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<p><span class="h1">Working With Numbers</span>
Numbers in RETRO are signed integers.
<span class="h2">Token Prefix</span>
All numbers start with a <span class="tt">#</span> prefix.
<span class="h2">Namespace</span>
Most words operating on numbers are in the <span class="tt">n:</span> namespace.
<span class="h2">Range of Values</span>
A default RETRO system with 32 bit cells provides a range of
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. For 64 bit systems, the range
will be -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,806.
You can check the range your VM and image support using:
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:MIN</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:MAX</tt>
These will return the limits for your system.
<span class="h2">Comparisons</span>
RETRO provides a number of comparison words for numeric values.
The basic comparators are:
<tt class='indentedcode'>-eq?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>eq?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>lt?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>lteq?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>gt?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>gteq?</tt>
Additionally RETRO also provides:
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:-zero?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:between?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:even?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:negative?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:odd?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:positive?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:strictly-positive?</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:zero?</tt>
<span class="h2">Basic Operations</span>
<tt class='indentedcode'>+</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>-</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>*</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>/</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>mod</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>/mod</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:abs</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:dec</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:inc</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:limit</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:max</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:min</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:negate</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:pow</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:sqrt</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>n:square</tt>
<span class="h2">Conversions</span>
You can convert a number to a string with <span class="tt">n:to-string</span> or
to a floating point value with <span class="tt">n:to-float</span>.
<tt class='indentedcode'>#123&nbsp;n:to-float&nbsp;&nbsp;f:put</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>#123&nbsp;n:to-string&nbsp;s:put</tt>
<span class="h2">Display</span>
To display a number, use <span class="tt">n:put</span>.
<tt class='indentedcode'>#123&nbsp;n:put</tt>