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cd /home/crc/gemini
retro atua-gemini
This is Atua-Gemini, my Gemini server in RetroForth.
As with most of my servers, it runs under inetd, and is only
built to meet my needs.
The relevant parts of the Gemini spec are included here. I'm
using 0.14.3, taken from
1.1 Gemini transactions
There is one kind of Gemini transaction, roughly equivalent to
a gopher request or a HTTP "GET" request. Transactions happen
as follows:
C: Opens connection
S: Accepts connection
C/S: Complete TLS handshake (see section 4)
C: Validates server certificate (see 4.2)
C: Sends request (one CRLF terminated line) (see section 2)
S: Sends response header (one CRLF terminated line), closes
connection under non-success conditions (see 3.1 & 3.2)
S: Sends response body (text or binary data) (see 3.3)
S: Closes connection
C: Handles response (see 3.4)
:eol ASCII:CR ASCII:LF [ c:put ] bi@ ;
I am delegating the connection handling to inetd and the TLS
handling to ssltunnel. So all I need to handle is the request
Reading the request is just a matter of:
'Request var
:request s:get s:keep &Request store ;
1.2 Gemini URI scheme
Resources hosted via Gemini are identified using URIs with the
scheme "gemini". This scheme is syntactically compatible with
the generic URI syntax defined in RFC 3986, but does not
support all components of the generic syntax. In particular,
the authority component is allowed and required, but its
userinfo subcomponent is NOT allowed. The host subcomponent
is required. The port subcomponent is optional, with a default
value of 1965. The path, query and fragment components are
allowed and have no special meanings beyond those defined by
the generic syntax. Spaces in gemini URIs should be encoded as
%20, not +.
From the RFC 3986:
The following are two example URIs and their component parts:
\_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
| | | | |
scheme authority path query fragment
| _____________________|__
/ \ / \
'Scheme var
'Authority var
'Port var
'Path var
'Query var
'Fragment var
:uri:parse #9 + s:keep !Path ;
3 Gemini responses
Gemini response consist of a single CRLF-terminated header
line, optionally followed by a response body.
3.1 Response headers
Gemini response headers look like this:
<STATUS> is a two-digit numeric status code, as described
below in 3.2 and in Appendix 1.
<SPACE> is a single space character, i.e. the byte 0x20.
<META> is a UTF-8 encoded string of maximum length 1024
bytes, whose meaning is <STATUS> dependent.
<STATUS> and <META> are separated by a single space
If <STATUS> does not belong to the "SUCCESS" range of codes,
then the server MUST close the connection after sending the
header and MUST NOT send a response body.
If a server sends a <STATUS> which is not a two-digit number or
a <META> which exceeds 1024 bytes in length, the client SHOULD
close the connection and disregard the response header,
informing the user of an error.
I define constants for the statuses. Most of these won't be
used by this server.
{ { '10 'status:INPUT }
{ '11 'status:SENSITIVE-INPUT }
{ '20 'status:SUCCESS }
{ '30 'status:REDIRECT-TEMPORARY }
{ '31 'status:REDIRECT-PERMANENT }
{ '40 'status:TEMPORARY-FAILURE }
{ '41 'status:SERVER-UNAVAILABLE }
{ '42 'status:CGI-ERROR }
{ '43 'status:PROXY-ERROR }
{ '44 'status:SLOW-DOWN }
{ '50 'status:PERMANENT-FAILURE }
{ '51 'status:NOT-FOUND }
{ '52 'status:GONE }
{ '59 'status:BAD-REQUEST }
} [ [ ] a:for-each s:const ] a:for-each
:status s:put ;
:meta s:put ;
:response status sp meta eol ;
@Request '/ s:ends-with? [ @Request 'index.gmi s:append s:keep !Request ] if
@Request '.com s:ends-with? [ @Request '/index.gmi s:append s:keep !Request ] if
@Request uri:parse
@Path file:exists? [ FALSE 'Resource_not_found:_ @Path s:append status:NOT-FOUND ] -if;
here @Path file:slurp here TRUE 'text/gemini status:SUCCESS ;
request process response [ s:put ] if ;