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# New Words
This contains a variety of words from my more recent systems.
`aa:` is a new set of array words. These will be replacing the
existing set in the future.
'NextArray var
:arrays FREE #513 #12 n:mul n:sub ;
:aa:temp (a-a) @NextArray dup #12 [ drop #0 dup !NextArray ] if
#513 n:mul arrays n:add over a:length n:inc copy
@NextArray #513 n:mul arrays n:add
&NextArray v:inc ;
:aa:make (...n-a) here [ dup comma &comma times ] dip ;
swap [ fetch-next [ [ fetch over call ] sip
&store sip n:inc ] times
drop-pair ] sip ;
'Count var
:prepare #0 &Count store ;
:reserve swap #0 comma ;
:patch here over n:sub n:dec over store ;
:cleanup dup s:temp swap &Free store ;
:match? over eq? ;
:record &Count fetch comma ;
:iterate [ match? &record if &Count v:inc ] a:for-each ;
:aa:indices (av-a)
prepare here [ reserve iterate drop ] dip patch cleanup ;
:aa:index (av-n) [ aa:indices #0 a:fetch ] gc ;
:aa:contains? (an-f)
swap #0 swap [ swap [ over eq? ] dip or ] a:for-each nip ;
:aa:first (a-n) #0 a:fetch ;
:aa:last (a-n) dup a:length n:dec a:fetch ;
:aa:hash (a-n) #5381 swap [ swap #33 n:mul n:add ] a:for-each ;
:aa:eq? (aa-f) aa:hash swap aa:hash eq? ;
:aa:-eq? (aa-f) aa:hash swap aa:hash -eq? ;
:a:dup here [ dup a:length comma &comma a:for-each ] dip ;
&eq? &d:lookup #5 - store
[ d:hash fetch ] &d:lookup #8 - store
#2049 &d:lookup store
&s:hash &d:lookup n:inc store ;