experimental: add keyboard driver code from RETRO9 source tree

FossilOrigin-Name: 927feb4f3388f1a26bce75079f18a112b72d3379ab83155da8ae66a4a37c215d
This commit is contained in:
crc 2018-01-30 21:34:03 +00:00
parent a49e02ea3f
commit 0fe48073a5

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@ -49,6 +49,53 @@ getchar:
section .text
xor eax,eax ; clear eax
.a: in al,64h ; Is any data waiting?
test al,1 ; Is character = ASCII 0?
jz .a ; Yes? Try again
in al,60h ; Otherwise, read scancode
xor edx,edx ; edx: 0=make, 1=break
test al,80h ; Is character = HEX 80h?
jz .b ; Skip the next line
inc edx ; Update edx
.b: and al,7Fh ; Filters to handle
cmp al,39h ; the ignored keys
ja .a ; We just try another key
mov ecx,[board] ; Load the keymap
mov al,[ecx+eax] ; Get the key ASCII char
or al,al ; Is is = 0?
js .shift ; No, use CAPITALS
jz .a ; Ignore 0's
or dl,dl ; Filter for break code
jnz .a ; Ignore break code
; dup
; call sys_emit
; ret
jmp .done
.shift: mov ecx,[edx*4 + .shifts] ; Load the CAPITAL keymap
mov [board],ecx ; Store into BOARD pointer
jmp .a ; And try again
section .data
.shifts dd shift,alpha
board dd alpha
db 0,27,"1234567890-=",8 ;00-0E
db 9,"qwertyuiop[]",10 ;0F-1C
db 0,"asdfghjkl;'`" ;1D-29
db -1,"\zxcvbnm,./",-1,"*",0,32,-2 ;2A-3A
db 0,27,"!@#$%^&*()_+",8 ;00-0E
db 9,"QWERTYUIOP{}",10 ;0F-1C
db 0,'ASDFGHJKL:"~' ;1D-29
db -1,"|ZXCVBNM<>?",-1,"*",0,32,-2 ;2A-3A
section .text
; This code is based on the video driver for FTS/Forth. Samuel
; Falvo II has kindly granted permission for me to redistribute