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RETRO on Unix hosts is designed to play well with scripting.
To run an entire program directly, start the file with the standard
shebang and make the file executable:
<tt class='indentedcode'>#!/usr/bin/env&nbsp;retro</tt>
This requires the retro binary to be in your path.
<span class="h2">Arguments</span>
RETRO provides several words in the <span class="tt">script:</span> namespace for accessing
command line arguments.
The number of arguments can be accessed via <span class="tt">script:arguments</span>. This
will return a number with the arguments, other than the script name.
<tt class='indentedcode'>script:arguments&nbsp;'%n_arguments_passed\n&nbsp;s:format&nbsp;s:put</tt>
To retreive an argument, pass the argument number to <span class="tt">script:get-argument</span>:
<tt class='indentedcode'>script:arguments&nbsp;[&nbsp;I&nbsp;script:get-argument&nbsp;s:put&nbsp;nl&nbsp;]&nbsp;indexed-times</tt>
And to get the name of the script, use <span class="tt">script:name</span>.
<tt class='indentedcode'>script:name&nbsp;s:put</tt>
<span class="h2">Mixing</span>
With use of the Unu literate format, it's possible to mix both shell
and RETRO code into a single script. As an example, this is a bit of
shell that runs itself via retro for each .retro file in the current
directory tree:
<tt class='indentedcode'>#!/bin/sh</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>#&nbsp;shell&nbsp;part</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>find&nbsp;.&nbsp;-name&nbsp;'*.retro'&nbsp;-print0&nbsp;|&nbsp;xargs&nbsp;-0&nbsp;-n&nbsp;1&nbsp;retro&nbsp;$0</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>exit</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>#&nbsp;retro&nbsp;part</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>This&nbsp;will&nbsp;scan&nbsp;a&nbsp;source&nbsp;file&nbsp;and&nbsp;do&nbsp;something&nbsp;with&nbsp;it:</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>~~~</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>...&nbsp;do&nbsp;stuff&nbsp;...</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>~~~</tt>