tests)
- A complex listener adds surface for bugs and incompatibilites
due to terminal and host configurations
- It's harder to pipe data in and out of a more complex listener
This can be worked around in a number of ways. Tools like
`rlwrap` can be used to provide a line editor and history, and
one can always write their own custom listener...
But sometimes it's nice to experiment a bit. This is a modestly
expanded version of the listener, adding some new functionality
and providing a more flexible base to build on.
# Current Features
- character breaking input
- suggestions on hitting TAB
@ -16,42 +30,121 @@ something a little nicer.
# The Code
The RETRO image has a 512 cell buffer between the kernel and the
high level code. This is used for the Text Input Buffer, or TIB.
| kernel | 0-1023
| input buffer | 1024-1536
| standard library | 1537+
| ... |
| system buffers | EOM - ???
#1024 'TIB const
The listener needs to determine what to treat as the end of the
token. I define `end-of-token?` for this.
:end-of-token? (c-f) hook
It's possible to get an empty string as an input. This isn't
any good, so I define `s:blank?` for this.
:s:blank? (s-sf) dup s:length n:zero? ;
There are certain keys I want to handle differently from others.
The initial ones are backspace, tab, escape, and CTRL+K. I am
defining handlers for these.
First is backspace. I trap ASCII:BS and ASCII:DEL for this.
:handle:backspace (c-c) hook
dup { ASCII:BS ASCII:DEL } a:contains?
[ buffer:get buffer:get drop-pair ] if ;
Tab is used to display suggestions, based on the token input so
#1025 'TIB const
:eol? (c-f)
:valid? (s-sf)
dup s:length n:-zero? ;
:bs (c-c)
dup { #8 #127 } a:contains? [ buffer:get buffer:get drop-pair ] if ;
TIB fetch 'prefix:_ [ #7 + store ] sip d:lookup n:-zero? ;
nl TIB d:words-beginning-with nl TIB s:put ;
:hints (c-c)
dup ASCII:HT eq? [ buffer:get drop hint ] if ;
:stack (c-c)
dup ASCII:ESC eq? [ buffer:get drop nl &dump-stack dip nl TIB s:put ] if ;
:check (a-)
[ call ] a:for-each ;
:c:get (-c) as{ 'liii.... i #1 d }as ;
:s:get (-s) [ TIB buffer:set
[ c:get dup buffer:add { &bs &hints &stack } check eol? ] until
buffer:start s:chop ] buffer:preserve ;
:forever (q-)
repeat &call sip again ;
nl TIB prefix? [ n:inc ] if d:words-beginning-with nl
TIB s:put ;
:new-listener (-)
'stty_cbreak unix:system
[ s:get valid? &interpret &drop choose ] forever ;
:handle:tab (c-c) hook
dup ASCII:HT eq? [ buffer:get drop hint ] if ;
Control + k (`ASCII:VT`) will display help for the word being typed.
This assumes that `retro-describe` is in your $PATH and that the
typed text is a complete word name (without a prefix).
:handle:CTRL+K (c-c) hook
dup ASCII:VT eq? [ buffer:get drop
TIB 'retro-describe_"%s" s:format nl
unix:system TIB s:put ] if ;
The escape key will be used to display the stack.
:handle:escape (c-c) hook
dup ASCII:ESC eq?
[ buffer:get drop nl &dump-stack dip nl TIB s:put ] if ;
To control the checks, I define two words. The first returns an
array of handlers, the second processes them.
:special-keys (-a) hook
{ &handle:backspace &handle:tab &handle:escape &handle:CTRL+K } ;
:check (q-) hook
&call a:for-each ;
And with these, I can quickly implement the `new-listener`.
:guard (-) buffer:end TIB lt? [ TIB buffer:set ] if ;
:c:get (-c) as{ 'liii.... i #1 d }as dup buffer:add ;
:s:get (-s) [ TIB buffer:set
[ guard c:get special-keys check end-of-token? ] until
buffer:start s:chop ] buffer:preserve ;
:forever (q-) repeat &call sip again ;
:new-listener (-) hook
'stty_cbreak unix:system
[ s:get s:blank? &drop &interpret choose ] forever ;
[ 'stty_cbreak unix:system
#0 unix:exit ] &bye set-hook
All of the exposed words are hooks: your code can patch in and
replace them as you see fit, making this much more mallable at
Future things to (maybe) explore:
- tab completion
- use of `retro-describe` on the current token to get help
- line editing
- input history