I shorten the instructions to two letter abbreviations, with '..' for 'nop' and then construct a string with all of these. This will be used to resolve names. The ?? at the end will be used for unidentified instructions.
Now it's possible to write words to display instruction bundles. The formats are kept simple. For a bundle with `lit / lit / add / lit`, this will display either the opcodes (`1,1,17,1`) or a string with the abbreviations (`liliadli`).
So now I'm ready to write a disassembler. I'll provide an output setup like this:
address 'instructionbundle i
address #value d [possibly reference]
If the value corresponds to a word in the `Dictionary`, the disassembler will display a message indicating the possible name that corresponds to the value.
To begin, I'll add a variable to track the number of `li` instructions. (These require special handling as they push a value in the following cells to the stack).
'LitCount var
I then wrap `name-for` with a simple check that increments `LitCount` as needed.
:name-for<counting-li> (n-cc)
dup #1 eq? [ &LitCount v:inc ] if name-for ;
To actually display a bundle, I need to decide on what it is. So I have a `validate` word to look at each instruction and make sure all are actual instructions.
:valid? (n-f)
[ #0 #26 n:between? ] bi@ and
[ [ #0 #26 n:between? ] bi@ and ] dip and ;
With this and the `LitCount`, I can determine how to render a bundle.
I split out each type (instruction, reference/raw, and data) into a separate handler.
Ok, now on to the fun bit: execution trace and single stepping through a word.
This entails writing an implementation of Nga in RETRO. So to start, setup space for the data and address ("return") stacks, as well as variables for the stack pointers and instruction pointer.
'DataStack d:create #1024 allot
'ReturnStack d:create #1024 allot
'SP var
'RP var
'IP var
Next, helpers to push values from the real stacks to the simulated ones. The stack pointer will point to the next available cell, not the actual top element.
One more helper, `[IP]` will return the value in memory at the location `IP` points to.
:[IP] @IP fetch ;
Now for the instructions. Taking a cue from the C implementation, I have a separate word for each instruction and then a jump table of addresses that point to these.
With the populated table of instructions, implementing a `process-single-opcode` is easy. This will check the instruction to make sure it's valid, then call the corresponding handler in the instruction table. If not valid, this will report an error.
And then wrap it with `times` to run multiple steps.
:steps (n-)
&step times ;
Then on to the tracer. This will `step` through execution until the word returns. I use a similar approach to how I handle this in the interface layers for RETRO (word execution ends when the address stack depth reaches zero).
The `trace` will empty the step counter and display the number of steps used.