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# Retro's Markdown Syntax
I use a variation of Markdown for writing documentation and
when commenting code written in Retro. The syntax is
described below.
## Basic Syntax
### Headings
Headings start with one or more number (`#`) signs. The
number of number signs should correspond to the heading
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
My Markdown does not support the alternate underline
format for headings.
### Paragraphs & Line Breaks
To create paragraphs, use a blank line to separate one or
more lines of text.
Do not add spaces or tabs at the start of a paragraph as
this may cause the Markdown tools to interpret the line
Line breaks are entered at the end of each line.
### Emphasis
#### Bold
To make text bold, surround it with asterisks.
The *bold* word.
#### Italic
To make text italic, surround it with front slashes.
The /italic words/.
#### Underline
To underline text, surround it with underscores.
Underline _some text_.
### Horizontal Rules
Horizontal rules can be inserted by starting a line with a
sequence of four or more dashes (`-`) or four or more alternating
dash and plus (`-+-+`) characters.
## Lists
Lists start with a `-` or `*`, followed by a space, then the item
text. Additionally, nested lists starting with two spaces before
the list marker can be used.
- this is a list item
- so is this
- this will be indented
- likewise
- back to the standard level
## Code
### Code Blocks
Code blocks start and end with ~~~ on a line by themselves.
Sum the values.
{ #10 #20 #13 #4 #22 } #0 [ + ] a:reduce
You can also denote code by starting the line with four spaces.
This line will be treated as code.
### Test Blocks
Unit testing blocks start and end with ``` on a line by
{ #10 #20 #13 #4 #22 } #0 [ + ] a:reduce
### Inline Code
To mark a sequence as inline code, surround it with backticks.
For instance, look at the value in `Compiler` to see if
the colon compiler is active.
## Escaping
You can preceed a character with a backslash (\\) to have it
not be processed as a Markdown element.